The Fleece Tent at Common Ground Fair: Showcasing the Best of Maine Fiber
Once again this year, a group of women from the Wednesday Spinners—celebrating their 30th consecutive year at the Fair—will coordinate all activities of the Fleece Tent.
As always, fairgoers will have an abundance of sheep fleeces from which to choose—white and colored; fine, medium and long staple; coarse; plus fleeces from “primitive” breeds. The fleeces will be organized initially by color and then grade, with each grower’s fleeces grouped together within the respective category. Specialty fibers, including llama, alpaca, mohair, cashmere and angora, will also have ample space. Signs on tables will lead buyers to just what they are looking for; a bulletin board will be filled with information about growers; and a table will hold samples of fleece and information about uses of different types—whether for spinning beautiful yarn or creating fabulous felt. Knowing that variety is the key to a good sale, the Spinners encourage all growers to take part. The Fleece Tent promises to be a fiber lover’s dream!
The Fleece Show on Saturday is expanding to include specialty fibers this year. Wool judging will start at 10 a.m., and specialty fibers will be judged on Saturday afternoon. For 2007, Maine wool growers may submit one fleece in each of the following categories: white or colored; and within those divisions, fine, medium, long, and coarse; and primitive/dual-coated. Maine specialty fiber growers may submit one fleece in each of the following categories: alpaca and llama—white, colored, and cria (under one year at time of shearing); angora rabbit; and goat—adult and kid mohair, cashmere, and cashgora. The fee for each entry is $3. For further information about submitting fiber to the sale and/or show, please contact Penelope Olson at 785-2784 or .
Once again, the Fleece Tent will emphasize education and information. Throughout the weekend, spinners and growers will be available to answer questions about choosing the right fleece for your needs. Find yourself with one too many fleeces? We’ll have information on Maine’s growing number of fiber processing mills. In addition, the schedule will include talks all three days—at the speakers’ tent right outside the Fleece Tent—with subjects that include choosing the right fleece for spinning; contemporary trends in felt-making; raising fine fleeces; mohair—‘the diamond fiber’; raising sheep on Maine’s islands; a talk by the publisher of Wild Fibers Magazine; and a talk on wools of the world by the founder of Peace Fleece.
We’ll have lots of space to sit and spin in our three-pole, 80-foot tent. We encourage interested spinners—individuals or small groups—to join us throughout the weekend.
For information about volunteering in the Fleece Tent, please contact Penelope Olson, as above. For volunteer opportunities at the Fair, please visit