
The purpose of completing exercises and the post-session assignments is to encourage participants to review the session materials and to get started implementing training objectives, while the material is fresh.

The electronic version of this post-session assignment is located in this session’s Web links:

Below are five post-session assignments for the Managing Risk & Safety Finances session. If you took this session as part of the COSM Program, you must complete all fiveof the post-session assignments and attain a score greater than 70%.Each part of each assignment has a percentage value.

In the following pages, in the electronic version of this document, you will fill in your responses in the text boxesby each item. Place the cursor in the text box and start typing. The box will expand to accommodate what you write. There is no need for you to be concerned about the format of the document; your content is what is important. Instructions for completing the Risk Log are in #1-4.

Upon completion of these assignments, save this file to your computer with your name (example: Smith, John Risk. you will submit this assignment document, the

Risk Log, and the Safety Budget spreadsheet to the COSM administrative office for evaluation using the following email address: .

Before emailing this completed file, fill-in thesethree lines:

→Your name: Click here to enter text.

→Session date: Click here to enter a date.

→Number of assignments completed: Click here to enter text.

You will receive a reply to acknowledge receipt of your completed assignments.

1-1. Identify three hazards at your workplace that have risk

Directions: There are several ways to identify risks. Common methods include: hazard assessments, JSA’s, analysis of accident records, analysis of near miss reports, asking employees, and BLS data. Choose how you want to determine three risks to use in this assignment. Describe the three risks in the box below.

Assessment score value: 20%

Risk 1:Click here to enter text.

Risk 2:Click here to enter text.

Risk 3:Click here to enter text.

1-2. Determine the severity and likelihood for each risk.

Directions: Use the Risk Matrix (found in this session’s Web links) to evaluate each risk.It is generally more helpful for more than one person to discuss and to make these determinations.

Assessment score value: 20%

Risk 1 / Risk 2 / Risk 3
Severity / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Likelihood / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /

1-3. Identify the control method to employ for each risk.

Directions: Risks can be controlled using one, or a combination of methods. Decide if you will use loss control and/or loss prevention methods for each risk. Describe the methods to use in the table below.

Assessment score value: 20%

Risk 1 / Risk 2 / Risk 3
Control method to use / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /

1-4. Complete each column of the Risk Log for each of your three risks.

Directions: The Risk Log is a tool to help manage all identified risks and it is found in your session Web links.Hover the cursor over each cell in row 2 to see an explanation of each column. To use this risk log you can either ‘clear contents’ in all rows below row 2 (Do not clear the contents of column I), or enter your information starting in row 12.Column I will automatically calculate the risk value after values are put into columns F & H.

Save the Risk Log with your name first, and attach it to your email when submitting your post session assignments.

Assessment score value: 20%

2-5. Develop a safety budget for your safety department.

Directions: Use the SMSbudgetingworksheet from this session’s Web links to prepare a budget for your safety department. If needed, you can add additional line items for your organization. Using the budget blank, complete at least threecategories (columns D and G) within the spreadsheet for this assignment. In making this budget, give consideration to: 1) Past budgets, 2) Regulatory requirements, 3) Risk management priorities, and 4) Your strategic plan.

Save your budget with your name first, and attachit to your email when submitting your post session assignments.

Assessment score value: 20%

Managing Risk & Safety Finance session

Post session assignments 8/2/2013 1