Read background in new text pgs. 14 - 18

The Epic of Gilgamesh Part I, Prologue(19)

1. How does the author characterize Gilgamesh?

2. Does Gilgamesh share characteristics with any other epic heroes you’ve heard of?

3. How is the city of Uruk described?

4. What is the tone of the Prologue? Provide three examples to support your answer.

The Battle with Humbaba (19 - 22)

1. Why are the people of Uruk complaining to the gods about Gilgamesh?

2. How and why is Enkidu created?

3. How is Enkidu initially characterized (in italic summary)?

4. What epithet is used to describe Enkidu? (see page 331 in your textbook for a definition of epithet)

5. What is the outcome of Gilgamesh and Enkidu's fight?

6. How do Enkidu and Gilgamesh differ physically?

7. Who is Humbaba? How is he characterized? What is Enkidu’s tone in this description?

8. List one simile used to describe Humbaba.

9. List one metaphor used to describe Humbaba.

10. What do you think is Gilgamesh’s motive for challenging Humbaba?

11. When Gilgamesh and Enkidu debate whether to fight Humbaba, what is Gilgamesh’s attitude toward death?

12. Can you identify a code of the warrior-king? (Look at Gilgamesh’s response to Enkidu )

13. What is the role of the gods in this battle? Are they of one mind?

14. Does Shamash’s role in the battle diminish the heroes’ achievement? Why or why not?

15. What actions characterize Gilgamesh as 2/3 god in this scene?

16. What actions characterize Gilgamesh as 1/3 man in this scene?

17. In many Eastern cultures, seven is the number of completion or perfection. How does this knowledge enhance your understanding of this scene?

18. What implied metaphor is used to describe Humbaba on the bottom of page 21?

19. What is Humbaba’s tone in his speech on page 21?

20. What does Enkidu advise Gilgamesh?

21. What is Gilgamesh’s concern?

22. What does Enkidu’s argument reveal about his character?

23. How is the forest personified after the death of Humbaba ?

24. What booty does Enkidu take from the battle ?

25. What is Enlil’s curse on Enkidu and Gilgamesh ?

How is the archetypal battle of good versus evil portrayed in this scene?

The Death of Enkidu (23-24)

1. Why is Enkidu sick?

2. What does Enkidu dream?

3. How is the underworld characterized and what role do the dead play in the palace of Irkalla?

4. Why do you think that Enkidu, rather than Gilgamesh, is marked for death by the gods and dreams about the underworld?

The Story of the Flood (Textbook 25 - 29)

Ancient Mesopotamians divided history into two parts–before the Flood and after the Flood. Before the flood great sages ruled the land. These sages received instruction in developing civilization from Ea, the god of the waters and of wisdom. After the flood kings like Gilgamesh ruled the land.

1. What motivates Gilgamesh’s quest? What is the object of his quest?

2. What is a deluge?

3. What is the reason for the flood?

4. Why is Utnapishtim not drowned in the flood?

5. How is Enlil characterized?

6. How is Ea characterized?

7. What instructions does Utnapishtim receive for building the boat?

8. What does Ea tell Utnapishtim to tell his neighbors?

9. What does Utnapishtim carry aboard the boat?

10. How are the storm and the flood described on pages 24-25? What is Utnapishtim’s tone?

11. How long does the storm last?

12. Where does the boat land?

13. What birds does Utnapishtim send out?

14. How does Utnapishtim honor the gods?

15. How does Enlil initially respond to Utnapishtim’s survival?

16. How does Ea respond to Enlil?

17. What is Enlil’s blessing?

18. Look up the word prototype. For what other literary character is Utnapishtim a prototype?

The Return (Textbook 30 - 32)

1. What test will initiate Gilgamesh into immortality? Does he prevail?

2. What is the significance of sleep in the Gilgamesh narrative?

3. What does Utnapishtim ask Urshanabi to do for Gilgamesh?

4. What secret does Utanapishtim tell Gilgamesh?

5. What, according to Utnapishtim, will the plant do?

6. What is the significance of the serpent shedding his skin? (27)

7. When the snake steals the plant, why doesn’t Gilgamesh return for more?

8. What is the significance of bathing in the Gilgamesh narrative?

9. What is Gilgamesh’s mood at his loss?

10. What story in Genesis does this remind you of?

11. Was Gilgamesh’s quest a selfish one? Why or why not?

12. Which passages foreshadow the failure of the quest? Explain.

13. How does the last paragraph of the excerpt compare to the prologue?