News Article Template

-remember to make it catchy
-it should indicate what the article is about. In the EQAO Literacy test you are given the headline. / - Archduke Assassinated
-your name! / - Mr. Feric and class
-who did it? / - Gavrilo Princip and The Black Hand
-what happened? / - Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were killed
-when did it happen? / - Sunday, 28 June 1914, at approximately 10:45 am
-where did it happen? / - Sarajevo
-why did it happen? / - The professed goal of the Black Hand was the creation of a Greater Serbia, by use of violence, if necessary.
-how did it happen?
(ie: if a building blew up, how did it blow up? E.g. “huge explosion that collapsed the roof”) / - Gavrilo Princip, stepped forward and fired two shots. The first hit the pregnant Sophia in the stomach, she died almost instantly. The second shot hit the Archduke in the neck. He died a short while later.
Quotations (imaginary)
-come up with 2 or 3
-remember to indicate who the quotation came from and how the person is involved/relevant / - During his trial Gavrilo Princip stated "I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be free from Austria."
- “This is a disaster. I cannot believe this happened in our city!” - Osman Mehmedinović
- “Life will never be the same. What will happen when the Austrians demand revenge?” - Asaf Bajraktarević

Archduke Assassinated

Mr. Feric and class

Some days can never be forgotten and this is one of them, Archduke Franz Ferdinand is dead. On Sunday, 28 June 1914, at approximately 10:45 am, in Sarajevo, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were killed by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the terrorist group The Black Hand. The professed goal of the Black Hand was the creation of a Greater Serbia, by use of violence, if necessary. Gavrilo Princip, apparently fired two shots, the first hit the pregnant wife of the Archduke, Sophie, in the stomach, while the second shot hit the Archduke in the neck. He died a short while later on the way to the hospital.

The people are devastated. “This is a disaster. I cannot believe this happened in our city!” stated Osman Mehmedinović, a resident of Sarajevo. “Life will never be the same,” echoed Asaf Bajraktarević. “What will happen when the Austrians demand revenge?”

Apparently, The Black Hand never thought that far ahead, caring only for Bosnian independence, as Gavrilo Princip stated during his trial "I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be free from Austria."

Surely this day will be forever remembered as a black spot in history.