May 2007
School of Public Health
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh 160 012, India
Sl No Topic Pages
1 Preface
2 In Pursuit of Excellence: Mission
3 Physical Infrastructure and Organogram
4 Community Health Services Program
5 Teaching Programme
6 Continuing Medical Education Programme
7 Research Development Programme
I feel extremely honored while I pen down some of the memorable events that have shaped academic at public health at PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Since its establishment, the department of community medicine has been growing steadily. At this juncture, we feel proud of our predecessors who led the department in initial years. We are especially indebted to Professor Vijay Kumar for his outstanding contribution in establishing and nurturing the department.
Several models of health care delivery have been developed in the urban and rural health centers of the department. The significant landmarks in the history of community medicine department have been the initiation of Residency Programme for M.D. Community Medicine in 1996; creation of eight health posts manned by department’s multipurpose health workers covering about 30,000 population in urban and rural area, establishment of a Public Health surveillance Center with in PGIMER and setting up of a public health laboratory with facilities for monitoring the quality of air and water, iodine levels in salt and urine, microbiology and blood biochemistry etc. in the deptt. Several projects have also been carried out by the department with the financial assistance of various national and international organizations like DST, ICMR, DBT, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, DFID, etc.
This document gives an insight into the origin of public health activities through the School of Public Health, PGIMER Chandigarh, and its achievements in the areas of public service, teaching, and research. Though every care has been taken in compilation of this document, however, some inaccuracies and omissions that might have crept in inadvertently may please be overlooked.
Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Professor and Head,
School of Public Health
PGIMER, Chandigarh
In Pursuit of Excellence
he Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) was established in 1962. The Institute was declared as an “Institute of National Importance” by an act of parliament on 1st April 1967 when the administrative control was passed on to an autonomous body. The Institute endeavors to produce specialists in the field of medicine, and to provide the best health care, teaching and research facilities. A new training programme known as residency service cum training scheme comprising of Junior and Senior Residents was introduced at the institute from 1st January 1974.
As a premiere institute, PGIMER played a leading role in the development of models of medical care. In early 1970s the vital issues of health care delivery and re-orientation of medical education received due attention. Therefore in 1975, a rural health project was started at Naraingarh in collaboration with Directorate of Haryana Health Services. It thus marked the beginning of public health at PGIMER. The Department of Community Medicine was formally founded in 1977 with the dual purpose of evolving a feasible pattern of health service delivery to the rural people and for providing community health orientation to the resident doctors of the institute. The department started its MD programme in Community Medicine on 1st July 1997 with an attempt to produce best community physicians.
Community Medicine has made concerted effort to achieve continuing and long-term student involvement in community work. The faculty tries to expand the values, attitude and ethical orientation of the students to have commitment to service of those in greatest need.
School of Public Health at a Glance
The School of Public Health is located in the new building behind Advance Pediatric Centre (APC), opposite State Bank of India. Four faculty members manage community health services of the department, teach & train the postgraduate students, and research scholars, and undertake research on various issues of public health concern. Five senior and six junior residents, two medical social workers, three public health nurses, and a health educator are running the community health service programme of the department. Eight multipurpose health workers look after eight health posts covering about 30000 populations in the rural and urban health training centers of the department. Computer programmer and statistician are responsible for data management and a Senior laboratory technician maintains a public health laboratory. Two drivers provide mobility to the health team.
The Urban Health Training Center (UHTC) is located at Indira Colony in Chandigarh. Two male and two female multipurpose health workers manage this health posts. Junior and senior residents of the department under the supervision of faculty conduct daily OPD at Indira Colony and carry out the fieldwork in these areas.
The Rural Health Training Center (RHTC) is located at Naraingarh, about 60 km from Chandigarh. Junior residents from Community Medicine, Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology are posted at this center. A senior resident of Community Medicine under the supervision of a faculty member manages the RHTC. Resident doctors conduct daily OPD at Naraingarh hospital and carry out fieldwork in the nearby villages of Lalpur, Ferozpur, Tapriyan, Jeolly, Chandsoli, Buddhakheda, and Shakarpura, with the help of two male and two female multi purpose workers. Office of RHTC is equipped with computer, printer, projector and IEC panels. A separate vehicle and a driver are available for the fieldwork in RHTC. A hostel having 10 rooms for residents, two room set for faculty and five rooms for staff of RHTC is available at Naraingarh. A cook, peon, gardener, security guard, cleaner and sweeper maintain the hostel services.
Sanctioned staff position in School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh
Designation /No. of Posts
/ Designation / No. of PostsFaculty / 6 / Computer Programmer / 1
Senior Resident / 5 / Stenographer / 2
Junior Resident / 6 / Clerk / 1
Medical Social Worker / 2 / Driver / 2
Public Health Nurse / 3 / Peon / 2
Health Educator / 1 / Safaiwala / 2
Statistician / 1 / Cook / 1
Medical Artist / 1 / Bearer / 1
Laboratory Technician / 1 / Chowkidar / 1
Multi Purpose Worker / 8 / Gardener / 1
In the new building of School of Public Health, department has ____ rooms for faculty, residents, and support staff, including library, seminar room, lecture theatre, and a computer lab. Departmental library has about 844 books and 10 newsletters. Display boards in the library show major features of the national health programmes, health education material developed by the department, its activities, maps of community health service programme areas. The seminar room is equipped with slide projector and over head projector. A medical artist looks after the library and prepares health education materials. A lecture theatre with projection and public address system is also available for organizing teaching sessions and seminars. A laboratory technician maintains public health laboratory, which has facilities for air and water surveillance, microscopy, an auto analyzer for bio-chemical investigations, and quantitative estimation of iodine in salt and urine is also available in the laboratory.
There are___ personal and ___ laptop computer with internet access together with laser, inkjet and dot matrix printers, scanner and photocopier to facilitate primary analysis of data, documentation and literature search. Two stenographers, clerk, peon and a sweeper maintain the services and office of the department. Furthermore, to carry out the community health service program, community based teaching and research work the urban and rural health training centers of the department are equipped with one Mini-Bus and a Tata Sumo.
Equipment available in Community Medicine Department,
PGIMER, Chandigarh
Item / No. / Item / No.Vehicle / 5 / Deep Fridge (-70 degrees C) / 1
Computer / 12 / Slide projector / 2
Laser Printer / 1 / Over Head Projector / 3
Inkjet printer / 7 / Cassette Player and recorder / 1
Dot matrix printer / 1 / Type writer / 2
Scanner / 1 / High volume air sampler / 2
Photo copier / 1 / Water testing kit / 1
TV & VCR / 1 / Binocular Microscope / 2
BP apparatus / 5 / BOD incubator / 1
Anthropometer / 1 / Semi auto analyzer / 1
Skin fold caliper / 1 / Spiro meter / 2
EKG machine / 1 / Oven / 1
ENT exam set / 1 / Auto clave / 1
Weighing machine / 8 / Centrifuge equipment / 1
Refrigerator / 3 / Telephone / 6
To be updated
Changes in Headship & Faculty of Department of Community Medicine
Sno. / Name of head of the department / From / To1. / Dr. Vijay Kumar / 1.3.1975 / 25.7.1988
2. / Dr. O.N. Bhakoo / 26.7.1988 / 3.8.1989
3. / Dr. Indu Gupta / 4.8.1989 / 31.12.1993
4. / Dr. Rajesh Kumar / 1.1.1994 / To date
Faculty Members of Community Medicine
S. No / Name of faculty / Designation / From / To1. / Dr. Vijay Kumar /
Associate Prof. Additional Prof. Professor
/ 1.3. 19751.1.86
21.1.88 /
2. / Dr. D.N.Kakar / Assistant Prof. Associate Prof. Additional Prof. / 2.7.751.1.86
1.7.90 / 31.12.85
3. / Dr. Indarjit Walia / Lecturer / 18.6.80 / 23.12.85
4. / Dr. Rajesh Kumar / Lecturer Assistant Prof. Associate Prof. Additional Prof. Professor / 17.7.87
10.12.99 / 19.5.88
till date
5. / Dr. Amarjit Singh / Assistant Prof. Associate Prof. Additional Prof.
Professor / 3.6.88
1.1.04 / 30.6.92
Till date
6. / Dr. Arun K. Aggarwal / Assistant Prof.
Associate Prof.
Additional Prof. / 4.4.95 / Till date
7. / Dr. M. Megha C.Singh / Assistant Prof. / 9.3.96 / 22.12.97
8. / Dr. J. S. Thakur / Assistant Prof. / 6.11.01 / Till date
Community Health Service Programme
Service Area
The Community Medicine Department serves a population of nearly 30000 in Chandigarh Union Territory, Raipur Rani and Naraingarh blocks of Haryana. The service area includes Lalpur, Ferozpur, Tapriyan, Jeolly, Chandsoli, Buddhakheda, Shakarpura Kheri, Kakrali, Raipur Rani, and Naraingarh in Haryana, Indira Colony and Sector 38 in Chandigarh city. The focus of the service programme is on family health care, primary medical care, school health including adolescent health, and training of primary care workers.
Family Health Care
Family health care programme covers population of 30,000 in eight localities. Multipurpose health workers maintain a family folder for each family. The socio-demographic and environmental status of the family is recorded in the family folder. Each family is visited at least once in a month by the MPWs. Individual cards are kept in the folder for under-five children, pregnant mothers, and eligible couples to facilitate and prioritise follow-up care.
A team of junior residents, social worker/ public health nurse, and multipurpose worker do the family follow-up. Each junior resident is allotted families in the field area of the department for yearly follow-up.
The services of the family health care programme are described below:
Antenatal Care
During visit to the family, pregnant women are registered and a mother and child link card (MCLC) is made for them. Registered cases are followed-up till the post partum period. Besides antenatal checkups they are counselled on nutrition, immunization, infant care, and family planning. Early identification of maternal complications and appropriate referral is an important aspect of the antenatal care programme. Minor problems and routine check-up by doctors is done through the primary care clinics held once a week in these localities.
Post Natal Care
During the post natal follow-up visits information is recorded on a checklist to find out the care received by the mother during intra-natal and postnatal period. The checklist contains detailed account of birth events such as the type of delivery attendant, use of cord care kit, delivery place, birth weight record, time of giving first bath and breast feeding initiation. Infant is examined and weighed at the time of postnatal check-up. Treatment for minor ailment is provided and health education is imparted to mother regarding contraception and infant care. In case of any major problem mother and newborn are referred to the nearest hospital.
Child Care and Growth & Development Monitoring
During the post natal visit newborns are examined and babies with low birth weight or with any complication /illness are identified and followed–up weekly. Health education is given to mothers, fathers and grand parents about exclusive breast-feeding, thermal regulation, proper hygiene, growth and development monitoring, immunization, complementary feeding after 6 months of age and prompt consultation in case of any illness.
Children aged 0-3 years are contacted periodically. Their weight and developmental milestones are plotted against the growth and development curve designed on the Maternal and Child Link (MCL) Card. If there is developmental delay, weight remains stationary in three consecutive visits or if it drops down, appropriate advice is given to the mother regarding proper stimulation, feeding and nutrition. In case there is no improvement the child is referred to the weekly primary medical care clinic. The Immunization status of the child is recorded and parents are counseled about the importance of immunization and vitamin A administration. The warning signals of dehydration are told to families and use of ORS is promoted. Danger signals of pneumonia and need for antibiotic treatment is emphasized during family visits. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness guidelines are used for treatment and referral of sick children.
Family Welfare Programme
The information about the family planning method is recorded on the family folder. Eligible couples are counseled on FP method through informed choice. If they have any problem with the method then appropriate action is taken. They are advised to seek care from the appropriate health facility in case of any complication. Those who want to use family planning method are referred to the nearest health center for procuring the desired method. Condoms and oral pills are supplied to them at household level.
Cardiovascular risk assessment and management