漢 學 發 展 基 金 會 有 限 公 司
Greater China Summer Workshop Program in Chinese Studies 2018
- Sinological Development Charitable Foundation (SDCF) offers applicants with two options of participation to Greater China Summer Workshop Program in Chinese Studies (the Program). This application form applies for SPONSORED PARTICIPATION only.
- Completed application form with relevant electronic signature, together with the following documents should be submitted to our designated application email address <on or before 1 MAY 2018. Late or incomplete application will NOT be considered.
(I) / A one-page statement for the reason(s) for attending this Workshop Program, and the expected benefits from attending the Program. The statement is expected to be written by the applicant himself/herself in order to demonstrate his/her basic competency in English, which will be the primary language in the Program.
(II) / A reference or recommendation letter from the applicant’s faculty staff member from his/herfield or, as applicable, his/her work supervisor.
(III) / A résumé stating brief details of the applicant’s academic work.
(V) / A transcript of the applicant’s current course.
** For Ph.D. student or candidate only
(VI) / The applicant’s foreign passport first page photocopy (required for booking)
- Please note that SDCF mayrequest the applicant to submit other supporting documents as reference or to assist thescreening process, if deemed necessary.
- All information collected in this application form will be used for the screening process conducted by SDCF and other purposes related to the Program only. It might be accessible to committees or persons involved in the screening process and the Program. Records of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed when no longer required.
- This application form should be typed in English and signed. “N/A” should be marked when item(s) required is/are not applicable.
漢 學 發 展 基 金 會 有 限 公 司
Greater China Summer Workshop Program in Chinese Studies 2018
Application Form for Sponsored Participation
The Applicant is:□A University Teaching Staff Member
□A Ph.D. Student / Candidate
□Others (please, specify: ______)
(Please check the box provided as applicable.)
Name / Photo
Title / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Dr. / Professor
*Optional, but would be needed at the admission to the Program for arrangement of accommodation.
Degree(s) Obtained with Year of Conferment:
Field of Specialization:
Institutional Affiliation:
Department / Unit:
Language Skills
(e.g. English, Mandarin, etc.):
Research / Teaching Experience in Chinese Studies (if any):
Courses / Conference on Chinese Studies Attended in the Recent Years (if any):
Citizenship: / Passport Country:
Passport Number: / Passport Expiry:
Date of Birth: / Phone Number(s):
Corresponding Address:
Email Address:
Other information(e.g. Personal Website):
Signatureand Undertaking
I hereby declare that the information provided in this form, as well as those in my supporting documents is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand thatfull attendance of lectures, classes and seminars, and fulfillment of mytasks inpersonal and group projects, are expected from me.
I understand that all information submitted to SDCF will be used solely for the screening process conducted by SDCF, and for other purposes related to the Program.
I also understand that SDCF reserves the right to release to a wider audience thecontents of my personal and group projects conducted during the Program. In this connection, I give my consent to SDCF to post the above-mentioned content in international peer-reviewed journals and/or to publish for purposes relatingto the 24th World Congress of Philosophy in Beijing in 2018.
Signature of Applicant: / Date:
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