Goal: Create a book of poetry that shows your mastery of poetry analysis and types of phrases.
The following must be included in your anthology.
Cover Page: includes the title, author, year, 6th grade, and a creative illustration
Self Reflection: A paragraph about you as a poet and how you feel about writing your anthology.
6 different varieties of poetry.
- Required: I AM, Haiku, Bio Poem, Diamante,Limerick, Free Verse
- Optional: Concrete Poem (Bonus)
- Each poem should have a creative illustration
Figurative language(minimum 1 example of each in your book) imagery, metaphor, simile, personification,
Poetic devices(minimum 1 example of each in your book) alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia
All poems are successfully taken through the writing process. (Carefully look over your work and make corrections and revisions to improve your writing.)
Poems are titled, labeled(type of poem in top right hand corner),and collected in a booklet. Pages are numbered.
2 Favorite Poem Reflections: Pick 2 poems we read in class. Write 1-2 paragraphs explaining why each poemis your favorite, use specific examples/quotes/details etc.
Poetry Anthology Checklist & Rubric
Poetic Form / Page # in Book / Name of Poem / Points Available / PointsReceived / Comments
I Am / 10
Bio Poem / 10
Haiku / 10
Diamante / 10
Limerick / 10
Free Verse / 10
Sound Device
(underline or highlighteach example) / Page # in Book / Name of Poem
(that has the device in it) / Points Available / Points
Received / Comments
Alliteration / 10
Onomatopoeia / 10
Rhyme Scheme (labeled ) / 10
Figurative Language
(box or highlight each example) / Page # in Book / Name of Poem
(that has the device in it) / Points Available / Points
Received / Comments
Metaphor / 10
Simile / 10
Imagery / 10
Personification / 10
Reflections / Page # in Book / Name of Poem & Author / Points Available / Points
Received / Comments
Favorite Poem Reflection #1 / 10
Favorite Poem Reflection #2 / 10
Self-Reflection-Intro to your book / 10
Organization / Points Available / Points
Received / Comments
Bound on the left / 5
Cover Page (title, author, year, 6th grade, and a creative illustration.) / 5
Table of Contents / 5
Pages are Numbered / 5
Blue/Blk Ink or Typed / 5
Grammar/Spelling / 5
Creativity & Neatness (Illustrations for cover & all 6 poems / 10
Total Points Available without Bonus
Total Points Available with Bonus / 200
Total Points Received______
RULES & REQUIREMENTSCover / Includes a title, author, year, 6th grade, and a creative illustration. / Introduction
(Self Reflection)
**1st Page in Book** / 1-2 paragraph self reflection about you as a poet and your anthology.
Your reflection can include what inspired you to write the different poems, the things you love about your poems, what was difficult, and what you learned during this process.
“I Am” Character Poem /
- Poem follows the 3 stanza, 18-line format and first words.
- Diction and ideas show much thought was put into work.
- Poem is extremely creative, uses precise adjectives & nouns to reveal deep understanding of characterization.
Haiku Poem /
- Poem follows the 3 line, 5, 7, 5 syllable format.
- Diction and ideas show much thought was put into the work.
- Poem is extremely creative, uses precise adjectives & nouns to create vivid images.
(BONUS) / 1. Poem takes the shape of an object that relates to the poem’s content.
2. Poem is extremely creative, uses precise adjectives & nouns to create vivid images.
Limerick Poem /
- Poem follows the a-a-b-b-a rhyme scheme and 9-9-6-6-9 syllable structure.
- Diction and ideas show much thought was put into the work.
- Poem is extremely creative, uses precise adjectives & nouns to create vivid images.
Overall Presentation / Poems typed or neatly handwritten, 1 poem per page. Pages are numbered, Table of Contents, bound on side, type of poem in top right hand corner of each poem / Grammar, Spelling, & Punctuation / Anthology contains correct grammar, punctuation, & spelling with no mistakes.
Figurative Language
Sound Devices / Examples of figurative language and sound devices in one or more poems. Examples are thoughtful & extremely creative. / Creativity
& Neatness / 1. Illustrations included for cover and all 6 poems 2. Project gives an impression of neatness, creativity, and care.
"I am" Poem
(two special characteristics)
I wonder
(something you are actually curious about)
I hear
(an imaginary sound)
I see
(an imaginary sight)
I want
(an actual desire)
I am
(the first line of the poem repeated)
I pretend
(something you pretend to do)
I feel
(a feeling about something imaginary)
I touch
(an imaginary touch)
I worry
(something that really bothers you)
I cry
(something that makes you very sad)
I am
(the first line of the poem repeated)
I understand
(something you know is true)
I say
(something you believe in)
I dream
(something you actually dream about)
I try
(something you really make an effort to do)
I hope
(something you actually hope for)
I am
(the first line of the poem repeated)
Bio Poem
A Bio Poem is a poem that describes a person in 11 lines. There is a specific formula to use when writing a bio poem.
(First name)-(Four adjectives that describe the person)
Son or Daughter of (your parents names)
Lover of (three different things that the person loves)
Who feels (three different feelings and when or where they are felt)
Who gives (three different things the person gives)
Who fears (three different fears the person has)
Who would like to see (three different things the person would like to see)
Who lives (a brief description of where the person lives)
-(last name)
Diamante Poem
A Diamante Poem follows a very specific format – there are seven lines, and each line must have a specific number and type of words. When you're finished, the poem will be in the shape of a diamond!
Line 1 = One noun (topic of your poem and, the opposite of line 7
Line 2 = Twoadjectives (They describe the noun in line 1)
Line 3 = Three gerund verbs (-ing verbs – They describe the noun in line 1)
Line 4 = Four nouns:
First 2 nouns relate to line 1
last 2 nouns relate to line 7
Line 5 = Three gerund verbs (-ing verbs- They describe the noun in line 7)
Line 6 = Twoadjectives (They describe the noun in line 7)
Line 7 = One noun (This is an antonym (opposite) for the noun in line 1.)
Rainy, frigid
Skiing, skating, sledding Mountains, wind, breeze, ocean Swimming, surfing, scuba diving Scorching, hot
Summer / ←Title
← 1 Noun
← 2 Adjectives
← 3 Action Verbs ending in ing
← 4 nouns
← 3 Action Verbs ending in ing
← 2 Adjectives
← 1 Noun (opposite of Line 1) / School’s Out
Challenging, difficult
Reading, succeeding, learning
Library, pencil, X-Box, back yard
Interesting, exciting, tiring
Blissful, easy
(noun 1)
(adjective) (adjective)
(-ing verb) (-ing verb) (-ing verb)
(word describing noun 1) (word describing noun 1) (word describing noun 2) (word describing noun 2 )
(-ing verb) (-ing verb) (-ing verb)
(adjective) (adjective)
(noun 2)
opposite of noun 1
Limericks are five-line poems, rhymed AABBA that is to be witty or humorous. They often contain hyperbole, onomatopoeia, idioms, puns, and other figurative devices. The last line of a good limerick contains the PUNCH LINE or “heart of the joke.”
There once was a fellow named Tim
whose dad never taught him to swim.
He fell off a dock
and sunk like a rock.
And that was the end of him.
Templates to help you create your limerick
Template A
There was a ______from ______
All the while they hoped to______
And ______
That ______from ______
Template B
I once met an ______from ______
Every day they ______
But whenever they ______
The ______
That strange ______from ______
Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. In Japanese, the haiku has its own form. In Western languages, we write haiku in three lines, with five, seven and five syllables. Haiku poems don’t rhyme; they follow a pattern. It paints a picture with words.
The pattern for haiku is the following:
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
As the wind does blow# of syllables =______
Across the trees, I see the# of syllables =______
Buds blooming in May # of syllables =______
Haiku Templates
To get started, here are some examples of haiku with missing lines. You can start off by adding the missing line or lines to these haiku templates
Practice 1Practice 2Practice 3
No ice on the lakeOne yellow leaf falls______
Seagulls fly in cloudless sky______shadows short against the snow
______Love summer green trees______
The Seasons / The Heavens / The Earth / Animals / Plants
Fall ,Summer, Winter, Spring, Temperature, day, night, / Sky, light, shade, sun, Winds, rain, stars storms, moon, clouds, snow / land forms, rivers, stream, Fields, forests, lakes. / Mammals, reptiles, Birds, fishes, insects / Trees, shrubs, flowers, lea Vegetation, leaves, seaweed, grass,ves,
Chose topics from above to create your own haiku’s below:
Concrete Poem
Sometimes also called ‘shape poetry’—is poetry whose visual appearance matches the topic of the poem. The words form shapes which illustrate the poem’s subject as a picture, as well as through their literal meaning.
- 1st: Choose an object to be the subject for your poem. Good suggestions for beginners could be favorite animals or favorite foods.
- 2nd: Draw a simple outline of its shape on paper or on the computer. If you’re using paper, draw with a pencil not a pen.
- 3rd Write your poem normally. Try to describe how the subject makes you feel. The words will be fitted into your drawing, so don’t make it too long – between 6-12 lines is probably a good length! IT DOESN’T HAVE TO RHYME!
- 4th Lightly in pencil, or on the computer, write your poem into the shape. It’s ok if it doesn’t fit properly yet, because this is where you find out if you need to make the writing larger or smaller. Maybe you need to add a space here or there.
- 5th Decide if you need to make your writing bigger or smaller in certain parts of the drawing, then erase your first draft and write out the poem again. You can keep doing this until you are happy.
- 6th Finally, erase the outline of your shape, so that it is just the words from your poem left creating the image!
Directions: Think about your poetry anthology and the process you went through to create it. Write a self reflection about you as a poet and how it felt to create your book. Your reflection can include what inspired you to write the different poems, the things you love about your poems, what was difficult, and what you learned during this process.
Example of Self Reflection
When I read the book Number the Stars, Annemarie's bravery really stuck out in my mind, and inspired me to write poems that described what a hero she was. I brainstormed about the many events in the story that showed Annemarie's courage – her run-ins with soldiers, ripping off Ellen's necklace, and taking the package to Uncle Henrik. When I wrote the poem Hero, I also tried to capture Annemarie's feelings of nervousness and fright. This is what makes her brave! Additionally, the bow and arrow concrete poem I created was a visual representation of her courage. The “I Am” poem was difficult for me to write, because the character traits I choose to talk about in the poem really revealed my true personality. When I finished my poetry anthology I was surprised at how vivid my poems were. The imagery I used made my poems come to life. I learned that I can express all types of emotions in poetry. It is my hope that you experience the emotions presented in my poetry.
Favorite Poems Reflection
Directions:Choose two of the poems we read in class. Write a reflection about why this poem is one of your favorite, how the poem made you feel, and what the poem made you think of. Remember to include a copy of the poem in your anthology. (5 or more sentences)
Favorite Poem Reflection #1
Poem: ______
Favorite Poem Reflection #2
Poem: ______