DPRNOK Constitution

Amendments indicated by *(date)



Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Drug Policy Forum of Oklahoma (DPFOK).


Mission Statement

Sec. 1. The DPFOK serves the public with information and expert opinion about drugs, based on concepts of freedom, liberty and responsibility.


Board of Directors

Sec. 1. There are 9 Board members.

Sec. 2. The term of office for the members of the Board of Directors shall be three years, with staggered terms, so that one-third of the members of the Board shall be elected at each annual meeting. At the first election, 30 days following the adoption of this constitution, one-third of the members of the Board shall be elected to serve for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years until their respective successors are elected. Board members can be re-elected. This will establish the founding Board.

Sec. 3. Nominations

Any current (paid) member of the DPRNOK can make a nomination to the board and for officers.

Sec. 4. Elections

  1. Election of 9 original board members will be by a secret ballot 30 days following the adoption of this constitution. All current (paid) members of DPFOK will be eligible to vote. Each member will select 9 names from the total list of nominees. If there is a tie for the ninth position, a run-off will occur, until one nominee has the most votes.
  1. General Election of Board members will take place at the first official Board meeting in January of each new calendar year. The Board positions that have reached the end of their terms will be filled.*(2/8/08) All DPFOK members present will be eligible to vote. Each member will select one name for each position open from the total list of nominees. If there is a tie for the last position, a run-off will occur, until one nominee has the most votes.
  1. Special elections may be held when a Board position is prematurely vacant. These elections will be held 30 days after the Board position has been officially declared vacant by a 2/3 vote of total current board members.
  1. Any Board member elected by special election may serve out the remainder of the current term.

Sec. 5. Board member requirements

  1. Meet all requirements for membership as defined in this constitution Article Five, Sec. 1-5.
  2. Must adhere to all conditions of this constitution.

Sec. 6. Removal from Board

  1. Removal of a Board member or reversal of said removal requires a 2/3 vote of

Board Members. At least a 30 day notice is required for this vote.

Sec. 7. Board Meetings

  1. Official Board meeting is defined as, a meeting approved and announced at least 30 calendar days in advance in the presence of a quorum of Board members.
  1. Special Board Meeting is defined as a meeting announced at short notice. The DPRNOK President, Vice-President and/or any 2 Board Members can call a special meeting. If a quorum is present DPFOK business can be conducted.
  1. Any DPFOK member can attend Board meetings.
  1. Any member is permitted to bring a guest
  1. Only DPFOK Board members are permitted to vote at Board meetings.

*(2/23/06) Section 8. Quorum

A Quorum is defined as a simple majority of current Board members.

For Example: If there are 8 or 9 current Board members, a quorum is 5.

Section 9. Conducting Business of the Board of Directors

* (2/22/05)a. Business (voting, motions, etc.) shall be conducted by Robert’s Rule of Order.

*(7/25/08) b. Board members of the DPFOK may participate in board meetings via teleconferencing, conference calls, and/or other forms of live telecommunications.

Section 10. DPFOK Resources

  1. Use of DPFOK resources as defined in this document (Art. 3 Sec. 10 Subsection b) requires approval of the Board.

b. DPFOK resources are defined as, any non-financial object and/or materials contributed to, donated to or purchased by the DPFOK.


Sec. 1. The officers of the DPFOK shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Sec. 2. Officers are elected for a term of one year.

Sec. 3. Nomination of officers shall follow the same process as used for Board members (Art. 3 Sec. 3).

Sec. 4. Officer Elections

  1. The first officers shall be determined by a vote of the original Board at the first official Board meeting of the original Board.
  2. General Election of officers will take place at the first official Board meeting in January of each new calendar year.
  3. Special elections may be held when an office is prematurely vacant. These elections will be held 30 days after the office has been officially declared vacant by a 2/3 vote of total serving board members.
  4. Any officer elected by special election may serve out the remainder of the current term.
  5. Each office will be voted on separately.
  6. All officer elections will be a secret ballot.
  7. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board.
  8. If there is a tie, a run-off will occur, until one nominee has the most votes.

Sec. 5. All officers must be members of the Board.

Sec. 6. All officers are subject to all conditions of this constitution.

Sec. 7. Office of President

  1. Preside over meetings
  2. Coordinate Programs
  3. Act as liaison between the DPFOK and other parties
  4. Contact serving Board members about upcoming meeting times and locations

Sec. 8. Office of Vice President

  1. Assumes presidential responsibilities if any of the following occurs:

i.The president is unavailable to conduct official business when a Quorum is present for a meeting.

ii.The office of president is officially vacant as declared by the Board.

Sec. 9. Office of Secretary

The secretary shall be the record keeper of the DPFOK

Secretary Duties*(6/18/09):

  1. Recording and posting DPFOK minutes for official meetings.
  2. DPFOK minutes will be posted via the Internet to Board members,

preferably within one week or less following an official meeting.

  1. Keep orderly files of DPFOK business.
  2. Keep a current list of DPFOK members

Sec. 11. Office of Treasurer

The treasurer shall be the financial manager of the DPFOK.

Treasurer Duties:

  1. A Treasurer’s Report is submitted to the Board every official meeting.
  1. The Treasurer’s Report can be sent with another Board member, if the treasurer is unable to attend the official meeting.
  1. The Treasurer’s Report will include:
  2. Summary oral report (balance, number of transactions)
  3. Written itemized report (monthly bank statement, itemized transactions for that statement period).
  4. A period to take questions from membership about DPFOK finances.
  1. The treasurer shall submit to the Board a yearly Treasurer’s report at the first official Board meeting of the new calendar year. This will be a compilation of the Treasurer’s reports and other DPFOK financial business from the previous calendar year.
  1. Documentation and receipts of any financial business of the DPFOK must be submitted to and recorded by the Treasurer.
  1. A copy of the current Treasurer’s report shall be submitted to the secretary at each official Board meeting.

* (2/22/05)g. Treasurer records all funds receivedin a receipt book and a minimum of 1

duplicate receipt is retained by the Treasurer for DPFOK records.

Sec. 12. Officer Removal

  1. An officer may be removed or said removal reversed by a 2/3 vote of the total serving Board.
  2. Removal from office does not constitute removal from the Board.

c. At least a 30 day notice is required for this vote.

Sec. 13. Appointed Offices

* (2/22/05)a. the DPFOK Board has the power to create appointed offices.

* (2/22/05)b. all requirements of an appointed office are determined by the DPFOK Board.



Sec. 1. Any person interested in furthering the purposes of this association may become a member upon registration and payment of dues.

Sec. 2. Dues will be determined by a vote of the Board at the beginning of each calendar year.

Sec. 3. Membership is for one year; beginning immediately after Treasurer has received and recorded membership dues.

Sec. 4. Membership may be removed with or without cause at anytime by a 2/3 vote of serving Board. At least a 30 day notice is required for this vote.

Sec. 5. If membership is removed a portion of the present membership dues will be refunded based upon the number of days remaining in the membership (prorated refund).


DPFOK Financial Business

Sec. 1. DPFOK funds are defined as “any form of financial instrument which has been contributed, donated or paid to the DPFOK.

Sec. 2. Use of any DPFOK funds by a DPFOK officer, board member or member requires a vote of approval by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 3. All funds received by all members on behalf of the DPFOK will be submitted to the Treasurer for deposit in the DPFOK checking account.

Sec. 4. Receipts will be submitted to the Treasurer for all use of DPFOK funds.

Sec. 5. Only the president or the Treasurer can withdraw from the DPFOK checking account. Bank receipts must be submitted to the Board or Treasurer at or before the next official Board meeting.

Sec. 6. All transactions with the DPFOK checking account must be documented in the DPFOK Treasurer’s Report.

Sec. 7. Any DPFOK member may submit expense receipts ( $50 maximum). The Board will vote to determine if submitted expenses are reimbursable. If the Board approves, the expenses will be reimbursed.

Sec. 8. The Treasurer will document all DPFOK financial business in the monthly and yearly DPFOK Treasurer’s report. Duplicates of these documents will be filed by the secretary in the DPFOK records.

Article Seven


Sec. 1. This constitution may be altered, amended or repealed and a new constitution or sections be adopted only by a 2/3 vote of the total serving Board of Directors. No Amendment may be adopted unless written notice including the proposed Amendment is provided at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the Amendment is considered.

* (2/22/05)Article Eight


* (2/22/05)Sec. 1. Committees will conduct business by Robert’s Rules of order.

* (1/24/06)Article Nine


* (1/24/06)Sec. 1.DPFOK dissolutionis definedas the termination of DPFOK business, immediately after allocation of all DPFOK resources and DPFOK funds to

the Designated Purposes.

* (1/24/06)Sec. 2. DPFOK dissolution requires the following:

  1. A written motion and second must be submitted to the DPFOK Board in Quorum.
  2. A 60 day waiting period must elapse before the Board votes on the dissolution motion.
  3. The vote must occur at an Official Board meeting.
  4. 2/3 or 6 (whichever is a higher number) or more of Board members must

vote “Yes” for the DPFOK dissolution motion.

* (1/24/06)Sec. 3. Immediately following a Board vote of “Yes” for DPFOK dissolution, all DPFOK resources and all DPFOK funds will be allocated to the following Designated Purposes in the following order of priority:

First: All remaining grant funds, which have been designated by the original

grantor for specific incomplete projects, will be returned to the original

granting organizations or individuals.

Second: All remaining DPFOK debts will be paid with DPFOK

funds or funds generated from sale of DPFOK resources.

Third: Any remaining DPFOK funds will be contributed to

The Drug Policy Alliance.

Fourth: Any remaining DPFOK resources will be contributed

to the Salvation Army.