The Ethical Standards in Health and Life Sciences Group
(information taken from ESHLSG web page:
The role of the Ethical Standards in Health and Life Sciences Group (ESHLSG) is to evolve the relationship between health professionals and commercial life science organisations to ensure that it meets the expectations of stakeholders and creates a platform for increased collaboration and partnership for the benefit of patients.
The ESHLSG was established to address the partnership issues that can impact on the relationship between commercial organisations and health professionals, and ensure that the relationship meets the high expectations of all stakeholders, and patients in particular. It will do this by promoting positive, collaborative behaviours and addressing areas of reputational risk and vulnerability to health professionals and commercial organisations.
The group’s objectives are to:
- Promote positive collaboration between health professionals and commercial organisations from the life sciences sector
- Promote best practice in clinical trial reporting and publications across the research community
- Increase transparency in financial relationships between commercial organisations and health professionals
- Identify and address any aspects of commercial organisations’ support of medical education activities that have the potential to cause reputational harm, either to health professionals and/or commercial organisations
The work of the ESHLSG is funded by an annual subscription from each partner organisation. This has been set at £200 for non-commercial organisations (including Medical Royal Colleges). Any additional funds provided by partner organisations to support specific projects are declared on the relevant page of the website.
The ESHLSG consists of 20 organisations (see appendix 1). Of these, 18 (including RCPsych) are full members and two are observing members. It is co-chaired by Sir Richard Thompson, President of the Royal College of Physicians and Deepak Khanna, President of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.
Membership of the group is open to organisations with a professional, representative or regulatory role for health professionals in the UK, and bodies representing patient organisations and member organisations of Life Sciences UK covering pharmaceuticals, medical devices, diagnostics and biotech sectors. Organisations can apply to join the ESHLSG by writing to the secretariat. Membership is approved by the members of the group in accordance with the terms of reference.
The rationale for membership reflects the role and objectives of the group covering the relationship between health professionals and commercial organisations from research and development, through education to collaboration in developing the patient pathway. The patient perspective is represented by National Voices.
The ESHLSG has publishedguidance on collaboration between health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry, (April 2012 – see appendix 2) and Clinical Trial Transparency Principles and Facts (May 2012 – see appendix 3). They are currently consulting on the public disclosure of payments to health professionals, and aim to publish a report on the subject in January 2013.
They are also undertaking a programme of research to gather and analyse the views of health professionals and other stakeholders around commercially-supported medical education. The aim of the research is to identify areas of commercially-supported medical education that should be retained, supported and developed, and ascertain any activities that cause concern and should be addressed.
Candace Gillies-Wright
30 July 2012
Appendix 1: Members of ESHLSG
Appendix 2: Guidance on collaboration between health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry (April 2012)
Appendix 3: Clinical Trial Transparency Principles and Facts (May 2012)
Appendix 4: article from the BMJ (08 05 12)
Appendix 1: Members of ESHLSG
/ Academy of Medical Royal CollegesThe role of the Academy is to promote, facilitate and where appropriate co-ordinate the work of the Medical Royal Colleges and their Faculties for the benefit of patients and healthcare.
/ Association of British Healthcare Industries
The Association of British Healthcare Industries (ABHI) is the industry association for the medical technology sector in the UK. It has over 250 company members.
/ Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) represents innovative research-based biopharmaceutical companies, large, medium and small, leading an exciting new era of biosciences in the UK
/ The British In Vitro Diagnostics Association (BIVDA)
The British In Vitro Diagnostics Association (BIVDA) is the national industry association for companies with major involvement and interest in the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry
/ British Medical Association
The British Medical Association (BMA) is the professional medical association and trade union for doctors and medical students
/ British Pharmacological Society
The British Pharmacological Society (BPS) has, at its heart, the development and promotion of pharmacology and of those who are training and working in the field. There are over 3000 members from 60 countries around the world.
/ Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM) is a professional membership organisation and standard-setting body with over 1,350 members from over 35 countries around the world. All members are practising or retired pharmaceutical physicians or those with a professional interest in the speciality.
/ Institute of Healthcare Management
The Institute of Healthcare Management (IHM) is recognised as the largest representative organisation for individual healthcare managers in the UK. Its membership includes health and care management from NHS primary and secondary care as well as from the private, independent, commercial health and care sectors
/ NHS Confederation
The NHS Confederation is the membership body for all organisations that commission and provide NHS services.
/ Royal College of General Practitioners
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) is a membership body of family doctors committed to delivering excellence in general practice and patient care, in the UK and overseas.
/ Royal College of Nursing
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) represents nurses and nursing, promotes excellence in practice and shapes health policies.
/ Royal College of Physicians
The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) represents 27,000 physicians, predominantly working in hospitals across 31 medical specialities.
The RCP is a forward-looking organisation, relentless in our pursuit of improvements in healthcare and the health of the population. This is achieved by enhancing and harnessing the skills, knowledge and leadership of physicians in setting challenging standards and encouraging positive change based on sound evidence.
/ Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) is a professional membership organisation with a strong standards focus. In addition to providing educational and professional support for doctors, the RCPE is actively involved in representing the views of doctors in discussions with others, including government, and promoting the public health.
/ Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the leading medical authority on mental health in the UK and is the professional education organisation for doctors specialising in psychiatry
/ Royal College of Surgeons
The Royal College of Surgeons of England enables surgeons to achieve and maintain the highest standards of surgical practice and patient care by providing training and professional support.
/ The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSED) is dedicated to the maintenance and promotion of the highest standards of surgical practice, through its keen interest in education, training and rigorous examination and through its liaison with external medical bodies
/ Royal Society of Medicine
The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) is an independent educational organisation for doctors, dentists, scientists and others involved in medicine and health care.
/ Royal Pharmaceutical Society
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) is the professional body for pharmacists and pharmacy in England, Scotland and Wales.
/ General Medical CouncilThe General Medical Council (GMC) registers doctors to practise medicine in the UK. Our purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine.
/ Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority
PMCPA is an observing member of ESHLSG.The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) administers The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry’s (ABPI) Code of Practice at arm’s length from the ABPI itself.