The Faculty of Bioscences, Fisheries and Economics

The Faculty of Bioscences, Fisheries and Economics

Contract of Supervision


Master Degree Programme

In biology at

Department of Arctic and Marine Biology,

The Faculty of Bioscences, Fisheries and Economics

The student shall deliver the contract for approval to the department responsible for his/her masters programme by 1st September or 1st February in the semester they start work on their project.
Changes in the contract in the course of the programme, e.g. curriculum, supervisor, leave-of-absence or granting of extensions etc. can only be undertaken with the consideration and approval of the department.
1. The student’s personal details
Surname: / Forename:
Personal reg. nmb. (11 digits):
Telephone: / E-mail:
2. Supervisor(s)
The student must state the name of his/her primary supervisor and the name(s) of any co-supervisor or external supervisor he/she may have. The primary supervisor has the overall responsibility for the department’s monitoring of the contract. The student has the right to supervision for the period of time required to complete the masters programme. In the event that the supervisor plans to take a sabbatical during the period of the contract, the student must be informed of this when the contract is entered into. The supervisor is, in conjunction with the department, responsible for ensuring that the student receives supervision through out the entire term of the contract.
Primary Supervisor: / Work address/Telephone/E-mail:
Co/External Supervisor: / Work address/Telephone/E-mail:
Co/External Supervisor: / Work address/Telephone/E-mail:
3. Study Programme
Study Programme: / 2-year/120 credits / 5-year/300 credits
Specialization: / Department:
4. Study plan
a) For the 2-year masters degree it is required that:
The examination in the entire masters curriculum, including any special curriculum, must be completed and passed before the final masters examination. Individual special curricula must be approved by the department with regard to extent and content.
Where the masters thesis constitutes 30 or 60 credits of the total of 120 credits then the taught subjects and any special curricula in the masters programme will amount to, respectively, 90 or 60 credits.
Taught subjects and special curricula:
CodeTitleCreditsTeaching institutionPassed
b) For the 5-year integrated masters programme it is required that:
The complete study plan is attached to the contract. (Take a print-out from Studentweb).
Other external subjects and special curricula which, upon acceptance, will form a part of the study plan:
CodeTitleCreditsTeaching institutionPassed
5. Masters Thesis
a) Provisional Title: / 30 Credits / 60 Credits
A project description on a separate sheet of paper must be attached and shall include
  • Approach(to the problem)
  • Methods
  • Aims/timeplan
  • Any technical and/or scientific cooperative work

b) Execution of the Masters project
All masters students have the right to carry out their masters project on an individual basis. Students can choose to work together as a group if they themselves form the group and the supervisor accepts this. In such a circumstance the contracts of supervision must be delivered collectively.
Individual project.
Group project with individual assessment. The individual contributions should be clearly distinguished from each other.
Group members names:
c) Time plan for the masters project
The independent masters project shall be carried out within a specific date. Projects shall normally be delivered, at the latest, by the 15th May or the 15th November in the final semester.
Project allocation date: / Project delivery date:
d) Time commitment
Part-time students must commit at least 50% percent of their time to the masters programme. Masters projects consisting of 30 credits should normally be carried out on a fulltime basis. Masters students who have employment as assistant teachers and/or lab instructors can apply for allowance to be made for this work in relation to their allowed study time. / Fulltime student
Part-time student %
6. Need for equipment
In the event that resources at another institution are to be employed this must be fully detailed in 6.b)
a) The student’s work-place (office space/lab):
b) Equipment and resources needs / Costs / To be debited against project
Use of equipment/resources sanctioned by authorised person (signature)
For the Department: / For the External Institution:
7. Comments/Observations:
8. Signatures
The student, the primary supervisor and other supervisors are in agreement concerning all points in the contract.
Student /Date: / Primary Supervisor /Date:
Supervisor /Date: / Supervisor /Date: