The DNC is releasedsing Knock 10, a new iOS app that will empower supporters to have more face-to-face conversations with their neighbors by allowing them to knock the doors closest to them without cutting turf, sharing lists, or entering data.


  1. Download the App: IPhone users can download the “Knock 10” app for free on the App Store.
  2. Create an Action ID: Supply your email address, password, first name, last name, and phone number to create an Action ID. If you have previously used the MiniVAN app, you can also login with your old Action ID.
  3. Login: Input your email address and password to login to the App.
  4. Confirm your Location: The App should automatically find your location. If for some reason the App is incorrect, click “Change My Location” and select your state.
  5. Downloading the List: After confirming your location, the App will automatically generate a list of the 10 closesthomes.
  6. View Your Script: Click “View My Script” to familiarize yourself with your script. Look at the key points and questions you will be asking voters at the door.Practice by role playing a conversation with a canvassing partner.
  7. Look at Your Map: Click “Show me my Map” to look at a map of the doors on your list. Create a game plan on the most efficient route to take, and then start knocking.
  8. Input the Information: When you get to your first door, click on the address, click on the voter you are talking to and get talking! Input the information you gather as you go, following the cues on Knock 10.
  9. Sync Your List: After knocking all 10 doors, make sure your list has been fully synced. The app should automatically re-sync every five minutes, but it never hurts to double check!
  10. Knock the Next 10 More: Download a new list and knock the next 10.Most volunteers knock three to five lists in a shift.


So you want to talk to voters but you don’t know how? Don’t worry, it’s easy. Following the script should help get you started but remember not to read off your phone. No one wants to talk to someone whose staring at their iPhone. Think about why it’s important to you to elect more Democrats. What is your personal story?And when in doubt, ask a voter what matters to them. Many of you will be speaking with people directly from your community, so it’s very likely that the issues that matter to you will matter to them too!

Speak from the heart: our goal is to engage our base on a grassroots level to ensure that we have an economy that works for everyone, healthcare for all, and an America that respects the dignity of all people.