A.6 Boilers

The following are Minnesota Standards of Performance for Indirect Heating Equipment

(Minn. R. 7011.0500-7011.0553)

New boilers: construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after January 31, 1977

Existing boilers: construction, modification, or reconstruction did not commence after January 31, 1977

Air Quality Control Region (AQCR) 131: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington counties

A.6.1 New and Existing Boilers located within AQCR 131

What to do / Why to do it
Total Particulate Matter: less than or equal to 0.40 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.024 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 1 and 7011.0550; Minn. R. 7011.0510 and 7011.0545
Opacity: less than or equal to 20% opacity; except for one-six-minute period per hour of not more than 60% opacity. An exceedance of this opacity standard occurs whenever any one-hour period contains two or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 20 percent or whenever any one-hour period contains one or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 60 percent. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 2; Minn. R. 7011.0510, subp. 2
Sulfur Dioxide: less than or equal to 1.6 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average when combusting liquid fuels
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.051 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 1 and 7011.0550; Minn. R. 7011.0510 and 7011.0545

A.6.2 New and Existing Boilers located within the City of Duluth

What to do / Why to do it
Total Particulate Matter: less than or equal to 0.40 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.024 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 1 and 7011.0550; Minn. R. 7011.0510 and 7011.0545
Opacity: less than or equal to 20% opacity; except for one-six-minute period per hour of not more than 60% opacity. An exceedance of this opacity standard occurs whenever any one-hour period contains two or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 20 percent or whenever any one-hour period contains one or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 60 percent. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 2; Minn. R. 7011.0510, subp. 2
Sulfur Dioxide: less than or equal to 2.0 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average when combusting liquid fuels
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.051 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 1 and 7011.0550; Minn. R. 7011.0510 and 7011.0545

A.6.3 New boilers, located outside AQCR 131 and outside the City of Duluth

What to do / Why to do it
Total Particulate Matter: less than or equal to 0.40 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.024 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 1 and 7011.0550
Opacity: less than or equal to 20% opacity; except for one-six-minute period per hour of not more than 60% opacity. An exceedance of this opacity standard occurs whenever any one-hour period contains two or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 20 percent or whenever any one-hour period contains one or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 60 percent. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 2
Sulfur Dioxide: less than or equal to 2.0 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average when combusting liquid fuels
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.051 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0515, subp. 1 and 7011.0550

A.6.4 Existing boilers, located outside AQCR 131 and outside the City of Duluth

What to do / Why to do it
Total Particulate Matter: less than or equal to 0.60 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.024 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0510 and 7011.0545
Opacity: less than or equal to 20% opacity; except for one-six-minute period per hour of not more than 60% opacity. An exceedance of this opacity standard occurs whenever any one-hour period contains two or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 20 percent or whenever any one-hour period contains one or more six-minute periods during which the average opacity exceeds 60 percent. / Minn. R. 7011.0510, subp. 2
Sulfur Dioxide: less than or equal to 2.0 pounds per million BTU using a 3-hour rolling average when combusting liquid fuels
The potential to emit from the boilers allowed with this permit is 0.051 lb/MMBtu due to equipment design and allowable fuels. / Minn. R. 7011.0510 and 7011.0545

A.6.5 Boilers Subject to NESHAP subp. DDDDD

The following are National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers (40 CFR pt. 63, subp. DDDDD)

All boilers subject to 40 CFR pt. 63, subp. DDDDD

Affected Source for NESHAP subp. DDDDD:

  1. The collection at the facility of all existing industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers within a subcategory. (Subcategories defined in 40 CFR Section 63.7575)
  2. Eligible affected sources are in the gas 1 and light liquid fuels (distillate oil) subcategories.
  3. Each new or reconstructed industrial, commercial, or institutional boiler.

New Source: construction or reconstruction commenced after June 4, 2010 at a major source of HAPs

Existing sources: construction or reconstruction commenced on or before June 4, 2010 at a major source of HAPs

What to do / Why to do it
Compliance dates: The Permittee shall comply with 40 CFR pt. 63, subp. DDDDD no later than the following compliance dates, except as provided in 40 CFR 63.6(i):
- For any boiler constructed or reconstructed after June 4, 2010, the compliance date is January 31, 2013, or upon startup of the boiler, whichever is later.
- For any boiler constructed or reconstructed on or before June 4, 2010, the compliance date is January 31, 2016. / 40 CFR Section 63.7495; Minn. R. 7011.7050
The Permittee shall at all times operate and maintain each boiler at the facility in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether such operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the EPA Administrator that may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. / 40 CFR Section 63.7500(a)(3); Minn. R. 7011.7050
The Permittee shall comply with the emission limits, work practice standards, and operating limits in 40 CFR pt. 63, subp. DDDDD. These limits apply at all times the affected unit is operating except during periods of startup and shutdown during which time the Permittee shall comply only with the tune-up and energy assessment requirements below. / 40 CFR Sections 63.7505(a) and 63.7500(f); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Tune up means adjustments made to a boiler in accordance with the procedures outlined in 40 CFR Section 63.7540(a)(10)(i)-(vi):
i) As applicable, the Permittee shall inspect the burner, and clean or replace any components of the burner as necessary. The Permittee may delay the burner inspection until the next scheduled unit shutdown. Units that produce electricity for sale may delay the burner inspection until the first outage, not to exceed 36 months (72 months for those units requiring a tune up only every 5 years) from the previous inspection. At units where entry into a piece of process equipment or into a storage vessel is required to complete the tune up inspections, inspections are required only during planned entries into the storage vessel or process equipment;
ii) The Permittee shall inspect the flame pattern, as applicable, and adjust the burner as necessary to optimize the flame pattern. The adjustment should be consistent with the manufacturer’s specifications, if available;
iii) The Permittee shall inspect the system controlling the air-to-fuel ratio, as applicable, and ensure that it is correctly calibrated and functioning properly. The Permittee may delay the inspection until the next scheduled unit shutdown. Units that produce electricity for sale may delay the inspection until the first outage, not to exceed 36 months (72 months for those units requiring a tune up only every 5 years) from the previous inspection;
iv) The Permittee shall optimize total emissions of CO. The optimization should be consistent with manufacturer’s specifications, if available, and with any NOx requirement to which the unit is subject;
v) The Permittee shall measure the concentrations in the effluent stream of CO in parts per million, by volume, and oxygen in volume percent, before and after the adjustments are made
  • Measurements may be either on a dry or wet basis, as long as it is the same basis before and after adjustments are made
  • Measurements may be taken using a portable CO analyzer; and
vi) The Permittee shall maintain on-site and submit, if requested by the Administrator, an annual report as described in the Recordkeeping requirements below. / 40 CFR Section 63.7540(a)(10); Minn. R. 7011.7050
General Provisions Appendix: This permit contains an appendix which lists the requirements of the general provisions in 40 CFR Sections 63.1 through 63.15, and shows which parts of the general provisions apply to sources subject to 40 CFR pt. 63, subp. DDDDD.
The Permittee shall comply with all applicable requirements contained in the General Provisions Appendix (Appendix B). / 40 CFR Section 63.7565, Table 10 to 40 CFR pt. 63, subp. DDDDD; Minn. R. 7011.7050; Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2
Daily Recordkeeping – Startup and Shutdown:
On each day that a boiler is started up or shut down, the Permittee shall record and maintain:
1) the Emission Unit ID Number of the boiler (as designated on form LE-02);
2) the calendar date, time, occurrence and duration of each startup and shutdown; and
3) the type and amount of fuels used during each startup and shutdown. / 40 CFR Sections 63.7555(i) and 63.7555(j); Minn. R. 7011.7050; Minn.
R. 7007.0800, subp. 2
The Permittee shall maintain on-site and submit, if requested by the Administrator, a biennial (or five-year for those units requiring a tune up only every 5 years) report containing the following information:
(A) The concentrations of CO in the effluent stream in parts per million by volume, and oxygen in volume percent, measured at high fire or typical operating load, before and after the tune-up of the boiler;
(B) A description of any corrective actions taken as a part of the tune-up; and
(C) The type and amount of fuel used over the 24 (or 60 for those units requiring a tune up only every 5 years) months prior to the tune-up, but only if the unit was physically and legally capable of using more than one type of fuel during that period. Units sharing a fuel meter may estimate the fuel used by each unit. / 40 CFR Sections 63.7540(a)(10)(vi) and 63.7540(a)(11)-(12); Minn. R. 7011.7050
The Permittee shall maintain relevant records of:
1) The occurrence and duration of each startup, shutdown, or malfunction of operation (i.e., process equipment);
2) The occurrence and duration of each malfunction of the required air pollution control and monitoring equipment;
3) All required maintenance performed on the air pollution control and monitoring equipment;
4) Actions taken during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction (including corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation) when such actions are different from the procedures specified in the SSMP;
5) All information necessary to demonstrate conformance with the SSMP when all actions taken during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction (including corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation) are consistent with the procedures specified in such plan. (The information needed to demonstrate conformance with the SSMP may be recorded using a checklist, or some other effective form of recordkeeping, in order to minimize the recordkeeping burden for conforming events);
6) All required measurements needed to demonstrate compliance with a relevant standard (including, but not limited to and raw performance testing measurements that support data that the source is required to report);
7) All results of performance tests;
8) All measurements as may be necessary to determine the conditions of performance tests; and
9) All documentation supporting initial notifications and notifications of compliance status under 40 CFR Section 63.9. / 40 CFR Section 63.10(b)(2); Minn. R. 7011.7050
The Permittee shall keep the following records:
1) A copy of each notification and report that was submitted to comply with subpart DDDDD, including all documentation supporting any Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status or Semi-Annual Compliance Report that was submitted, according to the requirements in 40 CFR Section 63.10(b)(2)(xiv); and
2) Records of performance tests, fuel analyses, or other compliance demonstrations and performance evaluations as required in 40 CFR Section 63.10(b)(2)(viii). / 40 CFR Section 63.7555(a); Minn. R. 7011.7050
The Permittee shall keep the required records in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious review, according to 40 CFR Section 63.10(b)(1). The Permittee shall keep each record for 5 years following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record. The Permittee shall keep each record on site for at least 2 years after the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record. The Permittee may keep the records off site for the remaining 3 years. Such files may be maintained on microfilm, on a computer, on computer floppy disks, on magnetic tape disks, or on microfiche. / 40 CFR Section 63.7560; 40 CFR Section 63.10(b)(1); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Submittals and notifications under 40 CFR pt. 63, subp. DDDDD shall be sent to both the MPCA and EPA contacts listed on the first page of Table B of this permit, unless otherwise noted. / Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2
The Permittee shall submit all of the notifications in 40 CFR Sections 63.7(b) and (c), 63.8 (e), (f)(4) and (6), and 63.9(b) through (h) that apply by the dates specified. See the General Provisions Appendix B to this permit for these requirements. / 40 CFR Section 63.7545(a); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Initial Notification: The Permittee shall submit an Initial Notification not later than
120 days after January 31, 2013, for each industrial boiler unit started up before
January 31, 2013. / 40 CFR Section 63.7545(b); 40
CFR Section 63.9(b)(2); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Initial Notification: The Permittee shall submit an Initial Notification not later than
15 days after actual the actual date of startup, for each industrial boiler unit started up on or after January 31, 2013. / 40 CFR Section 63.7545(c); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Notification of compliance status: due 60 days after Demonstration Completion. The Permittee shall submit a Notification of Compliance Status according to 40 CFR Section 63.9(h)(2)(ii). The Notification of Compliance Status report shall contain the information specified below:
-A description of the affected unit(s) including identification of which subcategories the unit is in, the design heat input capacity of the unit, description of the fuel(s) burned;
-A signed certification that the affected units have met all applicable emission limits and work practice standards;
-If there was a deviation from any emission limit, work practice standard, or operating limit, the Permittee shall also submit a description of the deviation, the duration of the deviation, and the corrective action taken in the Notification of Compliance Status report;
-In addition to the information required in 40 CFR Section 63.9(h)(2), the Notification of Compliance Status shall include the following certification(s) of compliance, as applicable, and signed by a responsible official:
  • “This facility complies with the required initial tune-up according to the procedures in 40 CFR Sections 63.7540(a)(10(i) through (vi).”
  • “This facility has had an energy assessment performed according to 40 CFR 7530(e).”
  • Except for units that burn only natural gas, refinery gas, or other gas 1 fuel, or units that qualify for a statutory exemption as provided in Section 129(g)(1) of the Clean Air Act, the Permittee shall also include the following: “No secondary materials that are solid waste were combusted in any affected unit.”
/ 40 CFR Section 63.7545(e); 40 CFR Sections 63.7530(d)-(f); 40 CFR Section 63.9(h); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Compliance Report: due 31 days after end of each calendar 24 months following Permit Issuance for those units requiring a tune-up every two years. The reporting period shall be [year 1] January 1 to [year 2] December 31. The Compliance Report is due 31 days after the end of the reporting period.
The first compliance report shall cover the period beginning on the compliance date that is specified for each boiler in 40 CFR Section 63.7495 and ending on July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date that occurs at least 2 years after the compliance date that is specified for the emission unit in Section 63.7495.
Each subsequent compliance report shall cover the 2-year period from January 1 to December 31. / 40 CFR Section 63.7550(b); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Compliance Report: due 31 days after end of each calendar 60 months following Permit Issuance for those units requiring a tune-up every five years. The reporting period shall be [year 1] January 1 to [year 5] December 31. The Compliance Report is due 31 days after the end of the reporting period.
The first compliance report shall cover the period beginning on the compliance date that is specified for each boiler in 40 CFR Section 63.7495 and ending on July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date that occurs at least 5 years after the compliance date that is specified for the emission unit in Section 63.7495.
Each subsequent compliance report shall cover the 5-year period from January 1 to December 31. / 40 CFR Section 63.7550(b); Minn. R. 7011.7050
Report - Compliance Report - report contents (biennial and 5-year). The report shall contain:
a. If the facility is subject to the requirements of a tune up, the Permittee shall include the following information in the compliance report:
- Company and Facility name and address,