1stMarking Period Social Studies Standards Third Grade
1. Develop abilities in social studies.
- Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, compare, simplify).
- Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend, narrate) using appropriate vocabulary.
- Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist).
- The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, revise) when producing products to include open response.
2. Be able to apply social studies knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes.
- Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position, create a model and explain a process).
- Be able to relate social studies to your life:
- view life from other perspectives and others' point of view
- differentiate among fact, fiction, and opinion in relating historical events
- understand key forces (inventions, discoveries, people, events, moments) which have
shaped our world
- explain the causes and effects key forces have on you, the present, the future
- use the past and present (other cultures and other places) to solve problems and
make decisions
- relate current events to your life (know sources related to current events, be able to
- talk about current events)
- Possess technical skills:
- read/write/present: instructions, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of
response, proposal, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles,
speeches, letters)
- technology: word processing, Internet
3. Know and understand that culture influences viewpoints, social rules, and social institutions in
your community and state (KY).
- Describe cultural elements (e.g. beliefs, traditions, languages, skills, literature, the arts).
(SS-EP-2.1.1 DOK 1) [SS-P-CS-S-1]
- Identify social institutions (government, economy, education, religion, family) in the community.
(SS-EP-2.2.1) [SS-P-CS-S-2]
- Describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict, competition) that occur between individuals/groups in the community/state. (SS-EP-2.3.1 DOK 2) [SS-P-CS-S-3, SS-P-CS-S-4]
5. Understand the relationship between community, state, and U.S. (people, places, and
- Use a variety of geographic tools (e.g. maps, globes, mental maps, charts, graphs) to locate familiar places at home, at school and in the community. (SS-EP-4.1.1) [SS-P-G-S-1]
- Use geographic tools to identify major landforms (e.g. continents, mountain ranges), bodies of water (e.g. oceans, major rivers) and natural resources on Earth’s surface and use relative location.
(SS-EP-4.1.2) [SS-P-G-S-1, SS-P-G-S-2]
- Describe how different factors (e.g. rivers, mountains) influence where human activities are located in the community. (SS-EP-4.1.3) [SS-P-G-S-2]
1stMarking Period Social Studies Standards Third Grade
- Describe places on Earth’s surface by their physical characteristics (e.g. climate, landforms, soils, vegetation, bodies of water). (SS-EP-4.2.1) [SS-P-G-S-2]
- Describe patterns of human settlement in places and regions on Earth’s surface.
(SS-EP-4.3.1) [SS-P-G-S-2]
- Describe how technology helps us move, settle and interact in the modern world.
(SS-EP-4.3.2) [SS-P-G-S-4]
- Describe ways people modify the physical environment to meet their basic needs (food, shelter, clothing). (SS-EP-4.4.1 DOK 1) [SS-P-G-S-3]
- Describe how the physical environment can both promote and restrict human activities.
(SS-EP-4.4.2) [SS-P-G-S-3]
(Geography will be taught in the first and second marking periods and assessed in the first and second marking periods.)
May 2010