11November 2015



Dear Parents,

Every year is a special year, but Year 6 is particularly significant. Our Year 6 students have worked hard and need to be congratulated on their effort and contribution to our school. We want to celebrate their achievements and we will do this on Graduation Night,Wednesday 16th December in the Brian Allen Hall, Great Ryrie PS.

All children are encouraged to wear age appropriate neat casual clothing and footwear. For girls, low heels are only are to be worn and only if your child can walk and dance confidently and capably in them.

5.15-5.30p.m.Students arrive

5.45pmDinner (Year 6 students, special guests and teachers only) in the Brian Allen Hall

6.15pmArrival of family members

6:45pmGraduation Ceremony (parents, grandparents etc) – S&PC

8.30pmYear 6 Disco – Brian Allen Hall

Supper in the Library for parents/guests

9.30pm Home time

A number of awards will be presented on the night, including Encouragement and Excellence awards for all the Australian Essential Learning Standards(AUSVELS), the Judith McCutcheon Shield (Citizenship) and the Deakin Shield (Leadership).

Staff and people who have worked closely with the Year 6 students make nominations for these awards. This task is not easy as many children are worthy recipients. All students will be presented with a small gift, graduation certificate and have their achievements recognised by their class teacher.

Year 6 students should arrive at school between 5:15 - 5:30 pm. This is the best time for photographs to be taken.

Shortly, the students will prepare invitations for guests to attend the Graduation Ceremony. They are encouraged to invite people who are important to them. We envisage that they would invite approximately 4 people. This occasion is important to you, your child and the teachers at Great Ryrie PS.

The cost per child is $30.00.This event is not covered by the Activities Charge or the CSEF. (This program is subsidized by school funds)

We are looking forward to a memorable evening.

Andy MacCartney on behalf of the Years 5&6 Team


YEAR 6 GRADUATION CEREMONY–Wednesday, 16th December 2015

Student’s name Grade

My child will be attending the graduation I enclose $30.00 payment 

Approximate number of guests attending the ceremony ……………
PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM WITH $30.00 BY Monday 30 November, 2015

U:\students\grade 6 graduation\2015\Explanation letter graduation 2015.doc