Supporting a Leader in Training
Division Commissioner

The Division Commissioners Role:

The role of the commissioner is to support the new leader and to pass on their knowledge with enthusiasm and encouragement.

  • to promote the aims and principles of Girlguiding
  • to understand the leadership Qualification and process
  • to have a current or recent experience as a Girlguiding leader
  • to be a good listener and a good communicator
  • to be is flexible and open minded
  • is aware, and accepts, that everyone is an individual
  • understands the importance of keeping discussion confidential when necessary
  • knows when and where to get help


After the joy of finding a new leader the Division Commissioner needs to start the process of registering them in the Girl Guiding family and on to the leadership Qualification via “Go”.

  • Allocate a mentor
  • Inform theleadership Qualification (LQ) Coordinator of the new leader in training and name of mentor (LQ Coordinator too update “Go”)
  • The new leader pack will be issued by the County Commissioner orLQ Coordinator to the Division Commissioner
  • Notify the mentor of new leader – ensure there is an exchange of contact details
  • Coordinate a meeting with the new leader and introduce the mentor (if possible everyone together – if not possible the Division Commissioner should meet the new leader)
  • Ensure Unit leader understands their role in supporting the new leader

We suggest you have a meeting with the new leader in training as soon as they start the scheme,this will allow you to find out what previous knowledge, skills and experiences they have and apply any of these to the leadership Qualification.

It is important that a flow of information is kept between leader in training, Mentor and Division Commissioner.

The leader in training needs access to the Guiding manual, please direct to website.

Face to face training for new leaders:

All new leaders must have valid qualifications in: First Aid certificate – valid 3 years

Safe Space

Please direct the new leaders in training to watch for dates of this training events and locations please watch the Cumbria North Girl Guiding website. PLEASE add any training in your area to this events page so to open up the training to over new leaders.


E learning:

There are also E-learning modules available for section and Safe Space these are accessed through the Girlguiding website. Please ask them to keep an eye on the website for dates and locations for the face to face training in First Aid and Safe Space.


Other opportunities:

The county training weekend is also a great way for new Leaders to meet other leaders, network and complete some of their training.

The new leader may have been working as a unit helper. This time and activities undertaken with the unit can all be used in the evidence for her leadership qualification.

Supporting mentors:

Each mentor needs to have completed the online E-learning module prior to commencing the role.


County has information to help mentors work through the leadership qualification with the new leader but they can also find support from:

  • The Leadership Qualification work book – each module has information for the mentor
  • The Girlguiding Website
  • The Leadership Coordinator

When the mentor is happy that all the modules are complete they will contact the Division Commissioner.

It is the role of the Division commissioner is to update the details on “Go” and present the badge and certificate to the new leader.

Change of Section:

A qualified leader taking on a leadership role in another section needs to complete module 1 for the new section. This can be downloaded from the website


The evidence needs to be collected and a mentor is required to sign off each section. If a qualified leader is taking on the role of unit leader, they are required to complete Module 4. Both these modules are sent to the Commissioner for completion and the “Go” records to be updated.

Special Needs:

Leaders in training with special needs should be offered the support, they need to complete the leadership qualification within their skills and capabilities. Please contact the County Commissionerand Leadership Coordinator if necessary.

Leadership Qualification Completion:

Ideally the leadership Qualification can be completed in two terms or around 200 days.

The mentors do not need to sign off every section, other qualified leaders can also sign off sections within the leadership book.

Please ensure all evidence is provided and this shouldgo into the plastic file the leadership book comes in. Notes may have been written in the discussion boxes within the book, and copies of training certificates, letters/forms to parents and other evidence should have been slotted into the relevant pages.

It is the role of the mentor to check that all the modules are completed and signed, with evidence attached where needed. Before signing the module sections on the ‘sign off’ page (page 39).

On completion this should be sent to the District / Division Commissioner to check the evidence.

It is the District/ Division Commissioner role to update “Go” and the honour of presenting the Leadership badge and certificate to the new leader (obtained from County Badge secretary, as they are on the restricted list).

Thank you for helping the new leader on their way to
completing the Girlguiding Leadership Qualification

Leadership Coordinator Carly Hawkins