Unit: _Social Issues/Book Clubs (Reading)
Desired Results for the Unit
GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?)
- Students will become good listeners.
- Students will effectively interact in good book talk.
- Students will be able to identify and relate to social issues in mentor texts.
OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?)
Students will understand…
- Conflict empathy and a sense of experiencing a similar conflict such that the reader can relate to the internal and/or external struggle the characters endure.
- The need to reread and revise thinking and the desire to revisit, reread, or explore other texts in order to learn more about a concept. / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide our actions?)
- How did your thoughts reshape with your understanding of the social issue?
- What is the story really about? What are the underlying issues within your story?
- Who’s perspective is this story being told by and who’s voice is left out? How does this make you think differently?
Assessment Evidence
- Students will be able to talk about the pros and cons of a social issue in a debate format.
- Students will choose a book to which they made a connection to and share their thoughts and ideas about how they made a connection to it. / INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data should be collected?)
- Conferencing
- Buddy talks
UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?)
Picture Books
Short Texts
- Leveled books
- Reader’s notebooks
- Post-its
of different issues each day
*TP are:
Developing Book Talk Skills
Students work in groups of 3
*TC Gr.4 Reading for SI
Week 1
*Read Aloud – Begin with picture books, move into chapter (ex. Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DeCamillo) / TP: Good talk lies in good listening
Chart: Good Talk Grows from Good Listening (TC Book Talk and Management)
-Question whether there is a social issue or not
-What is the issue?
-How significant is it to my life?
Brainstorm from Real Life: What are the problems you face every day that have to do with human interaction (Mom-Child, Friend-Friend, Friend-Stranger) (ex. Getting to school late/Time Managaement)
Who do you interact with?
What issues come or problems come up?
What’s on your mind? / TP: Citing the text improves conversation
- Readers notice that books have meaning beyond the obvious and can analyze texts through different lenses / TP: Thought provoking questions get conversations started
-Readers read with a social issue lens. We stop, look for, and name social issues we see in the text
*Full lesson in Grade 4 social issues unit / TP: Readers talk for a long time about one thing before moving on
- Readers notice elements of the story that are similar to our own world and real life experiences. / TP:
*Decide according to what your class needs
-Readers ask, Is this story fair? Is this how things are in real life?
Readers pay attention to characters’ actions and look for underlying causes
*Groups change every day to explore new issues
*TC Gr.4 Reading for SI
Week 2 / TP: Readers read with empathy, imagine what it would be like to be in the characters’ shoes, and think about what we would do if we were in the characters’ place
*Full lesson in Grade 4 SI unit
-Continue book talk and management lessons as fit with your class throughout the unit / TP: Readers think about character motivation and how characters’ actions may be influenced by the social issue / TP: Readers consider interactions between characters and how the social issue could be a driving force / TP: Readers pay attention to how different characters are allowed to be from one another. We ask, how do other characters respond to those who are different? / TP: Readers notice any resistance to the characters or the author’s choices and ask ourselves, what about this bothers me?
Readers notice people are members of particular groups that represent multiple perspectives and consider how power is not necessarily distributed equally amongst groups
*TC Gr.4 Reading for SI
Week 3 / TP: Readers notice what groups are being presented in the text and think about what groups we personally have membership in
*full lesson in Grade 4 SI unit / TP: Readers consider whether or not characters face a difficulty because they are members of a particular group / TP: As readers we ask ourselves, whose perspective is being told in the story and whose is being left out
*Full lesson in Grade 4 SI unit / TP: Readers think about point of view and speculate how the story might be different if told from the missing perspective or if missing voices were included. We ask, how does it feel to be on the other side? / TP: Readers think about which groups have power in the text and how that power is shown. Then we ask ourselves, is this distribution of power justified?
Readers use texts to inform opinions and look for ways to take action in our own lives
*TC Gr.4 Reading for SI
Week 4 / TP: When reading with a particular lens, readers maintain sight of the whole story / TP: Readers develop big ideas or opinions about the social issues / TP: Readers support their big ideas about the social issue with examples from the text / TP: Readers continue reading other texts about the same social issue to gain more insight into topics that engage us / TP: Readers think about these social issues and how we might combat them in our own lives
*Full lesson in Grade 4 SI unit

Last saved by C. Messinger 10/4/20182:31:01 PM