Mohammad FahmiLugina


(STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung


The objective of this research entitled “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Improving Reading Comprehension at Second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 WarungkondangCianjur” was to find out whether Jigsaw technique is effective in improving students’ Reading comprehension in English language. This research used quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test. The In this research the writer did through several steps to get the data. Firstly, the writer chose the second grade students of SMPNegeri 1 WarungkondangCianjur as population consisted of 180 students as sample from class VIII E 33 students and from class VIII F 33 students. The writer divides students as sample to two group, they were 33 students as experimental class and 33 students as control class. Secondly, the writer taught reading using jigsaw technique in experimental class, while in the control class the writer taught three phasetechnique. The treatment was processed by a pre-test, treatment and ended by post-test. Jigsaw technique was effective in improving students’ reading comprehension. After that, the writer calculated and analyzed the data. The result of post-test shows us that the mean at experimental class is higher than at control class. The result of calculation of the t-test shows that t=count (6.88) is higher that t-critic (1.67) in 5% level significant. These tell us that teaching reading using jigsaw technique is effective to improve students’ reading comprehension. The research hypothesis is “there is effectiveness of using jigsaw technique in improving students’ reading comprehension”.

Keyword: Jigsaw technique, teaching reading comprehension



Reading is essential in English language learning. It can help the students in developing their writing, speaking, and listening ability. Reading has been defined as the ability to recognize printed symbols and to comprehend their meaning (Haris and Sipay, 1980: 8). According to Brown (2001) reading comprehension is primarily a matter of developing appropriate efficient comprehension strategies for the majority of second language learners who are already literate in their native language. It means that the strategies in reading are important to help students comprehend the text well. By comprehending the text well, students will have strong points as they broaden their perspective, keeping them thinking creatively and imaginatively. It gives students the opportunity to know the world as they get some information based on the text they have read. Further, comprehending the text is a means to effective communication since readers may be able to share information they have encountered with. Hedge (1985) said that lots of practice reading different types of materials can increase the students’ general understanding of language and their ability to understand socio-cultural meaning. Therefore, considering the importance of reading, a good and interesting teaching reading technique is necessary.

The problem that is going to be discovered in this research is stated in the following research question:

  1. Is Jigsaw technique effective in improving students’ reading comprehension?

The Objective of the research is to identify whether Jigsaw technique is effective in improving students’ Reading comprehension in English language.

Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the outcome of the research (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:3). The hypothesis of this research is Jigsaw technique is effective improving students’ reading comprehension in English language learning.

The null hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Ha) are formulated as follows:

Ho = Jigsaw is not effective in improving reading comprehension

Ha= Jigsaw is effective in improving reading comprehension

  1. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a complex process in which a reader uses his mental facilities to obtain meanings from written material. The reader must be able to recognize and decode words, and be able to relate the ideas to his previous knowledge (Weiner, 1985). By underlying that statement, we can analyze what the reader does when he comprehends the text. He should operate his mental facilities, recognize and understand the words in the text. The most important thing is the read should be able to connect the ideas of the text with his previous knowledge to extract the meaning of the text.

  1. The Concept of Cooperative Learning

Brown (2000: 178) introduces group of work as one of teaching techniques for large class. He defines group work as multiplicity of technique in which two or more students are assigned a task involves collaboration and self initiated language. He also notes that group work usually implies “small” group work, that is, students in groups or perhaps six or fewer. There are four advantages of group work as stated by Brown (2002: 177)

  1. Teaching Reading Comprehension

(Suherdi, 2000). There are two kinds of teaching technique that can be used to teach reading comprehension. They are the conventional technique, which refers to the technique that is usually used by teachers at school in which the teacher asks and the students answer; and the alternative technique, which refers to the technique developed by experts that are considered better than the conventional technique since the emphasize on students’ active participation, so they can increase their learning motivation. Besides, the use of conventional teaching technique in language learning, in which the teacher ask and the students answer, has more or less lost its function to develop students’ whole attitude. Therefore, the use of an alternative teaching technique in the teaching and learning process is necessary to increase students’ motivation it can make the teaching and learning process become effective.

  1. Jigsaw Technique

“Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a (home group) to specialize” in one aspect of a leaning unit. Students meet with members from other group who are assigned the same aspect called (expert group), and after mastering the material, return to the (home group) and teach or explain the material to their group members, Just as in a jigsaw puzzle , each piece—each student’s part-is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product. If each student’s part is essential, then each student is essential. That is what makes the Jigsaw instructional strategy so effective”.

The purpose of jigsaw learning is to developed teamwork and cooperative learning skills within all students. Finally, because students are required to present their findings to the home group, jigsaw learning will often disclose a students’ own understanding of a concept as well as reveal any misunderstanding (Aronson, 1978).

Goodman (1990:108) stated that jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy first described by Aaronson in 1978. It means that jigsaw is a part of kinds of cooperative learning models.

  1. Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Jigsaw Technique

The jigsaw reading is an activity that can adapted in any classroom create active learning among students. First, teacher divides students in to competence groups. Each group is given a text to analyze. Students try to unify the whole information of the text by discussing or sharing what they had discussed with the expert group before. Based on the former elaboration, jigsaw reading technique is really appropriate if it is applied in teaching reading. Besides it will sharpen their skill of communication through sharing or discussing each part of information 16 from the topic. Teacher has the real role as facilitator here and learning process will be alive.

In addition, the activity of jigsaw reading calls for each students within a groups to develop a good understanding of one reading form an assigned set to explain it to other in the groups. When all the pieces of stories are put together, the students in the groups should have the whole part of the stories. Explaining material to each other helps students to understand the material in a way that is far deeper then when they read material on their own or when they simply discuss it Conley, (2002:20). The steps for structuring jigsaw reading technique are:

  1. Organizing students in to small groups. The size of the group will depend on the number of the reading materials to be covered.
  2. Assigning each group member on of the sets of reading.
  3. Asking each group member to become an expert on the specified reading, and to post a summary of their understanding of the material for material for other in the group.
  4. Assessing the group understanding of all material, set question on the assigned, which all students must be complete.
  5. Sharing some members of each group to other and ask the mixing group to discuss and find a good arrangement of all paragraphs by answer the questions.
  1. Benefits of the Jigsaw Strategy

The following are some of the advantages summarized from the experiment of the jigsaw strategy in the researchers’ tutorials: students are eager participants in the learning process and are responsible for the work and achievement while being held accountable by their peers; students have more chance to appreciate differences and share experiences through individual participation and instruction; the jigsaw classroom stimulates students’ motivation and increases enjoyment of the learning experience and promotes a great deal of negotiation for meaning; the jigsaw classroom reduces students’ reluctance and anxiety to participate in the classroom activities while increasing self-esteem and self-confidence; finally, jigsaw is an effective strategy to integrate various language skills and translation in one English class with the teacher no longer the sole provider of knowledge. “When designed well, these tasks are challenging and engaging, and my students enjoy wrapping their minds around a problem. Since they are working in groups, no kids have to sink or swim on their own, they have the help of their peers” (Bafile, Online 2008).

  1. Research Design

According to Burn (1994:125) “research design is essentially a plan or strategy aimed at enabling and searches to be option to research questions“. There were many designs that could be utilized in educational research. Hatch and farhady (1982:19) mention five major classes of research design pre-experiment, quasi experiment, ex post facto, and factorial facto and factorial design. The research used experiment design which pretest and posttest design.


In this research, the writer chooses quantitative research that includes two or more variables, here; the writer decides two variables of the research entitled “the effectiveness of jigsaw technique at the second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 WarungkondangCinajur in 2015/2016 academic year”.

This topic consists of two variables, independent and dependent variables.

a. Independent Variable or X-Variable

Referring to the topic of the research, the independent variable is “the effectiveness of jigsaw technique‟.

  1. Dependent Variable or Y-Variable

Referring to the topic of the research, the dependent variable is “students’ reading comprehension”.

  1. Research Method

In this research, the writer used a quantitative study. “A quantitative study is an experiment design that test hypothesis through the use of objective instrument and statistical analysis” (Larsen- Freeman and Long, 1991:11).

In collecting the data, the writer used the experimental research method. According to KaswanandDasepSuprijadi (2013:24-25) state that “there are three experimental research design, 1) Pre-experimental design, 2) Quasi Experimental design, and 3) true Experimental design.” In this research the writer used quasi experimental design with Randomized Pretest-Post-test Control Group Design. According to Kaswan and DasepSuprijadi (2013:26) “the pretest posttest design differs from posttest-only control group design solely in the use of a pretest. Two groups of subjects are used, with both groups being measured or observed twice. The first measurement serves as the pretest, the second as the posttest. Random assignment is used to from the groups. The measurement or observation is collected at the same time for both groups”. The Randomized Pretest-Posttest control group design can be represented as follows:

  1. Research Data Analysis Technique

The writer also investigate the mean and standard deviation of the student reading comprehension by the formula as follows:

a. Mean

Surjono (1999; 64) states that “the mean is the total of the score divided by total the number of tested”. To find the mean of X variable, the writer uses the following formula according to Burns (1996:33):

b. Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is the square of the variance. Riduan (2003:146) states “the standard deviation is a value which shows level (degree) group variation data or standard measure of deviation from its mean”.

The formula of standard deviation, as follow:

SD = ∑X2

SD= Standard deviation

∑x2= the sum of gain result

N= Number of sample

Arikunto (2006:311)

c. The formula of t-test is:

My= mean of experimental class

Mx= mean of control class

N= number of sample

X= deviation of x

Y= deviation of yArikunto (2006: 311)

d. The Degree of Freedom:

df = ( Ne + Nc 2 )

df = degree of freedom

Ne = the number of experimental group

Nc = the number of control class

With the hypothesis statistic as follows:

If t-calculation> t-table: Ho rejected and Ha accepted

If t-calculation> t-table: Ho accepted and Ha rejected


The data of the tests are compared in each group. It is done to know the improvement. To make easy in analysis of collecting data, the writer adopts the following steps:

  1. Put the score into table of data statistic
  2. Put the score into the table of distribution frequency
  3. Calculate the means of each group
  4. Calculate the standard deviation of each group
  5. Analyze the data and calculate them by using the formula of T-test

Here are the data of pre-test and post test scores of experimental class and control class.

Hypotheses Testing and Discussion OfThe Research

The Mean of Experimental Class:

The Mean of Control Class:

Standard Deviation Experimental Class:

Standard Deviation Control Class:

T-Test Formula

After the Writer has known two standards deviation values, the writer is able to find out T-Test formula that used the writer as follows:

Arikunto (2006:311)

After knowing the T-Test formula value, the writer looks for the interpretation towards T-calculation or combined with the degree of freedom (df) of the sample as follows:

df = ( Ne + Nc

= 33 + 33 – 2

= 64

Df = degree of freedom

Ne = the number of experimental group

Nc = the number of control class

According to the data above, T-value is 6.88 and degree of freedom in this study is 64. In this case, the writer determines the t-critical value based on two tailed test. It is 1.67 on 5% level of significant.1.67 < 6.88 it means that t-value is higher than t-table on 5% of level significant. So that (Ha) is accepted and (Ho) is rejected. In conclusion, the writer concludes that teaching reading using jigsaw technique is relative effective. Finally jigsaw technique is able to help student in improving their reading comprehension.



The aim of the research is to find out the effectiveness of Jigsaw technique in improving students’ reading comprehension. The answer of this question is searched by comparing the result of achievement between experimental group that is taught by using Jigsaw technique and control group that is taught using conventional or non-Jigsaw technique. The result of data analysis after the treatment is conducted reveals that the mean of experimental group is higher than control group. This study through the analysis of pre-test and post-test also show that the students’ ability of reading improved significantly when Jigsaw technique is used. Based on those results, it can be concluded that the application of Jigsaw technique is effective in teaching reading. Jigsaw technique is effective in improving students’ reading comprehension. It means that the formulation of hypothesis in Chapter 1 is accepted


Based on the considerations which have been stated above, Jigsaw technique is recommended to be used as one alternative technique in teaching reading comprehension. Therefore, some suggestions are stated as follows:

For the English teacher, it is important to be noted that teachers’ abilities in presenting Jigsaw technique to teach reading comprehension play an important role in determining the success of its learning process. The teacher should be well prepared before conducting the learning process. Since Jigsaw technique requires well-organized material, the teacher need to be very well-organized in facing the students that may have problems working in groups in order that the teaching and learning process run effectively. Teacher also should consider about time allocation in the application of cooperative learning. Give students time limit to work on a task in a group.

It may be effective for teacher to use Jigsaw technique along with other interesting strategies such as song, games, and interactive media in order to create more comfortable and enjoyable environment of learning for students in the classroom.

For the next researcher who want to do the research on the use of Jigsaw technique, it will be better if there is more time allocated in doing the research. It is assumed that the more time allocated in implementing Jigsaw technique, the more skills students will acquire. To make the research result more valid, it is suggested the similar research be conducted in other school to show that Jigsaw is effective in teaching and learning process of reading comprehension. Hope this research paper can be reference to make them easier in doing their research. It is better to find more theories that support the use of Jigsaw technique in teaching reading comprehension.

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