Being a student, especially a Medical one, requires lots of strength and patience in order to succeed the aim and the higher objective everyone sets for itself. Nevertheless, we all need a short period and a chance to have fun, meet new people from different countries and fill our life up with experiences, outside of the expectant. And here is where ERASMUS takes place!
This kind of activity means that everyone has the chance to interact with students of the same faculty in a different level, trying to match and combine the same knowledge expressed in different language. The purpose is to be able to attend classes made in another language instead of your mother language and of course to meet new people and -why not- be able to maintain this bond over the border of the countries and afterwards. Scientific seminars, thesis, clinical practices are few of the many things you can achieve.
Apart from school, you have the opportunity to meet students from other faculties as well, and take part at student activities -sports, theatre, dances, events etc - . Plus you have the chance to organize group trips and visit small villages, countryside near the city that you may not have ever imagined to visit before!
I was one of the lucky persons to have the opportunity to live and experience my life as Erasmus student abroad. Place of my Erasmus Destination: The beautiful Pécs!
Even if I didn’t t have the chance to stay for the whole academic year abroad, due to bureaucracy obstacles -which is one of my greatest regrets- if I had the chance, I would have done it again and again and again...

At the beginning, I had some small orientation problems, as it was expected, since I was in a new city, in a new country. But after 2-3 days I started getting used to the idea and found the way to fit myself in the whole ''project''. I met people from many places, co-students and not, and had the chance to maintain my friendship with them till now! Of course living in the dorms was one of the positive things in order to achieve that.

Concerning school, I had the opportunity to attend scientific seminars, assist the operating theatre in different departments -which I find really interesting- collaborate with other students and expand my ability to speak and study in English. The teachers were always available to help me out with any kind of problem concerning their field and willing to pass me over their knowledge. I don t forget the help and the kindness of the university officials that helped me out till the last moment of my stay. Even during the exam period, despite the differences of the educational system I had to face, I managed to adjust at the end and I passed all of my exams.
But apart from school there is always the fun in life, which I can say it wasn't missing from mine! Living in Pécs gives you the opportunity and luxury to visit historical museums, beautiful green countrysides, relaxing spas, traditional restaurants, and clubs, in a way that fascinates you. Personally I love to travel and the fact I was living in Pécs, gave me the chance to visit other countries and of course other Hungarian cities more than once. I guess I was so fascinated from the whole '' package'' that I attended a Hungarian language class as well-gosh! Hungarian is a bit difficult to learn!
Time passed by so quickly and soon my Erasmus period was approaching its end. After all, every nice thing comes to an end sooner or later....
I close my eyes and think about Pécs...countless pictures, beautiful green hills and lakes, kind and polite people, unique experience...what could I possibly ask more?!
Precious memories and, of course, many souvenirs from a place I once had the luck to feel like ''home''! Köszönöm Pécs!

Koutsoukou Theofani

5th year medical student from Thessalonik, Greece

Spring 2011