Pre-Lab check list for McGrath Lab
Must be completed at least 2 weeks before lab and given or sent to the McGrath lab
coordinator, Joe Popowski
Name of lab ______
Date of lab ______
Start and endtime of lab ______
Location of lab ______
Who is in charge of the lab? ______
Has the room been reserved? What room? By whom? (Lab organizer must reserve room)
Yes / No / Name / ______/ Room______
Who is responsible for setup and have they been notified that they are responsible?
Yes / No / Name / ______
Have supplies been ordered for the lab? (Anatomy lab supplies should not be used and will be charged if used)
Yes / No
If supplies have been ordered who ordered them, when?
Name ______/ Date ______
Has inventory of supplies been taken to ensure adequate amounts?
Yes / No
Are cadavers, parts or live animals needed for the lab? (cadavers must be ordered at least three weeks before lab)
Live animals must be ordered from LAMS, ask them for protocol
Yes / No
If so, who ordered them and when?
Name ______/ Date ______
What was ordered and how many?
# ordered ______What was ordered ______
If using the monitors, are you comfortable working them?
Yes / No
If no, when can we familiarize you with the system? ______
Are there enough handouts for the lab, if needed? (there is no copy machine in McGrath)
Yes / No
If this lab is on a weekend have you contacted facilities and campus police?
Yes / No
Are tables needed and if yes, how many?
Yes / No / # needed______
Who is responsible for clean-up and have they been notified that they are responsible? (The clean-up procedure is posted in the lab. There is a charge if clean-up is not done)
Yes / No / Name ______
How do we contact this person if there is a problem? ______
Disposal: Cadavers and parts must be bagged and labeled “attn. Joe for disposal”
What Dept ID number should we charge if Anatomy supplies are used , additional cleanup is needed or
there is a charge for disposal?
Dept # ______(filling this in is mandatoryas is the signature below)
Signature of person responsible for this lab ______
Sherry Castonguay / LAMS / Room reservations and live animals x84981
Joseph Popowski,
Lab coordinator / McGrath / Tables/cadavers/advice for coordinating labs/trouble shooting /cleaning
x88753 or 508-312-8364 (beeper)
Karen Monahan Central Supply / Supplies / x84838
The following supplies are available for use in the McGrath Lab and must be cleaned and left in the lab: Scissors, forceps, scalpel blade handles, knives, Stryker saws, hack saws, surgical tables with buckets,
8 foot tables, folding chairs, stools, overhead monitors - from PC, cleaning supplies, hoist (room 114).
Any other supplies needed must be supplied by the group holding the lab including gloves.