The following items should be accomplished before turning in any technical report for review/grading.
Item / Initials of Reviewer / DateTitle Page
If photographs were used are they credited.
Authors listed in order of who made the most signification contribution. Use rank and full name with initial
Dr. John V. Farr
LTC Gregory L. Boylan
If you use acronyms spell them out – this must be a standalone document. Must also spell out the first time you use them in a report
Appropriate distribution statement –see
Table of Contents
Agrees with text – double check capitalization
Consistent with the usage of capital letters
Correct font size and type – no mismatches
Consistent and sequential numbers 4-1, 4-1. or 4.1 must be consistent!
Appendices use letters such as A-1
Double check page numbers
List figures, tables, and appendices in there own sections
Clear titles and names of all involved
Acknowledge all involved to include funding agencies
Acronym List
Double check with report
Consistent format with regards to capital letters
Main Report
Correct chapter, section, subsection, etc., numbering and font size
Numbering matches figures and tables
Always introduce a figure or table with text then include the figure/table. Never include a figure/table with writing something about its purpose/content.
In general, figure titles go after the figure and table titles go before the table; ensure they are numbered sequential and align with chapter numbers. Double check with table of contents and watch capitalization
Figure 4-1. Process map for GAC treatment
Double check entire report with regards to correct acronyms
Introduce the first time and not needed again
References – consistent format. For technical reports use Farr (2012) with Chicago format
When space is a concern it is often desirable to use [1] in sequential order
Check page numbers – section breaks often cause the page numbers to start over
Typically major sections of a report (Preface, Table of Contents, Abstract, Chapters, References, and Appendices) always start on the right or odd pages when complied in the final format. Thus, when you print the report it is not on the back of a double-sided page. If a blank page is needed to accomplish this then the following words should be centered on the blank page.
This Page Was Intentionally Left Blank
Always compile the entire report into a pdf file, review, and then print. Never print a report form a .doc file. Different computers and printers will produce results different than the page layout format
Make sure you can read all figures … if you cannot read it then do not use it
Be careful with color pictures. Make sure they are readable when copied in black and white