The End of Energy as We Know It

The times they are a’ changin’. We could be looking at the end of energy as we’ve known it for centuries, and staring at the beginning of a new, clean energy movement. Let’s get something straight, the utility companies will not be happy about the decentralization of this movement, and they will fight it, with legislation amendments and lawsuits, as we just recently saw in the 2016 election in many states. However, the people are speaking and fighting back with their votes and voices! They will no longer be taken advantage of thru the monopolization of electricity. Consumers are being made aware of their other options, and even saving money in the process.

Instead of centralized mega power plants that are distributing energy to millions of establishments, we’re switching into a world where each house and building will produce most, if not all, of its own power through solar and wind technologies.

The grid will shrink, not get bigger. It will be greener, cleaner, and more sustainable. This decentralization of power will extend to all aspects of our lives, from recharging our phones, our cars, using solar technology.

In the not too distant future, we can expect airplanes, cars and buildings to all run on solar cells. Hopefully, we will even see the replacing of centralized power plants that use pollutant laden coals and the destructive burning of oil or gases with large power plants that run on solar cells. We will introduce energy production thru the reflected and intensified sunlight, known as concentrated solar.

Written by Steve Tsolkas, President of Energy Efficient Renovations

If you’re thinking about upgrading your home or business with a solar energy system or other energy management products, make sure you choose a reliable team of Green Energy contractors. At Energy Management Systems (EMS) Contracting Corp, our passionate, highly experienced professionals are ready to help you take advantage of a high-quality, high-value solar energy system. From start to finish, our goal is to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco and surrounding counties.

To contact a member of EMS, call us today at (844) SOLAR45 or fill out an inquiry on ourRequest a Quote page.

*photo courtesy of Greenpeace and MSU