11 - 23 - 04 AIS Meeting:

Jim Brinkley, Nate Robinson, Todd Detwiler, Wayne Warren, Scott Brockenbrough, Kevin Hinshaw, Christie Fong


 gave SIRS presentation, modifying CELO per comments

 worked on thesis proposal

 adding features to CELO

 submitted poster for Opthalmology meeting in May with John Clark


 met with Nate and handed off GAPP, OQAFMA demos and OQAFMA server

 met with Richard re: maintaining publications archive

JB: can we move the contents of this to one of the new production servers?

 met with Sally, handed off Silkroute/XBrain

 Silkroute – “kind of” installed on new server – it accesses CSM and Image Manager


 old Dynamic Scene Generator - no real plans

JB: write down where all the files for this are

 Image Manager - not handed off to anyone yet

 link to “local documentation” document from individual project pages

 leaving a pointer to where NeuroSys was

 working on CELO install – not working yet, the basic WIRM console is breaking

 mySQL  Postgres conversion not working. Postgres versioning problem involved

among other things

TD: found and edited a script to do this for the FMA

JB: get Sally to try it


 was sick, had jury duty

 remodeling of T-170B: new carpet, baseboard picked.

 FMA  VSKB dumps: Nance did most of it manually to save time. Want to update

the new VSKB each time they update FMA. Some issues with IDs – still has

frames with no ID which he would like to tag. Finding many “rogue anomalies” and trying to see how to fix them.

 preparing for eventual commercial leasing of FMA – it needs real install instructions,

need a more streamlined process for this. Looking at freeware cross-platform

installers. Should they offer expiring trial versions?

 2-day visit from Anand Kumar from Germany (works with Barry Smith) – they will

work with him on a project using european SEN standards to combine GALEN

and the FMA.

 using UMLS lexical tools to make a better search tool for the FMA


 met with Kevin re: handoffs (see KH notes)

 finished slot introduction push-down program – it works

 FMA  VSKB: make a task scheduler, run Kurt’s diagnostic. Nate wrote a

histogram program to display results.

 synonyms program – inserted 10,000 synonyms, e.g.:

“trunk of heart” = “arterial trunk”

 wrote program to insert 5000 words into MS Access. Needs to be fixed.

 Image Manager database – made repository backup. Preferred Image and Annote

Image were not connected to this database, they now are.

JB: be very careful about this. Image Manager has several users now. Want it

backed up daily – assign this a higher priority. Talk with Chris about it.

 added sextant program to Annote Image

 “lots of other stuff”


 demo’d first prototype of Microelectrode db for Julie/Leona and got comments

 Needs Survey has approved survey

 preparing Nov. 29 Meded 534 lecture


 added custom VRML nodes – can code more behaviors now including rotations,

position and color changes. Now have an increased level of semantic detail.

 giving SIRS presentation in December (will demo his system)

Kevin’s Farewell Lunch: meet at noon, T-170B, Tuesday November 30 - we’ll go off campus somewhere

NEXT AIS MEETING: Tuesday December 7, 3:30 PM, same place