Dear Traffic Safety Colleague,

As law enforcement personnel, we create the biggest impact in the fight to reduce the carnage on the roadways caused by unsafe driving behaviors. No one else has the opportunity to save more lives in [STATE] than those of us on the front line. We need your commitment to get involved and save lives.

It was a pleasure to see so many agencies at the Multi-Jurisdictional High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) Initiative on [DATE]. The data throughout [COMMUNITY] show an exceptionally high number of traffic crashes and incidents supporting the need for this Initiative.

Through our individual agency experience, and the supporting research, we know High Visibility Enforcement works to deter unsafe traffic behaviors. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has identified HVE as a Countermeasure That Works.

It is critical that we come together as a team to reduce injuries and fatalities on our roadways. A concerted and coordinated High Visibility Enforcement effort will assist us to be successful and achieve our common goals. It will also help maximize our resources, as well as create a more visible law enforcement presence in our community. This Multi-Jurisdictional High Visibility Enforcement effort will work. Your partnership in this movement will help make our community safer.

We need you to participate in this Initiative. Please respond and let us know if your agency is willing to be part of this High Visibility Enforcement effort to reduce traffic related injuries and fatalities.

Thank you for the work you do – we look forward to working with you.
