What happened to Sunday School?
As the people of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we have said that we want education for every age and stage of life, that we want to make changes to attract young families, and that we want opportunities to connect with one another. (CAT survey results.) We are also in a time of experimentation- of trying new things, of not being afraid of change.
This is a congregation that cherishes its children. I see it on your faces when little ones skip across the fellowship hall floor, or are carried around in parents’ arms. I have witnessed it in your faithfulness teaching Sunday school, and in wanting children to participate in the worship services. We all make promises to God when each person is baptized- that together, we will see that the child is nurtured in the faith; taught the old, old stories; guided to care for those in need; encouraged to be peace-makers and justice- seekers. That’s why we’re calling it something new: faith formation. It’s more than Sunday School.
The form that this is currently taking is two-fold:
Sunday mornings, weekly, from 9:45am-10:25am weekly
“Church Night” on third Wednesday of the month
from 6-7:30pm (dinner provided)
We’re using a theme-based approach. For September, we looked at Jesus’ parable of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. During October, we’ll be looking at the theme of Creation. On All Saints Sunday, November 6th, we’ll have a special treat- details to follow! The theme of gratitude will flow through November. The last Sunday in November is the first Sunday in Advent, so we’ll gather and make advent wreaths! December will find us learning together about Advent and Christmas, and preparing to tell the Christmas story in worship on December 18th. People of all ages are welcome to join us. From time to time, we will split up into “grownups” and “children.”
We’re still sorting out the space issue- there’s a lot going on Sunday mornings!
Come join the FUN!!!!!!