CGO4M – Unit # 3: Surveying our school campus grounds

Name: ______

Team members: ______

Due Date: ______


To create a new RSGC campus map and data layers by collecting, surveying, measuring and creating (digitizing) the new landscape features.

The following goals will be achieved by this task.

You will be able to:

  • explain the basic principles of surveying and the main techniques used in it (e.g., use of tapes and compasses, measurement of distances and angles, use of the global positioning system [GPS];
  • execute a systematic field survey in their local area and plot the results as a map;
  • orient a map or aerial photograph in the field and relate the features shown to the surrounding landscape;
  • convert analogue data to digital data for computer input (e.g., by scanning or digitizing);
  • and finally, you will use appropriate terminology when communicating results of geographic inquiries and investigations.



Start your report background research on the following topics:

1. Define Surveying

2. Historical Background

3. Techniques and Equipment used

4. Applications

5. Types of Surveys (explain cadastral, geodetic, hydrographic and photogrammetric surveying)

All 5 elements will need to be included into a final report, including the task data, maps and information.


  1. Acquire an existing map or blueprint plan of the RSGC outside campus – consult and Google Earth.
  1. First field excursion:Visually survey the new existing landscape and record all new features. You may want to create jot notes or sketch on a map.
  1. Create an organizer (Benchmark name, item #, dimensions – length, width and height, attributes etc.) and make a list and measure all new features, including appropriate attributes (height? and label names?). In land surveying, benchmarks are heights of known elevation. You will use benchmarks/reference points that are known building segments coordinates. These are already provided for you within online maps.
  1. Second/Third field excursion: Collect organizer data (consider the appropriate tools for this task (ruler, measuring tap, duct tap?) and assemble your team to effectively collect the data.
  1. Input data into a digital format and create new layer(s) within You will need to also mark appropriate tic coordinates (lat/long?)

Post-Task – to be included in your write up!

  1. Discuss how accurate is your final map? Give details and explain your reasoning.
  1. What are some techniques or equipment tools that would have enhanced your overall map outcomes? Describe the limitations or sources of error for surveying our campus.

Record the following information below. Using your map template, be sure to SKETCH your features as a reference for digitizing.

Reference point / Feature/Name
(pt, poly or line?) / Length / Width / Height / Attributes
See House
See House

CGO4M: RSCG new campus survey and map RUBRIC


Criteria/ Expectation / Level 1
(50-59%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 4
(80-100%) / Total
Knowledge/ Understanding Demonstrate an understanding of basic surveying theory and methods / - the required Pre-Task Qs & As are incomplete and limited to a degree of understanding regarding basic concepts and terms / - the required Pre-Task Qs & As are present and somewhat correct and demonstrate to some degree understanding regarding basic concepts and terms / - the required Pre-Task Qs & Asare present and correct and demonstrate a considerable degree of understanding regarding basic concepts and terms / - the required Pre-Task Qs & As are present and demonstrate a high degree of topic understanding regarding basic concepts and terms / /8
Thinking/ InquiryPlanning and possessing skills -Interprets, collects and analyses data, maps and images effectively / - the data features and map/image interpretation have been understoodand/or collected with limited effectiveness for the specific project report / - the data features and map/image interpretation have been understoodand/or collected with some effectiveness for the specific project report / - the data features and map/image interpretation have been understoodand/or collected with considerable effectiveness for the specific project report / - the data features and map/image interpretation have been understood and/or collected with a high degree of effectiveness for the specific project report / /8
Identify the conceptual and design factors that make for a well-designed map, report and features database collection / - the map essentials and features are present in the layout and report to a limited degree. Many elements are missing. / - the map essentials and features are present in the layout and report to some degree. A few elements are missing. / - the map essentials and features are present in the layout and report to a considerable degree. All elements are present. / - all the map essentials and features are present in the layout and report with a high degree of sophistication. All elements are present. / /8
Use of survey techniques and GIS software appropriately to perform simple analytical operations / - the specific operations needed to perform an analysis have been accomplished to a limited degree / - the specific operations needed to perform an analysis have been accomplished to some degree / - most of the specific operations needed to perform an analysis have been accomplished to a considerable degree / - all of the specific operations needed to perform an analysis have been accomplished to a high degree / /8
Participation and engagement of student / - Did not perform any duties of assigned team role and did not contribute knowledge, opinions or skills to share with the team. Relied on others to do the work. / -Performed a few duties of assigned team role and contributed a small amount of knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Completed some of the assigned work. / - Performed nearly all duties of assigned team role and contributed knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Completed most of the assigned work. / -Performed all duties of assigned team role and contributed knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Always did the assigned work. / /3
TOTAL / /35