Follow workplace procedures for accidents and emergencies

Accidents 2

Accident investigation 3

Incident notification 3

Register of injuries 5

Emergency planning 7

Fires and explosions 9

Procedure in case of fire 10

Fire extinguishers 11

Other emergencies 12

Chemical spills 12

Bomb threats 13

Occupational violence 14

Summary 16

Check your progress 16


Accidents are unplanned and undesired events that result in injury to people or damage to property, and incidents are unplanned and undesired events that have the potential to cause injury or damage.

Accidents and incidents, including ‘near misses’, can tell us a lot about the types of risks that can arise from work activities. Whether or not injuries or damage result from an incident, investigation of the causes can be a valuable aid to hazard identification and risk assessment. They can also reveal weaknesses in a system that was supposed to control the risk.

For these reasons, it is important to report incidents and keep records of them. Some kinds of accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences, as well as some kinds of work health problems, should be reported to WorkCover.

Accident investigation

The cause of an accident may not be obvious. Investigation may reveal several co-incidental causes, making a chain of causation factors, none of which would have been sufficient on its own to cause the accident. Poor maintenance, inadequate training, poor planning or too much pressure to meet deadlines can all contribute, as can the work environment. The aim of the investigation is not to assign blame, but to understand the various factors that contributed to the accident happening, with a view to preventing it from happening again.

Incident notification

Notification of work-related incidents to OHS authorities is a legal requirement of both the workers compensation and occupational health and safety legislation. In New South Wales this authority is WorkCover NSW.

The following is a list of relevant legislative provisions:

·  Section 44 of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998

·  Clause 32 of the Workers Compensation Regulation 2003

·  Sections 86 and 87 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000

·  Clauses 341, 341A, 342, 343 and 344 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001.

To read the above sections and other legislation in force go to the Government of New South Wales Legislation home page at:

From 1 September 2003, work-related incidents under clause 341 are called incidents. Previously, these incidents were called accidents and other matters. Also from1 September 2003, there is a new simplified incident notification system in NSW. The types of incidents that should be reported include:

·  Serious incident involving a fatality or a serious injury or illness. Notify WorkCover immediately by phone and the workers compensation insurer within 48 hours.

·  Incident involving an injury or illness to workers, where workers compensation is or may be payable. Notify the workers compensation insurer within 48 hours.

Serious incident with no injury or illness, but is immediately life threatening. Notify WorkCover immediately by phone plus notify WorkCover within seven days to make full report using the online form or a printed version.

Incident with no injury or illness, and is not immediately life threatening. Notify WorkCover withinseven days using the online form or a printed version. This form is available at the WorkCover website at:

These provisions include non-workers, for example visitors of customer at the workplace.

When notifying, you will be asked questions about the incident. Some information will only need to be provided when there has been a death, injury or illness. This information is marked with an asterisk*.

Employer information:

·  name of employer

·  address (street address, suburb, postcode)

·  ABN number

·  type of industry.

Notifier information:

·  name of notifier

·  phone number.

* Injured person details:

·  name of injured, ill or deceased person

·  residential Address (street, suburb, postcode)

·  date of birth

·  phone number

·  non-worker category (eg. visitor, customer).

Incident details:

·  date of incident

·  location of incident (location, street, suburb, postcode)

·  description of how incident happened

·  description of injury, illness or death*.

Insurers may ask for more information.

Occupiers of workplaces/employers must keep the following records about the notification for at least five years after the notification is given:

·  a record of the date, time, place and nature of the incident/injury

·  a record of the date of notification and the way in which the notification was given

·  a record of any acknowledgement given by the insurer or WorkCover.

These records must be made available for inspection by a WorkCover inspector or an authorised representative of the worker. An entry in the Register of Injuries kept under is a sufficient record of an injury to a worker for notification purposes. The record of any acknowledgement of the notice can also be kept as part of the Register of Injuries.

Register of injuries

Under Section 63 of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, employers are required to keep a register of injuries that is readily accessible in the workplace. The manager is responsible for this register of injuries. The Register of Injuries a current record of any injuries suffered by workers, whether they result in claims or not. You should fill in the Register even if the accident is small and seems insignificant. You may need to provide this information in case you have to make a workers compensation claim.

Sample of the Register of Injuries

Employers can draw up their own injury register. However, it must be reproduced in the prescribed form.

Table 1: Register of injuries logbook

Register of injuries logbook
Name of injured worker:
Industry in which worker was engaged:
Operation in which worker was engaged at time of injury:
Date of injury: Hour: am pm
Nature of injury:
Cause of injury:

(Note: Entries in this book should be made in ink.)

Emergency planning

Employers need to establish plans and procedures to cope with fire and other emergencies. Emergencies can result from events such as leaks or spills, fire or explosions, mechanical failures or other incidents.

Legislation which deals with this is contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001:

·  clause 17: Employer to provide for emergencies

·  clause 62: Fire and explosion – particular risk control measures.

There should be contingency plans in place to deal with the types of emergencies that might arise. Workers should be informed about these plans, including evacuation procedures. These plans should include:

·  warning, alarm and sprinkler systems

·  first aid facilities

·  available and location of emergency equipment

·  accessibility of lists of emergency organisations with contact details, key personnel with their contact details and responsibilities

·  emergency drills.

The purpose of an emergency plan is to:

·  provide written and clearly displayed procedures to be followed in the event of emergency evacuation

·  give specific duties to individual staff members.

A plan should be widely displayed on noticeboards, clearly worded and include a floor plan of the building layout. All exit locations and meeting points should be included on the plan.

The following information should be considered when following an emergency preparedness procedure:

·  recommended evacuation procedures

·  reporting and appropriate response procedures

·  first aid facilities and services

·  fire fighting equipment.

Look at the following office floor plan and note that it shows an employee the quickest and safest way to exit the building.

Figure 1: This plan shows an employee the quickest and safest way
to exit the building

Fires and explosions

Three factors are needed for a fire or explosion to occur:

·  fuel: any solid, liquid or gas that can burn

·  oxygen: from the air and also from chemical reactions

·  heat: flames, sparks, cigarettes etc.

If you discover a fire or see/hear an explosion, remember the six steps to safety:

1 Sound the alarm immediately.

2 Tell everyone to get clear.

3 Advise the fire brigade.

4 Fight the fire—if you have been trained to do so.

5 Evacuate the building.

6 Do not re-enter the building until the all clear has been given by the fire brigade.

For electrical fires, remember to turn off the power.

Procedure in case of fire

Here’s what to do in case of a fire.

Figure 2a: Sound the alarm /
Figure 2b: Tell others

Figure 2c: Advise the fire brigade /
Figure 2d: Fight the fire if trained to do so

Figure 2e: Evacuate /
Figure 2f: Stay clear of the building

Fire extinguishers

Extinguishers are colour-coded so that you can easily identify them. Extinguishers that contain water, for example, are colour-coded red. This is important to know because you cannot use water to put out fires involving live electrical equipment. You could get electrocuted.

Remember that a fire extinguisher is only the first step in fire fighting. All small fires can quickly become big fires—and an extinguisher is no substitute for the fire brigade.

The table below lists the main types of extinguishers, their colour codes and their special uses.

Table 2: Main type of fire extinguishers

Extinguisher / Colour / Electrical / Paper / Fuel & oil / Gas / Toxic / Purpose
Water / red / No / Yes / No / No / No / cooling
Foam / blue / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / smother
CO2 / red with black band / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / smother
Halon/BCF* / yellow / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / Yes / smother
Dry chemical / red with white band / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / smother

*Were recalled in 1995 for disposal. They should be replaced with a CO2 or dry chemical extinguishers.

Remember: after a fire, don’t put the empty extinguisher back on its rack. This may cost someone his or her life at a later date. Arrange to have it refilled.

Other emergencies

Other emergencies include:

1 Chemical spills

2 Bomb threats

3 Occupational violence.

Chemical spills

Many substances used in offices may be hazardous. Users should find out how that substance should be actually used (this may be sufficient). The next step to take is to develop and implement any control measures required as a result of the assessment, if warranted. In most cases, following basic precautions outlined in the Material safety data sheet (MSDS) will be adequate. For example, it may be necessary to wear gloves and a mask when changing certain powder toners in printers.

To find out more about Material safety data sheets go to Western Australian Government’s website on Consumer and employment Protection at:

The specific page for notes about Material safety data sheets is:

Reading HAZCHEM codes

When dangerous goods are stored on premises, or are transported by road or rail, HAZCHEM codes must be displayed. These codes show:

·  type of hazardous substance

·  what to use for fire fighting or to clean up spill

·  any reaction risk

·  PPE to be worn when dealing with the incident

·  if evacuation is necessary.

The number in the bottom corner of the diamond represents the class of dangerous goods. For example:

Class 2 / Compressed gases (flammable, toxic, oxidising gas)
Class 3 / Flammable liquids
Class 4 / Flammable solids; spontaneously combustible substances; gas emitting substances (when mixed with water)
Class 5 / Oxidising agents/organic peroxide
Class 6 / Toxic substances
Class 7 / Radioactive substances
Class 8 / Corrosive substances
Class 9 / Miscellaneous dangerous goods

Bomb threats

A bomb threat is usually received at the workplace by telephone. If received, it is important to remain calm as the information given and replies to questions asked by the person taking the call, could be of vital assistance to authorities. Try to keep the caller on the telephone as long as possible. If a telephone bomb threat is received:

·  Take a note of the exact time, voice characteristics (such as accent, impediment and diction), estimation of the approximate age, boy or girl, man or woman.

·  Listen for background noises, music, traffic, laughter or other persons.

·  Try to find out from the caller where the bomb is located.

·  Question the caller as to their knowledge of your premises.

Questions to ask the caller include:

·  What time will it explode

·  Where did you put the bomb?

·  When did you put it there?

·  What does it look like?

·  What type of device is it?

·  Why are you doing this?

·  What is your name?

If a written or typed bomb threat is received, the note should be handled by a minimum number of people to preserve fingerprints. It should not be altered in any way ie not stapled or written on, but placed inside an envelope large enough as to not fold it. Take note of date and time received, the person who received the note and mode of delivery.

Suspected devices should not be touched, tilted or tampered with.

Occupational violence

In Part 2, Division 3 of the NSW OHS Act 2000, it is stated that:

All persons must not:

Disrupt a workplace by creating health or safety fears.

The OHS Act protects psychological welfare as well as physical safety. It is the responsibility of employers to ensure that personal threats of any kind are not allowed in the workplace.

Workplace violence, harassment and bullying

Violence includes verbal and emotional threats, physical attack to an individual’s person or property by another individual or group. The level of fear an individual feels and the way they respond during and after a violent act relates to their own experiences, skills and personality. Violent acts include:

·  Verbal base in person or over the phone

·  Threats of a sexual nature

·  Threats of violence

·  Ganging up by a group over an individual

·  Physical or sexual assault.