The following comments are related to problems found at the end of various chapters.

General comment: In terms of the application problems, your calculated answer, on occasion, may differ from the published answer simply as a result of rounding. Moreover, differences between a calculated answer and a published answer may be more likely as you work your way through the text because the number of calculations involved in the various problems generally increases along the way.

Corrections: See specific corrections on a chapter-by-chapter basis.

Chapter 1:

General Thought Questions

# 5 The correct answer is: Interval or Interval/ratio

# 7 The correct answer is: Ratio

Chapter 7:

General Thought Questions

# 7 The correct answer is: Fail to reject

Application Questions/Problems: Hypothesis Involving a Single Sample Mean with Unknown

# 5 The correct answer is: Fail to reject

# 6 The correct answer is: Fail to reject

Chapter 8

General Thought Questions

# 4 This question cannot be answered, given the way the question is worded.

Application Questions/Problems: Matched/Related Samples Design

#2d The correct answer is: Fail to reject

Application Questions/Problems: Independent Samples Design

#5 The correct answer is: Reject the null

Chapter 9

General Thought Questions

# 3 The correct answer is: Two-tailed

# 4 The correct answer is: One-tailed

# 5 The correct answers are: Rejecting; True

# 6 The correct answers are: Failing to reject; False

There is no Question 7 in the General Thought Questions Section

Application Questions/Problems: One-tailed and Two-tailed Critical Values

# 2c The correct answer is: 1.74

Chapter 10

General Thought Questions

# 11 The correct answer is:

Application Questions/Problems

# 5aThe correct answer is:

# 7a The correct answer is:

# 7g The correct answer is: 11

# 7h The correct answer is: 1.74

# 7i The correct answer is: .14

Chapter 12

Application Questions/Problems

#3a The correct answers are: -.89; This is a strong, negative relationship

#3b The correct answers are: .79; 79% of the variation in y is attributable to variation in x

#3c The correct answer is: r = 0

#4a The correct answer is: This is a weak, positive relationship

#4b The correct answers are: .10; 10% of the variation in y is attributable to variation in x

#4c The correct answers are: r=0; Reject the null

#5a The correct answers are: .90; This is a strong, positive relationship

#5b The correct answers are: .81; 81% of the variation in y is attributable to variation in x

#5c The correct answers are; r=0; Reject the null

#6 The correct answer is: a = 29.91 and b = - .23

#7 The correct answer is: a = 17 and b = 4.15

#8a The correct answers are: -.998; This is a strong, negative relationship

#8b The correct answers are .996; 99.6% of the variation in y is attributable to variation in x

#8c The correct answer is: a = 4.12 and b = -.04

#9a The correct answers are: .83; This is a strong, positive relationship

#9b The correct answers are: .69; 69% of the variation in y is attributable to variation in x

#9c The correct answers is: a = -$32.01 and b = 3.67