Down Syndrome Association of San Diego

DSASD Buddy Walk e-blast July 15, 2011


Saturday, October 15, 2011



Online Registration is now available…San Diego 2011 Buddy Walk

Enhance the Quality of Life for People with Down syndrome

By participating in theDown Syndrome Association of San Diego 2011Buddy Walk, you will help make a difference in the lives of individuals with Down syndrome. Each step you take and each dollar you raise will help the Down Syndrome Association of San Diego as well as the National Down Syndrome Society provide important services that enhance the quality of life for individuals with Down syndrome and their families.

See How Buddy Walk $$ Support Vital Programs

We will be using the Blackbaud (Kintera) software again this year. By registering with the same user name that you have used previously, you can access your address book, donor history and team roster (if you were a team captain). If you forgot your user name and password, that’s no problem! Reminders and assistance will be provided.

Once registered, you will gain access to your personal WalkHead Quarters (HQ). You will be able touse your WalkHQ to send out e-mails to your friends and family, and invite them to visit your personal fundraising page,join your team orsponsor you online!If you starta team, you can track your team’s progress, and view the team roster (if you are registered as the team captain).If you want to add photos to your personal or team pages, they need to be 300 x 234 pixels or less than 25KB.

Email = Group of People Facebook = Network of People

Be sure to take advantage of fundraising with your network of friends on Facebook. You can quickly and easily download the application to post a link and share the Buddy Walk date, location and other event information. This feature maximizes your efforts by reaching Immediate & Extended Family Members, Close Friends, Friends of Friends, College / High School Classmates, Co-workers, Past Co-Workers and Business Networking Contacts.

Even if youcan't make it to BalboaPark in San Diego on Saturday, October 15th, youcan still be part of the San DiegoBuddy Walk.We encourage you to Registeras a Virtual Walker to join us in spirit. You can raise funds, qualify for prizes, and make a difference in the lives of individuals with Down syndrome from a computer anywhere in the world!

If you are interested in being a Buddy Walk Event Sponsor, we are pleased to offer numerous levels of event sponsorship, each with its own benefit to you or your company.View Event Sponsor details. Or consider participating in our Resource Fair.

If you are a Buddy Walk Participant, you may want to inquire if the company you are working for has a Corporate Donor Matching Program.

To see why we walk,View the NDSS"DREAM" video. Then, get involved with the Buddy Walk and make every step count!

Thank you for your continued support of the Down Syndrome Association of San Diego and the Down Syndrome Association of San DiegoBuddy Walk. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at the Organ Pavilion in BalboaPark at 9:00am.

Please be certain to visit the Down Syndrome Association of San Diego 2011Buddy Walk website for event updates. We will keep you posted as we get closer to the big event. If you have any questions, please contact us .

Down Syndrome Association of San Diego