Intel Retiree Organization

Social EventsGuide

Document Owner:

Oregon Site Coordinator

Revision 2.1

April 21, 2016

Revision History:

Date / Author / History
Aug. 16, 2007 / John Coutu / Initial document created
Oct. 23, 2007 / Judy Goodman / Updated
Dec. 10, 2013 / Judy Goodman / Updated
June 30, 2015 / Judy Goodman / Rev. 2 – Major Updates
April 21, 2016 / Judy Goodman / Updated

Table of Contents

IRO Social Events

Lunches, picnics and other social events: General Information



Special Events

Annual Dinner




Schedule of Evening: A suggestion.

Communications and Invitations

Door Prizes/Other Hints

Sample Email


IRO Social Events

Each Intel Retiree Organization site has its own social committee to plan and coordinate social events for their site retirees. Intel Retiree Organization members and spouses/significant others are invited to attend most social events at any site.Retirees may attend more than one event.

Lunches, picnics and other social events: General Information

  1. Lunches, picnics, and other social events are planned monthly, bimonthly and quarterly or as each site decides is appropriate. Intel provides no funding, so retirees pay for these events. There are rare exceptions where Intel has funded a lunch at the Hudson site. Generally the social events should be held at a location central to the homes of the majority of retirees for that site.
  2. Keep an ongoing log of social events held and the names of the retirees that have attendedand notes on any special interests. This may be very helpful later when the Intel Retiree Organization board forms new committees and clubs, and leadership and members are needed.
  3. Lunches, picnics, and other social events are communicated to retirees in three ways:
  1. Through the Intel Retiree Organization News Flash
  2. A social committee member sends the schedule of upcoming social events that they desire announced in the News Flash.
  3. The website includes the name of the restaurant/park, the address, and the phone number of the restaurant plus the date and time.
  1. Through the Intel Retiree Organization website calendar
  2. This information is sent to the monthly website support person.

c. Approximately a month prior to the event, an email is sent to the IRO site email address list by the website chair.

  • The site committee provides all the information necessary to the website chair who will send an invitation to the site retirees and the RSVP will go to the site committee person's personal email.
  • The email includes a welcoming paragraph requesting a RSVP. The paragraph includes “An RSVP” is needed only if you plan to attend.” Generally it is mentioned that retirees and their significant others are welcome. For a picnic,childrenare also welcome.
  • Include the date, time, type of food, name of the restaurant/park, the address, and the phone number of the restaurant. For a picnic, additional details are provided.

When the email is sent to a large list, often a number of emails are returned as undeliverable. Email the list of failed email addresses to the primary Intel Retiree Organization email address administrator.


  1. The selection of the restaurant is dependent on the number of retirees expected to attend along with other factors.
  2. As the number of retirees to attend the lunches grows, many restaurants are unable to handle that size of a group. Reservations are made at the time the lunches are scheduled.
  3. Plan a layout that is conducive to conversation: a separate room, a U-shaped table configuration, smaller tables of 6-8 people……
  4. You can also schedule the lunch to start later after the lunch rush so it is quieter and the restaurant has more flexibility for seating options
  5. Always ensure that the restaurant will do individual checks. Do not book them if they will not do this because you as the owner will be stuck with collecting the money and adding extra if it is short.
  6. Although this is preferred, when the email announcement is sent, you can explain that there will be one check that the coordinator will pay and that the retirees need to bring cash to pay the coordinator – if the restaurant insists on a one check policy. This has worked with some success.
  7. Another option is to have the restaurant prepare checks for smaller groups of 6-8 people and then the group can work out the individual bills and tips.
  8. Always call a day or two in advance to confirm the reservation and to give a final count.
  9. Provide name tags at the lunches, if possible.
  10. Optional: Take pictures for the News Flash and write up a brief summary of the event.


  1. Picnics can be conducted in multiple ways. Name tags are provided. Following are ways that have been used:
  1. A potluck with retirees bringing food to share.
  2. Retirees with last name of a – m bring a main dish and n - z bring a salad, dessert, hors d'oeuvres.
  3. The social committee brings salt, pepper, eating utensils,napkins, and tablecloths.
  4. A barbeque/potluck.
  • Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, garden burgers, buns,mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, pickle relish, barbeque sauce, pickles, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, salt, pepper, eating utensils,napkins, and table cloths will be provided.
  • Pepsi, Coke, and Sprite will be provided. If the retiree or guest would like something else to drink, bring it along.
  • A $5 donation per person is requested to cover the cost of these items, at the time of the picnic (kids free).
  • It may be necessary to bring portable barbeques. A couple of retirees should arrive early to set up the tables and start the barbequing.
  • Bring extra serving spoons, because people often forget to bring one for their dish.
  1. Bring your own food, drinks and eating utensils. The social committee brings tablecloths, salt and pepper.
  1. Locations for picnics that have been used:
  • Winery
  • Retiree home/farm/estate
  • City, county, state, or private park
  • It may be necessary to plan picnics months in advance in order to reserve a group picnic site at a city, county, state or private park. Some parks charge usage fees for advanced reservations, usually around twenty-five dollars. There may be a time when a park area is highly likely to be available and someone could go early in the day to reserve a spot, without a fee.

Special Events

During the summer, cities put on many free or low cost events, such as free “Concerts in the park” or meet for a baseball game. Unlimited possibilities.

Annual Dinner


  • Currently, Intel provides funding at $25 per Intel retiree attendee. Each site will receive a budget from the IRO president and vice president based on the number of retirees that attended the dinner last year. We expect that sites follow these guidelines Intel expects us not to exceed our budget. We also would like some consistency site to site.This budget will include:
  • Direction on budgets for door prizes
  • Intel budget given to IRO per retiree attended
  • Cost that guests should pay.
  • The overall funds available, both from Intel and what can reasonably be expected to be paid by each attendee ($25), is then used as a major factor in deciding the dinner location.
  • You need to understand exactly how you will be charged by the venue – things like:
  • Does your plate charge include tip and tax (probably not)
  • What extras will you be charged for
  • What will the tip on the bill be
  • Is the tip taxed ?
  • As a goal, you should negotiate to get a dinner including tax and tip for about $33 and have some money left to buy some door prices.
  • The bar and wine is always paid for by the attendee. We do not include this expense in our budget unless it is ~$200 for the bartender.
  • Because we don’t get any money until the retirees pre-pay for the event, our Intel liaison will provide her Intel credit card to the location to cover any deposit that is needed.Our liaison is currently Tamara Gutierrez, you should alert her ahead of time of the need to utilize her credit card for deposits or the final bill.
  • All retirees and their guests need to pre-pay for the dinner.
  • This can be done either by PayPal if you have an account or by the retiree mailing a check to your home address and made out to you.
  • Here is the PayPal process for a retiree to send money to your PayPal account:
  • Note: Both the sender and recipient must have a PayPal account. Your dinner invitation will note if PayPal can be used.
  • The retiree will log on to their PayPal account.
  • Then they will select ‘Send Money to Friends and Family’. Clicking on anything else will result in a fee.
  • Enter the email address of the IRO site coordinator, the amount ($25 per person), and a note with the names of each attendee plus an email address.
  • Confirm, verify the amount and no fee. (There is no fee for either party when sending money to friends and family.)
  • Either way, you need to collect the money for the event.
  • The speaker does not pay for his/her dinner.
  • IRO volunteers receive a free dinner for their efforts.
  • The site coordinator can invite up to two Intel representatives (not paid for).
  • Do not include guests that haven't paid in your final headcount confirmation to the restaurant. You should inform retirees of the deadline and let them know if they don't pay by the deadline, then you are not confirming their attendance.
  • Typically the invitation goes to the retiree + 1 guest. If you allow more than 1 guest, there will be budgetary impact (they will pay $25 and you will pay more than that for the dinner+door prizes per person). We suggest you keep it at retiree+1 guest.
  • At the end of the event, you will need to provide a credit card to the location to cover the expenses. Your credit card should cover the money that the retirees have paid and Intel will cover the rest, within the given budget, hopefully.
  • The site coordinator provides a final summary to the President and Vice President that includes number of retirees attending, number of guests attending, and a reconciliation of the costs.


  • Either a hotel conference room, golf resorts or a restaurant with a large banquet area arelocations that have been used in the past. Decide on the location in the first quarter of the year to make finding a speaker a little easier.
  • Try to find a place that Intel does business with as you should be able to get the discount that Intel receives. Rarely, do we pay for the space.
  • Select a place that is convenient for most of the retirees.
  • What you need to discuss with the location for your requirements.
  • Enough round tables for 60-100 people.
  • Table for door prizes.
  • Table outside room for checking in attendees and providing name tags.
  • Coat rack
  • Convenient spot for the bar. Either inside the banquet room or just outside the room.
  • Select the table cloth and napkin colors and also a centerpiece for the tables. Keep it simple.
  • If yourspeaker is more comfortable with doing a presentation, make sure that you know what equipment he or she will need. A microphone is helpful, when your attendance causes you to be positioned in large rooms. Try to negotiate any A/V equipment that you need to be included in your total dinner cost (not additional).
  • Oregon does not have the speaker do a presentation. Just introduces themselves giving a 5 minute background on themself and then answering questions from the retirees.


  • Speaker should be a high-level executive(usually a VP), local and able to answer a wide variety of retiree questions.
  • Selection: Our Intel liaison will try to get you a speaker.
  • You can also ask your local retirees who they would like and then you can send them an email to invite them to speak. If they are unavailable, then ask them who they would recommend. See email sample at end.
  • Sometimes is it easier to lock in the speaker and then book the location.
  • Speaker does not need to prepare any materials for a presentation. However, some speakers are more comfortable having a presentation and then some shorter time (maybe 15 minutes) for Questions and Answers after.
  • Be flexible to how your speaker wants to do it.
  • Contact your speaker prior to the event and know what they are going to present (if they are planning a presentation), gently providing feedback if appropriate.
  • Retirees are interested in general about what is happening in Intel.
  • Identify any needs for A/V equipment in this discussion.
  • They should introduce themselves, length of time at Intel, various jobs, current jobs and general state of Intel. ~5 – 10 minutes
  • Retirees then have ~45 minutes to ask specific questions. You will probably need to stop the questions as the non-Intel attendees get very bored!

Schedule of Evening: A suggestion.

  • 5:00 – 6:00 Cocktails and Socializing
  • 6:00 – 7:00 Dinner Buffet and Dessert with Coffee
  • 7:00 – 7:45 Speaker
  • 7:45 – 8:15 Door Prizes
  • 8:15-9:00 Socializing
  • The site coordinator responsibilities:
  • Be at the dinner early to ensure that the room is setup appropriately
  • Setup the door prize table with labeled envelopes that the attendees will put their raffle tickets in
  • Have the name badges on the registration and check off each person as they come in. This will give you an accurate account of who has attended.
  • Greet the speaker when he/she arrives. Ensure that they have what they need for their discussion or presentation later (A/V equipment ready?)
  • Prepare to introduce the speaker briefly
  • Santa Clara usually prepares a document with facts about the IRO. You can use this if you want. Any information that is pertinent to your site should be shared.

Communications and Invitations

  • As soon as the location is booked,
  • Notify the website support person to add it to the website calendar. Be sure to provide all details. See our website, ( for what needs to be included.
  • Announce it in the next News Flash under Site Information
  • About 2 months prior to the event, an invitation will be created that will be emailed to all retirees who have joined the IRO.
  • The speaker should be included as this will encourage retirees to attend
  • The invitation responses will be sent to the local site/annual dinner coordinator.
  • The invitation is created by the website chair with your information and is sent to you for review before it is sent to the retirees.
  • About 2 weeks prior to the event, a final reminder is sent to the retirees with a list of all those who have already signed up.
  • After the event, the site/annual dinner coordinator writes up an article about the dinner and includes any pictures that were taken during the event.
  • This is then added to the website and announced in the News Flash.

Door Prizes/Other Hints

  • For tax reasons Intel won't pay for door prizes. When you are budgeting for spending on door prizes, plan on spending from the money that attendees pay for the dinner so that we are not expecting Intel to pay for the door prizes.
  • Anything works. What has been offered in the past are wine combined with boxes of nuts/chocolate, gift cards for dinners, spas, movies, stores, new Intel book, weather station, fancy cookies, gift basket, etc. Oregon shops at Costco to get the best prices.
  • Purchase a roll of double tickets and give each paid attendee a ticket which they put into the bag that corresponds to the prize. This allows guests a better chance of winning what they want. Arizona gives each attendee 5 tickets so you can do what makes sense for you.
  • Printed nametags in plastic holders work better than paper tags. These can be purchased at Amazon. Ask attendees to drop their name tags off before leaving or place on the table. You will get almost everyone back and will save both money and time next year.


Sample Email

1. Email to invite an executive to be our speaker.

Subject:Intel Oregon Retiree Dinner - Nov. 4, 2014


I am Judy Goodman a member of the board of the Intel Retiree Organization. I am also responsible for the social activities for the Oregon retiree group.About 30 of the Intel Oregon retirees meet every other month for lunch at different local restaurants.There are over 750 IntelOregon retirees who have joined our group.

I would like to invite you to participate with our retirees at our annual Intel Oregon Retiree Dinner.

On Nov. 4 at the Embassy Suites Hotel Washington Square,we will be holding our tenth annual Intel Oregon Retiree dinner. At these dinners, we have an Intel Executive give a brief talk (less than 5 minutes and no slides) about where they fit in the organization and what are some of the big decisions that are being discussed at Intel. Then the retirees ask questions for about 45 minutes. The dinner starts at 5:00 with a no host bar, a buffet dinner starts at 6:00 and our speaker starts at 7:00.