The following materials are in reference to the evaluation of:
Your Name, PhD
Rank, (tenure-track/term-track)
Department of ______
University of Louisville School of Public Health & Information Sciences (SPHIS)
Dr. is being evaluated for promotion to:
______(with Tenure)
Hire Date: xx/xx/xxxx(tenure-track/term-track)
These materials include the following:
Personal Statement
Published or Accepted manuscripts
Grant Information
Summary of Teaching Evaluations
SPHIS "Policy for Promotion, Appointment & Tenure & for Periodic Career Review"
The letter of evaluation should be addressed to the Dean with a cc to the Chair:
Craig Blakely,PhD, MPH, Dean
School of Public Health & Information Sciences
University of Louisville
485 E. Gray St.
Louisville, KY 40202
cc: chair’s name
Please send the letter as an email attachment on official letterhead to:
1.Kim Kays
AssistanttoDeanCraig Blakely, PhD, MPH
Administrative Assistant to (chair’s name)
Email address
Please email Glen Reid (; 502-852-4003) if you should encounter technical problems accessing these materials.
Please email (chair’s name)( with a cc to (department’s administrative assistant) ( and Kim Kays (), if you should have questions regarding the evaluation process.
In your evaluation, please pay careful attention to the assessment of Dr. ’s demonstrated performance in terms of “excellence” or “proficiency” in the areas of research, teaching and service. Promotion to (______) requires excellence in the area of greatest work assignment and proficiency in the other areas of work assignment. Promotion (with tenure) also requires an evaluation of “scholarship” in the primary area of work assignment. Scholarship is defined herein as the creation and dissemination of new knowledge in the candidate’s field of work, and its acceptance by peers. Tenure is awarded to those that have an independent, focused, self-sustaining program of scholarship or a leadership role in a focused, self-sustaining program of collaborative scholarship.Dr. ’s work assignment over the past XX years has been on average as follows: research (%); teaching/mentoring (%); and service (%). Over time, (he/she) has increasingly focused on .[JGR1]
The document, “Policy for Promotion, Appointment, and Tenure and for Periodic Career Review” provides the criteria and procedures employed by the SPHIS for the evaluation of promotion and tenure.
Article 1, Section 2 refers to ‘Probationary appointments’.
Article II, Section 2 refers to ‘Tenure Reviews’
Article II, Section 2 1.2.H. refers specifically to ‘Evaluation for Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor of Tenurable Faculty’.
Please note that “Appendix A” provides definitions and examples of achievement for proficiency, excellence and scholarship in the areas of research, teaching and service.
Your letter of assessment regarding Dr. ’s work should include information on your rank and area of expertise, relationship, if any, to Dr. , and your relationship, if any, to the University of Louisville.
Your frank and honest evaluation is important and is confidential. Please do note that faculty may request to view a redacted copy of the letter of evaluation. All potential identifying information and any information that indicates what the reviewer’s relationship is to the faculty candidate for promotion and tenure will be redacted. Additionally, please note that the PAT-related materials on this site are treated confidentially and are not available to be printed or copied.
Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
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[JGR1]Dr. Kathy Baumgartner can assist with the requirements.