The form should be completed in black ink or type-face to aid photocopying
Surname / Forename(s)Address / Home Tel No / Business Tel No
(if we may contact you there)
Email Address:
Secondary Schools / From / To / Numbers of qualifications with dates and grades (subjects not required)College/University/Correspondence Course (state if full or part time) / From / To / Qualifications gained
(with dates and grades)
Other relevant training courses completed (with dates and any qualifications obtained)Name and type of membership of professional bodies (with dates admitted) (if applicable)
Name and address of present employer / Date commencedReason for wanting to leave
Current Salary
Position held with brief outline of duties
Name and address of previous employer / Position held / From / To / Reason for leaving6.STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF YOUR APPLICATION
Your application form plays an essential part in choosing the right person for a job. It is only information contained in your application that will decide whether or not you are shortlisted for an interview.In the information supplied about this job you will find a job description and a person specification. The person specification identifies the experience, skills and, where appropriate, qualifications which form the selection criteria for this post. Please use the space below to say how you meet those selection criteria, giving concise examples in support (you may attach further sheets if necessary). It is important to give all relevant information as assumptions cannot be made.
The OPCCN seeks to ensure that all appointments are based on the ability of the candidate and the requirements of the job. An applicant’s sex, marital status, race, colour, disability, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant criteria will not affect their employment opportunities.
The OPCCN offers a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for applicants who have a disability and who meet the essential elements of the person specification. If you feel this applies to you, please state this clearly below.
(a)What is the period of notice required to terminate your present employment?
(b)Do you have a current driving licence?
Driving Licence No.
(c)I have read the statement about convictions etc. and
I have none to declare
I have information to declare and have attached a sealed envelope containing details
Please clearly strike through whichever statement does not apply.
Please provide the name and address of two referees. One referee should be your current or most recent employer or if you are a school or college leaver a form teacher or tutor.1. Current or most recent employer
References will be taken up for shortlisted candidates prior to interview unless you mark an X in the box opposite. Such a request will not prejudice your application.
Canvassing either directly or indirectly will disqualify a candidate from appointment.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all statements, contained in this form are correct and I understand that should I conceal any material fact, I will, if engaged, be liable to the termination of my appointment.
I agree that the information contained herein should be treated in the strictest confidence.
Signed: ...... Date: ......