The Format of This Test Is MULTIPLE CHOICE s1

Chemistry Final Review Material


Mrs. Baxley, Mr. Harvey, Mrs. Ozment


Fall Semester 2012

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This packet is optional and will not count for, replace or be used for ANY grade (or extra credit)

The format of the final exam is MULTIPLE CHOICE. This review packet is intended to inform you of the content in each unit covered and allow you practice with the content from this semester. It is not intended to address any specific test question on the final exam. Completion of this packet does not guarantee success on the Final Exam, but practicing with the content is a great idea.

Unit 1: Scientific Method, Graphing, and Safety


a.  Chemistry -

b.  scientific method

c. Dependent variable

d. independent variable

1. Identify the following pieces of lab equipment:

Test tube Bunsen Burner Beaker Crucible and lid

Graduated Cylinder Watch Glass Crucible Tongs Evaporating Dish

Beaker Tongs Test tube holder Test tube rack

1. Safety: Describe an important rule in lab that applies to the following items:

Example: Food: Food is never allowed in lab.

a. Goggles: Always on your eyes when in lab

b. Accidental Spills Tell etacher immediately

c. Clothing/ Shoes: - Shoes MUST cover entire foot, long pants, no holes, cover entire leg

d. Smelling Chemicals: - Waft gently towards nose

2. Which unit(s) of measurement are usually dependent variables? Which are most often independent variables?

Time is an independent variable types of measurements are usually independent varaiables.

3. Label each kind of graph shown and answer the following questions about the graphs

Pie Chart Bar Graph

a.  What percent of the sources of chlorine in the stratosphere are CFCs? 57%

b.  During which month of the year does Jacksonville usually get the most precipitation? The least?
August, November

4. Sequence the following steps for plotting a line graph

____7___a. Give the graph a title.
____3___b. Choose the ranges for the axes.
____1___c. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
____5___d. Plot the data points.
____2___e. Determine the range of the data that needs to be plotted for each axis.
____6___ f. Draw the "best fit" line for the data.
____4___ g. Number and label each axis.

Unit 2: Measurement

Uncertainty in Measurements, SigFigs, Sci Notation, Dimensional Analysis, Rounding Rules


a. accuracy

b. precision

c. scientific notation

d. significant figures

1. In the measurement 0.503 L, which digit is the estimated digit?

a. 5 b. the 0 immediately to the left of the 3 c. 3 d. the 0 to the left of the decimal point

Bottom of Form

2. Which two of these are equivalent lengths?

a. 6000 cm b. 0.0600 km c. 60 mm d. 0.600 m

3. Which of these is the smallest length?

a. 6000 cm b. 0.0600 km c. 60 mm d. 0.600 m

4. Convert 600 kilograms to grams

600 kg * 1000g = 6 x 105

1 kg

5. Which of the following conversions is/are incorrect.

a. 1 kilometer = 1000 meters c. 500 centimeters = 0.5 meters

b. 100 millimeters = 1 centimeter d. 1 meter = 1000 millimeters

6. The measure of the amount of three-dimensional space that an object occupies is known as:

a. volume b. density c. weight d. mass

7. Convert 350. mL to Liters 350. mL * 1L___ = .350 L

1000 mL

8. Which metric distance is equal to 0.62 miles?

a. One centimeter b. One millimeter c. One meter d. One kilometer

9. In the metric system, the base unit for mass is the:

a. Gram b. Meter c. Liter d. Pound

10. Convert: 500 meters to kilometers

500 m * 1 km = 0.5 km

1000 m

11. Convert 5.0 x 103 mL to liters 5.0 x 103 mL * 1L = 5 L

1000 mL

12. How many milliliters are in one deciliter?

a. 1 million, or 106 b. 1 thousand, or 103 c. 100, or 102 d. 10, or 101

13. In the metric system, the base unit for length is the:

a. yard b. foot c. mile d. meter

14. Convert 75 mL to cm3

75 mL * 1cm3 = 75 cm3

1 mL

15. Convert 0.050 kilograms to grams 0.050 kg * 100,000 g = 5 x 103 g

1 kg

16. Which of the following are equivalent lengths?

a. 45 000 kilometers b. 45 000 millimeters c. 45 meters d. 450 centimeters

17. Which of the following is the largest mass?

a. 800 centigrams b. 5 kilograms c. 1 000 milligrams d. 100 grams

18. Determine the value of the missing measurement. SHOW YOUR WORK! USE UNITS!

mass = 75 g; volume = 10 cm3; density = d = 7.5 g/cm3

mass = 400 g; density = 15 g/cm3 ; Volume = 15 g/cm3 = 400 g/x cm3 = 27 cm3

volume = 25 cm3; density = 5 g/cm3 ; Mass = 5 g/cm3 = x g/ 25 cm3 = 125 g or 100 g (sf)

19. Identify the number of sig figs in each of the following:

520 mL _2______10.002 ns __5_____

0.0102 ms__3_____ 0.4051 Pa _4_____

0.230 kg ___3____ 0.001 cm _1______

256,000 L __3____ 23.0 m _3______

20. Calculate using sig fig rules: (Review sigfig rules in calculations

a. 0.3287g x 45.2g = 14.9 g2 c. 12.5kg + 52.68 kg + 2.1 kg = 67.3 kg

b. 0.258 mL / 0.36105 mL = 0.715 d. (1250 cal – (234.207 cal / 52.69 cal) = 1246 cal

21. Write in scientific notation:

8960 __8.96 x 103______36,000,000 _3.6 x 107______

0.00023 2.3x 10-3______0.000 000 025 3 2.5 x 10 -8______

86,000 __8.6 x 101______2.04 x 103 ___2040______

1.23 x 10-5 _.0000123______1.20 x 10-2 ___.0120______

22. Determine the numeric measurement (include units) associated with each of the following pictures:

54.0 mL 11.23 mL 73.0 mL

Unit 3: Matter

Types of Matter, States of Matter, Physical/Chemical Properties, Physical/Chemical Changes


a. matter

b. homogeneous

c. heterogeneous

d. mixture

e. pure substance

f. solution

g. physical property

h. chemical property

i. phase changes/changes of state

Use the word bank below to complete each sentence.

1. __Condensation___ occurs when a gas becomes a liquid.

2. All matter is made up of tiny particles called __atoms___.

3. When a solid becomes a liquid, _melting_____ occurs.

4. An _element_____ is made up of only one type of atom.

5. __freezing___ changes a liquid into a solid.

6. A mixture is made up of 2 or more substances that are physically combined (and can be separated).

7. When a liquid becomes a gas, __evaporation_____ occurs.

8. A mixture that is uniform (evenly spread) throughout the sample is said to be _homogenous__. These types

of mixtures are also known as ___solutions___.

9. _Compounds__ are 2 more atoms chemically bonded in a definite ratio.

10. A mixture that has uneven distribution of 2 or more substances is called ___heterogenous__.

11. Matter is divided into 2 categories: __solutions_____ and Mixtures.

12. Use the words below to complete the concept map.

heterogeneoussalt-water mixturesand-water mixture mixturessolutionswater

13. 1= mixtures

2 = water

3. heterogenous

4.sand-water mixture

5. solutions

6. salt water mixture

Identify the following as either a chemical or physical change:

a. Torn car seat ___P____ f. Crack in the sidewalk ____P______

b. Car’s faded paint _C ______g. Burning a log ___C ______

c. A car’s rusting hood _C______h. Crushing a pop can ___P______

d. butter melting _ __P______i. leaves changing color____C______

e. alcohol evaporating___P ______j. wood rotting ___C______

14. Identify as an element or a compound:

a. water __compound____ c. helium __element__

b. carbon dioxide ___compound___ d. arsenic ___element______

15. Identify as a pure substance, heterogeneous mixture or a homogeneous mixture:

a. Alphabet soup___heterogenous____ d. salt___pure substance____

b. sea water ___heterogenous__ e. granite ___heterogenous___

c. air__if pure - homogenous___ f. sugar ___pure substance____

Unit 4: Atomic Structure

History of the Atom, Subatomic Particles, Isotopes, Average Atomic Mass


a. atom

b. electron

c. proton

d. neutron

e. nucleus

f. isotope

g. atomic number

h. mass number

i. average atomic mass

1. Describe the evolution of the model of the atom from Democritus through the present day model.

2. How many protons and electrons are present in a vanadium atom? 23

3. How many protons and electrons are present in a nitrogen atom? 7

4. What is the name of the element that has atoms that contain 5 protons? Boron

5. Write the chemical symbol for the ion with 95 protons and 89 electrons. Am+6

6. Write the chemical symbol for the ion with 33 protons and 36 electrons. As-3

7. Where are protons located in an atom? What is its charge? Nucleus, +1

8. Where are electrons located in an atom? What is its charge? Around the outside of the nucleus, -1

9. Where are neutrons located in an atom? What is its charge? Nucleus, neutral

10. What is the atomic number of helium? 2

11. What is the atomic mass of oxygen? 32.00 g/mole

12. Complete the table below.

Isotope / Symbolic Notation / Number of Protons / Number of Electrons / Number of Neutrons
Hydrogen-1 / 1 / 1 / 0
Hydrogen – 3 / / 1 / 1 / 2
Oxygen - 16 / 8 / 8 / 10
Copper-65 / 29 / 29 / 36
Uranium = 235 / / 92 / 92 / 143

13. The element copper, Cu, has two naturally occurring isotopes. 69% of all copper consists of atoms with 34

neutrons, 31% of all samples consist of samples with 36 neutrons.

a. What are the two mass numbers? ____63__ and ___65____

b. Calculate the average atomic mass of copper atoms. .69(63 amu) + .31(65 amu) = 64 amu

Unit 5: Electron Configuration

Arrangement of electrons in the electron cloud


a. principal energy level

b. valence level

c. sublevel

d. “s” block

e. “p” block

f. “d” block

g. “f” block

1. List the first 4 places electrons can be found in the electron cloud and identify how many electrons each can contain.

S orbital – 2 electrons; P orbital – 6 electrons; d orbital – 10 electrons; f orbital – 14 electrons

2. Write the orbital diagram notation for:





3. Write the electron configuration/spectroscopic notation for:

Ca-20 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2

F-9 1s2 2s2 2p5

Ni-28 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d8

Sb-51 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d104p6 5s24d105p3

4. Write the noble gas notation for:

Ca-20 [Ar] 4s2

F-9 [He] 2s22p5

Ni-28 [Ar]4s23d8

Sb-51 [Kr] 5s24d105p3

5. How many valence electrons are present in each of the above atoms?

Ca – 2, F – 7, Ni – 2, Sb - 5

6. How many electrons can be placed into an “s” sublevel? Into a “p” sublevel? Into a “d” sublevel? Into an “f” sublevel?

S = 2 electrons, p = 6 electrons, d= 10 electrons, f = 14 electrons

7. Which elements will gain electrons to form an ion? Where are these elements located on the Periodic Table?

Non-metals, top right, right of the staircase

8. Which elements will lose electrons to form an ion? Where are these elements located on the Periodic Table?

Metals, to the left of the stairstep line

Unit 6: Periodicity

History of the Periodic Table, Characteristics of Elements, Periodic Trends


a. period

b. group/family

c. metal

d. nonmetal

e. metalloid

f. electronegativity

g. atomic radius

h. ionic radius

i. ionization energy

1. Answer the following about the Periodic Table:

a. What is the special group name in which Sodium is found? Alkali Metals

b. What is the special group name in which Fluorine is located? Halogens

c. What is the special group name in which Neon is found? Noble Gasses

2. Use the word bank to fill in the appropriate term below.

a. Metals are found primarily on the __left__ side of the periodic table (with the exception of __Al, ____).

Nonmetals are found on the __right__ side of the table.

b. Columns in the periodic table are called __groups______and the rows are called ___periods______.

c. The _alkali metals____ are found in group 1. They are the most reactive metals. Group 2 metals are

called the__alkaline__ __earth___.

d. The last group (18) are called the ___Noble Gasses____. They are non-reactive or ____inert____.

e. Salt forming compounds come from group 17, the_halogens______. They are the most reactive nonmetals.

f. Metalloids are found along the “___stair step line___”, and are often used as semiconductors, like

computer chips.

g. Groups 3 – 13 are called the __transition metals__ and include the 2 series below the table, the

__Lanthadines___ &__Actadines_____.

h. ___Metals______have high luster and can conduct electricity and heat. They are also __malleable___ and


i. __Non-metals_ have no luster, and are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

j. _Metalloids___ have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

3. Determine the charge assigned to each of the following ions:

Aluminum ___+3 ______Chloride ___-1 _____ Copper(II) ___+2 ______Zinc ___+2 _____

Magnesium ___ +2_____ Sulfur ___-2_ ____ Phosphide ___-3 ______Silver ___+1 _____

4. How does the size of an ion compare to the size of the neutral atom from which it was created? Ions are bigger

5. How does an atom’s position on the periodic table provide information on that atom’s size (atomic radius)?

The farther left in the period, the larger the atom, the further down a group it is, the larger it is.

6. What is electronegativity and why do nonmetals have high values for it?

How attractive an element can make itself to an electron, non metals want to gain electrons so they will have high electronegativity values