Psychology 205 – Foundations of Human Behavior
Portville Central School
Syracuse University Course provided through Project Advance
Course Syllabus – Fall 2011
Instructor Dr. Michelle Edick, School Psychologist and Adjunct Professor
Textbook Weiten, W. (2010). Psychology: Themes and Variations (8th edition).
Thomson Wadsworth.
Online book companion site:
When you get to the address above, select your textbook. Then click on “Instructor Companion Site” (in blue under the book information). A new window should pop up with the companion site – choose the chapter you are working on and select how you want to study from the list on the left.
Course Description
Psychology 205 is a one semester, three-credit introductory psychology course offered at Portville through Syracuse University’s Project Advance. Students who successfully complete the course can obtain college credit through Syracuse University. The course offers instruction in the fundamental topics and theories in psychology while guiding students through a psychology research experience. The course also includes exercises, demonstrations and video presentations selected to reinforce the topics covered in the course.
A goal of this course is to prepare students for more advanced psychology courses that they may take in college. Therefore, the course exposes students to many topics in psychology rather than focusing on any one area of psychology in great depth.
Course Objectives
1) Students will demonstrate an understanding of theoretical perspectives in psychology, research methods used to test hypotheses, and key terms, concepts and principles associated with major topics in psychology.
2) Students will learn to access, critically read, and evaluate in writing journal articles of psychological studies.
3) Students will complete written work to receive feedback on both psychological content and technical aspects of writing.
4) Students will learn how to conduct psychological research.
5) Students will critically evaluate issues presented in class.
6) Students will analyze psychological issues using multicultural perspectives.
Topics Covered
· The Evolution of Psychology
· Research Methods in Psychology
· Biological Bases of Behavior
· Sensation and Perception
· Learning
· Memory
· Motivation and Emotion
· Human Development
· Personality Theory
· Psychological Disorders
· Treatment of Psychological Disorders
· Social Psychology
· Special Topic(s) – one or more topics from the following list may be discussed based on time available and student preference:
Language and Thought
Intelligence and Psychological Testing
Stress, Coping and Health
Course Timeline
Week / Dates / Topic(s) Covered / Assignments/Exams & Due Date1 / 9/6 – 9/9 / Course Syllabus & Expectations, Portfolios
Research Projects
What is Psychology?
Evolution of Psychology / “To the Student”: in class 9/6
Chapter 1 optional: 9/8
2 / 9/12 – 9/16 / Research Methods in Psychology, Evaluating research / Chapter 2: 9/12
3 / 9/19 – 9/23 / Exam #1
Research Projects: Finding research articles for your literature review
Register for Syracuse University credit / Exam #1: 9/20
Appendix E: 9/21
Area(s) of interest: 9/21
4 / 9/26 – 9/30 / Research Projects: APA format
In class article review
Biological Bases of Behavior / Read article for class: 9/27
2 articles to show me: 9/27
Chapter 3: 9/28
5 / 10/3 – 10/7 / Biological Bases of Behavior
Sensation & Perception / Article Review #1: 10/3
Chapter 4: 10/5
5 week reports: 10/7
6 / 10/12 – 10/14 / Finish Sensation & Perception
7 / 10/17 – 10/21 / Exam #2
Research Projects: Developing hypotheses, designing your study, creating measures
Share article review #2 with class / Exam #2: 10/17
Article Review #2: 10/21
8 / 10/24 – 10/28 / Learning / Chapter 6: 10/24
9 / 10/31 – 11/4 / Memory / Chapter 7: 10/31
10 / 11/7 – 11/10 / Exam #3
Catch up on lessons, research projects, etc. / Exam #3: 11/8
End of 1st Quarter: 11/10
11 / 11/14 – 11/18 / Motivation and Emotion / Chapter 10: 11/14
12 / 11/21 – 11/22 / Writing your research papers
13 / 11/28 – 12/2 / Human Development / Chapter 11: 11/28
14 / 12/5 – 12/9 / Personality
Exam #4 / Chapter 12: 12/5
Exam #4: 12/9
15 / 12/12 – 12/16 / Psychological Disorders
Begin Treatment of Psychological Disorders / Chapter 14: 12/12
Chapter 15: 12/16
15 week reports: 12/16
16 / 12/19 – 12/22 / Treatment of Psychological Disorders
17 / 1/3 - 1/6 / Analyzing data, statistics, reporting results
18 / 1/9 – 1/13 / Social Psychology / Chapter 16: 1/9
Draft Research Papers: 1/13
19 / 1/17 – 1/20 / Presenting research
Paper, presentation prep
Exam #5
Careers in psychology / Exam #5: 1/19
20 / 1/23 – 1/27 / Research project presentations
Evaluations for Syracuse University / Research Papers: 1/23
SU Evals: 1/27
Course Expectations
1) Attendance is critical for success in this class. Based on Portville’s attendance policy, you are allowed 8 unexcused absences from this course before losing course credit. However, absences of any number, for any reason, may make it difficult to keep up in this course.
a. If you know you will be absent in advance, see me as soon as possible to discuss any assignments you will miss. If you are absent without advance notice, it is your responsibility to see me on the day of your return to obtain any work that you missed when absent.
b. Assignments due on a day that you are absent are due the day of your return. Exams or quizzes that are missed due to absence need to be made up within two days of your return. Late assignments will lose 5 points per day.
2) In general, keeping up with assigned readings will be the majority of your homework for this class. Other assignments will be given at times, but not nightly. It is essential that you read assigned chapters before we discuss them in class. It will be difficult for you to experience success in this class if you do not keep up with the readings.
3) Academic integrity is an essential core value of Portville and Syracuse University. Therefore, cheating or plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. Examples of cheating and/or plagiarism include, but are not limited to the following: copying another student’s exam or letting another student copy off your exam, copying the written work of another writer without giving proper credit (citations, references, footnotes, etc.), or falsifying records (i.e. research forms, documentation). Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a zero for the assignment and parents will be notified. A second offense will result in referral to the principal for disciplinary action.
4) Please bring the following materials to class each day:
a. Pencil/Pen and Notebook
b. Textbook
5) Come to class prepared and on time. Be prepared to participate in class discussions regularly, as would be expected of any college-level course. Be prepared to be tolerant of others’ views, comments, etc. Treat others in class the way you want to be treated.
6) Since my office is on the elementary side of the building, the best time to speak with me is after class. I will be available to speak with students at other times with an appointment. Students are not encouraged to stop over at my office without an appointment as I often have other students whom I am working with.
Grading Policy
Exams 5 worth 60 points each 300 points (60%)
Article Reviews 2 worth 25 points each 50 points (10%)
Participation 10 chapter questions, 5 points each 50 points (10%)
Research Project Paper 85 pts., Presentation 15 pts. 100 points (20%)
Total Possible 500 points
To determine your SUPA course grade*, add all of the points you have acquired and compare
your total to the following scale:
A = 460 & over (92%)
A- = 440-459 (88-92%)
B+ = 420-439 (84-88%)
B = 400-419 (80-84%)
B- = 380-399 (76-80%)
C+ = 360-379 (72-76%)
C = 340-359 (68-72%)
C- = 320-339 (64-68%)
D = 300-319 (60-64%)
F = 299 or less (<60%)
* Since this course is a weighted course, your grade on your Portville report card will be calculated by multiplying your SUPA course grade by 1.07.
Most colleges will not transfer your credits for this course unless you receive a grade of C or higher.