Commercial Cooking 10

Class Outline

Teacher: Mrs. MacAulay

The following is an overview of the semester:

Kitchen Experience:

The best experience is “hands on,” therefore throughout the term the class will be working in Winston’s kitchen. Like any job, there are expectations, and when preparing food for the public, those expectations are high. You must treat the kitchen and staff with respect. Maturity, initiative and professionalism are expected by every student.


Students will also spend time in the classroom where you will learn about the basics of Commercial Cooking. Through a Food Safe course, assignments, demonstrations and practice, you will enhance your kitchen performance and gain a deeper understanding of the cooking trade.

Classroom and Kitchen Procedures

1.  Enter only through tech hallway entrance. Leave all bags, jackets etc. outside of the kitchen area. All students must have hair nets and aprons on in the kitchen.

2.  Sit quietly during attendance.

3.  Daily instructions will be given and groups are then dismissed to work.

4.  Wash your hands thoroughly. Use fingernail brushes. Use gloves if you have cuts.

5.  Check bulletin board for tasks to see what needs to be done.

6.  Change gloves and/or wash hands if you change to a different task.

7.  Clean work area thoroughly. Make sure knives are washed immediately and returned to a safe place. Cutting boards must be sanitized before putting away. All dirty dishes are to be placed on the dish rack.

8.  Help others complete tasks, or clean other stations if time remains.

9.  Remind fellow students about safety and sanitation concerns.

Complete your task:

·  Gather equipment

·  Gather raw materials, use “first in first out rule”

·  Complete preparation

·  Store prepared food on appropriate shelves

·  Clean knives

·  Dirty dishes to dishwashing area

·  Clean counter tops fronts, shelves and sweep if required.

Food Safe Level 1 Certificate

At the beginning of this semester you will complete a food safety course called Food Safe Level 1 and receive a certificate through the Regina QuAppelle Health Region. This certificate increases your chances of receiving employment in the food industry having the knowledge of safe food handling practices. Also, this certificate increases the number of trained employees in food establishments, which in turn helps decrease the risk of food borne illnesses.

WHMIS Certificate

You will also take WHMIS course online at the beginning of the semester. This course meets the needs of both first time and refresher training. A training certificate is issued and emailed to the Account Supervisor upon completion, at which point students will receive their copy.
The course covers:
/ WHMIS Introduction & Regulations
/ WHMIS Roles & Responsibilities
/ WHMIS Symbols
/ WHMIS Labels
/ Controlled Products
/ MSDS Forms
/ Interactive exercises, tests & certificate
“Culinary Essentials” Chapters of Study:
Chapter Two – Becoming a Culinary Professional
Chapter Nine- Equipment & Technology
Chapter Ten – Knives & Small wares
Chapter Sixteen- Seasonings and Flavorings
Chapter Fifteen- Cooking Techniques
Chapter Eighteen- Garde’ Manger Basics
Chapter Twenty Seven- Baking Techniques
Chapter Twenty Nine- Quick Breads
Chapter Thirty- (1) Cookies & (3) Pies
Late Assignments:
Late assignments will be graded at the teacher’s discretion.
Practical Kitchen Work------35%
Assignments and Quizzes------35%
Noon Hour Work------10%
Final Assessment------20%