The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians
Guarding the Gospel of Grace
Bill Fallon
A compilation of hand-out notes which were distributed during an expositional teaching series in a local assembly.
Overview of Chapter One:
Chapter One Text
Overview of Chapter Two:
Chapter Two Text
Overview of Chapter Three:
Chapter Three Text
Overview of Chapter Four:
Chapter Four Text
Overview of Chapter Five:
Chapter Five Text
Overview of Chapter Six:
Chapter Six Text
The Epistle[1]of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians
Guarding the Gospel of Grace
Bill Fallon
Galatians is a treatise which defends our Christian liberty.[2] It contrasts law and grace; both of which have their purpose in God’s plan for us, but must be applied as God intended. The purpose of the law[3]as shown in Galatians is to show us our need for God’s grace[4] and to bring us to belief in Jesus. (Gal. 3:19-26), (See also Rom. 3:19,20). Grace is the means by which we are eternally saved (Eph. 2:8, 9) and the means by which the believer should live (Col. 2:6; Titus 2:11, 12).
In reading both Galatians and Romans, it seems as though they are quite similar in content and therefore, somewhat redundant.[5]After time and further study it seems that at least part of the explanationto that is the following:
Romans defines the Gospel message and Galatians defends the Gospel message. Romans emphasizes the mechanics and details of the saving message and Galatians emphasizes what our response should be to those who would pervert the saving message.
If this be so, where does the book of John come in? Its purpose statement is that we would believe in Jesus and have life (John 20:31). It doesn’t even use the words “justify” or “justification” (the mechanics) but mentions belief in Jesus almost 100times. It shows us the only thing that we can do; believe in Jesus (John 3:16,et al). The rest of it God handles, As we mature we need to know about those things also.[6]
To illustrate: If the goal is for a small child to grow an oak tree from an acorn; Romans gives us the details and mechanics of how it is to grow; Galatians defends the necessity of how it is to grow and be protected, e.g. it needs water, sunlight, nutrition, etc. but John doesn’t go into those details. It just tells the child to put the acorn in the ground and cover it with dirt. He likely could not even understand the mechanics of thegrowth process.
While we should avoid being contentious, there are some principles and doctrinesfor which it is worth contending. Jude 3exhorts us that we,"...should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." In the next verse the reason for this exhortation is given; there had been, "...certain men crept in unawares, ...ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." The apostle Paul experienced a similar attack of Satan's emissaries in the Galatian churches He had taught true doctrine but others had come in and undermined both Paul and his teaching.
Paul's critics have come to be known as Judaizers since they were trying to make observance of the Jewish law a condition for salvation and for sanctification within Christianity. They not only attacked his doctrine but they attacked Paul himself by trying to undermine his apostleship. As we stand for God's truth we should not be surprised if we experience similar trials. IITim. 3:12. tells us,"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." If you are not suffering persecution, either you are not living “godly in Christ Jesus,” or, cheer up, just wait a while; it's coming.Matt. 7:6. further elaborates,"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Sometimes the messenger is rejected along with the message.
We need to grasp the historical context of the epistle if we are to more fully realize the spiritual content of the epistle:
The writer of the book:God is the Author (2Tim. 3:16), butthe Holy Spirit used the apostle Paul to pen this letter as is seen in the first two verses: "Paul, an apostle... unto the churches of Galatia:"(See also 5:2). Paul was a native of the large and influential city of Tarsus (Acts. 21:39); located near the northeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. (Please see the map on the next page). Tradition places the date of his birth at two years after Messiah's birth. His Hebrew name was Saul (meaning "desired") and he was later known by his Greek name as Paul[7] (meaning "little").
The first mention that we see of him is in Acts 7:58(ca A.D. 36): As the Jewish mob began to stone Stephen for his stinging testimony, "...the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul." Acts 8:1-3. elaborates on Saul's endorsement of persecuting the believers in Yeshua.In Acts, chapter 9, we see the miraculous conversion of Saul while on the way to Damascus to persecute believers. He had been zealous in his obedience to the law (Philippians 3:4-9). His zeal then turned from a misguided religious fervor ofarresting believers to a life-long passion of serving his Savior. God used him to pen 13NT epistles; some believe that he also wrote the epistle to the Hebrews. His parting words prior to his martyrdom were, "For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."(2. Tim. 4:6-8). We should all strive to be able to say the same.
The recipients of the book:As also seen in the first two verses, the recipients of this epistle are "the churches[8] of Galatia."There is divided opinion whether or not this is speaking of the churches in the northern portion of the province of Galatia or to the churches in southern Galatia which Paul founded during his first missionary journey as recorded in Acts 13and 14.[9]Please see the map below.Galatia was not a city, it was a region which contained a number of cities. Galatia was located in what is now the central region of modern-day Turkey.
The date of the book:The determination of the date of the writing of the epistle is dependent upon establishing its recipients. If Paul was writing to the churches in southern Galatia which he had founded during his first missionary journey, then the early date of about A.D. 48-49is correct. If Paul was writing to those in northern Galatia, then a much later date of A.D 57-60. would be in order. For reasons not necessary to propose in this study, we believe it most likely that the recipients were the churches in southern Galatia and that the early date is to be accepted as accurate. There is no reason for dogmatism here as neither date changes the tremendous impact of the message.
The theme of the book:The theme of Galatians, and the central theme of the New Testament is that true freedom comes only through Jesus Christ. In Galatians Paul deals with spiritual freedom in two areas: (1) - Salvation, through which faith in Christ alone sets a person free from the bondage of sin and the law. and (2) - Sanctification in the Christian life. This involves the freedom that God gives His children in the Christian life; In other words, Christian liberty.
Chart overview of the book:
Chart from the Open Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville
Chapters 1 and 2 / Chapters 3 and 4 / Chapters 5 and 6Personal / Doctrinal / Practical
Vindication / Exposition / Application
Testimonial and apologetic[10] / Doctrinal and argumentative / Practical and hortatory
Source of Gospel / Defense of Gospel / Application of Gospel
Gospel from God (1:1) / Gospel superior to law (5:1) / Gospel of Spirit (5:25)
Defends his apostleship / Defends his Gospel message / Defends the Christian life
We frequently see Paul's epistle's beginning with a strong dose of doctrine, and then concluding with practical application of the doctrine. This tells me that you cannot have right living without right doctrine.
The outline of the book - and what we can expect to learn and apply from this book.
Galatians Outline - Bob Wilkin, Grace NT Commentary
I.Salutation and Greeting (1:1–5)
II.Theme: Don’t Let Anyone Move You from Paul’s Gospel (1:6–10)
III.Paul’s Life and Ministry Prove That His Gospel Is the True Gospel (1:11–2:21)
IV.The Old Testament Scriptures Prove That Paul’s Gospel Is the True Gospel (3:1–4:31)
V.Only Paul’s Gospel Allows Believers to Serve Christ Successfully Now So That They Might Rule with Him Forever (5:1–6:10)
VI.Epilogue: Paul’s Gospel Leads One to Boast in Christ, Not in the Flesh (6:11–16)
VII.Farewell (6:17–18)
Galatians Outline - Dr. Mark G. Cambron, NT Book By Book Survey
I.Salutation of Letter (1:1-5)
A. From the Brethren (1:1, 2a)
B. To the Believers (1:2b-5)
II.Shock over Legalism (1:6- 2:21)
A. Perversion of the Gospel (1:6-9)
B. Provision of the Gospel (1:10-12)
C. Power of the Gospel (1:13-2:21)
III.Spirit versus Law (3-5)
A. As to Works (3:1-18)
B. As to Words (3:19-5:15)
C. As to Walk (5:16-26)
IV.Service of Love (6)
A. Restoring the Brother (6:1)
B. Relieving the Burden (6:2-6)
C. Reaping the Harvest (6:7-9)
D. Regulating the Duty (6:10)
E. Resisting the Evil (6:11-13)
F. Rejoicing the More (6:14-16)
G. Resting the Case (6:17-18)
We will attempt to view the epistle and portions of it first, telescopically, then focus in more microscopically. Both methods are essential in order to realize the content and intent of the message. Our goal is to learn what God is saying to us and to apply it in our lives.
Overview of Chapter One:
Paul begins the epistle with a statement affirming his apostleship, a brief salutation, and then immediately launches into a gallant and urgent exhortation concerning the tragic results of churches’ departure from the truth of the Gospel that he had taught them. He thenand begins a monologue of his personal testimony verifying the authenticity of the source of the message which flows into chapter 2.Chapters 1and 2are personal in nature. Paul defends his authority and the origination of the Gospel that he preached.
Chapter One Text
1. Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)
2. And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
3. Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
4. Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:
5 To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
1:1. Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)
Verses 1- 5 contain the introduction. Unlike our modern western-style of writing in which we put the writer's name at the end of the letter, the writer conveniently puts his name right at the beginning of the letter. Who is the writer? “Paul, an apostle,..”The first versetells us that the human author is the Apostle Paul.
"Paul, an apostle..." An "apostle"[11] isone who is sent forth with a mission or a message. This term was specifically applied to the twelve and in a broader sense to several more. The original apostles and Paul were endowed with sign or miracle-working gifts such as healing, prophecy, etc., which confirmed their spoken ministry and authority (Acts 5:12-16; 28:8, 9; Heb 2:3, 4). Specific apostleship ended with the last apostle, John, and his revelation (ca A.D. 95-97) which completed the written revelation from God (Rev. 22:18, 19).
Two requirements for apostleship were; to have seen the risen Messiah (1 Cor. 9:1; 1 Cor. 15:4-8), and to have been personally appointed by Jesus Himself (Acts 9:1-17; Acts 26:12-18).Paul fulfilled both of these requirements.Another study in itself is about those we hear today in the signs and wonders movement who do not meet these requirements, who falsely claim to be modern-day prophets and apostles and add to (or change) God's completed revelation. Please see the warning in Matt. 7:15-23 about false prophets who appear to be genuine "sheep" (v. 15, wolves in sheep's clothing), who perform miracles (v. 22) but who are eternally lost (v. 23).
The apostles, along with other gifted men, were given to the church, the body of Christ(Eph. 4:8-11) and were foundational in their function (Eph. 2:20). The apostles’ mission has been accomplished and we now have the completed revelation of God. The apostles spoke with the authority of God. We can’t do that. We must speak God's Word with the authority from and of God’s Word (Heb. 4:12).
Though we as believers are sent forth with a mission and a message, we are not labeled as apostles in the Bible. We are called "ambassadors"(2 Cor. 5:20).To us is committed the "word of reconciliation" (v. 19); the message of the substitutionary payment that Jesus made for us in order for us to have His righteousness and receive eternal life (v. 21).
An ambassador:
1. Represents his home country in a foreign land.(We are strangers and pilgrims here - 1 Peter 2:11, 12).
2. Is under orders of his own sovereign, not that of the land in which he resides. (We are to obey God and share the gospel to please Him. - 1 Thess. 2:4; Gal. 1:10; John 14:15; Matt. 5:16; Eph. 2:10).
3. Returns to his homeland when war is declared. (We will be taken up to be with Jesus before the 7 years of tribulation - 1 Thess:4:13-5:11).
“…(not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)”
Paul's apostleship and associated authority was not of men (plural) neither by man (singular) but was a direct revelation from Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Jesus from the dead. This is also a reference to two other foundational doctrines: the deity of Jesus (He is different in form or person than God the Father but He is equal in authority and power. There is only one God - Deut. 6:4), and, also a reference to the miraculous event of the resurrection whichnecessarily had to occur in order for us to be eternally saved (1 Cor. 15:17, 18; Rom. 5:9).
Paul's apostleship was "...not of men,"Of" (ἀπό- apo’) is the preposition of source or origin. Paul's apostleship did not come from any group of men. Neither the other apostles nor the leaders of the church at Antioch ordained him to be an apostle (cf. Acts 13:3). He wasn't voted in by the church.
Neither was Paul's apostleship received "by man." "By" (διὰ- dee-ah’): through, by way of,by means of, means or agency. He did not become an apostle through the ministry of Ananias who assisted him shortly after his conversion in Acts 9:17. He did not become an apostle through the ministry of Barnabas who introduced him to the church at Antioch as recorded in Acts 11:25, 26. His apostleship did not come from a group of men nor did it come through a human agency. It came as a gracious gift "by (διὰ -dee-ah’) Jesus Christ, and God the Father..." This is an example of God's sovereignty.
When we think of the 12 apostles, we sometimes assume the terms to be synonymous with the 12 disciples. The 12 whom Jesus chose to train for 3 years happened to be both. "Disciple" or "disciples" is found 272 times in the Gospels and in Acts. The word"disciple" is not found later in the NT, but the concept is. A disciple (μαθητὴς- math-ay-tace’) is a pupil or learner of a teacher. In the NT culture, a disciple usually followed the teacher as he traveled about and taught.
Disciples are found at 3 different levels: 1. Curious followers (including some unbelievers), 2. Convinced followers, and 3. Committed followers.[12]
We find in the Gospels that the term disciple/disciples almost always is referring to those of the twelve whom Jesus initially had chosen. In Acts the term seems to broaden in meaning some as in a number of instances it refers to those who were becoming disciples or known to be the "committed follower" type (Acts 11:26). We can only speculate why the term "disciple" is not used after the book of Acts, especially when Jesus told His disciples to "make disciples" (Matt. 28:19, 20). Perhaps it was due to the fact that we can now no longer physically and geographically follow Jesus around and learn of Him.