The development of our vision statements Strategic Plan 2013-2015

Objective / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
All students will have a living knowledge of the Catholic Faith. / The National Religious Education programme will be presented using the Inquiry approach to integrating Religious education into all areas of the curriculum.
The focus for 2013 will be Pastoral Care particularly on the school’s bi-cultural commitment and cultural awareness. The school recognises the importance of Tiriti o Waitangi and the status of Maori and also acknowledging and honouring cultural diversity.
A particular focus in terms of Pastoral Care will also be Pasifika and Asian people as these are the school’s largest cultural groups.
Implementation of the professional development gained from the 2012 Catholic Convention and from the seminar presented by Fr Elio. / The National Religious Education programme will be presented using the Inquiry approach to integrating Religious education into all areas of the curriculum, making full use of the interactive whiteboards.
The focus for 2014 will be Religious Education.
The Board will budget for the full implementation of the new Religious Education curriculum. / The National Religious Education programme will be presented using the Inquiry approach to integrating Religious education into all areas of the curriculum.
The Special Character focus will be on Building Catholic Community.
The Board will provide funds and support for all staff to attend the Catholic Convention in Wellington in August 2015.


Objective / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
All students will have the knowledge and motivation to be life-long learners, consciously employing thinking skills.
All students are able to effectively access the New Zealand Curriculum/Te Marautanga o Aotearoa as evidenced by achievement against National Standards.
The National Standards are used effectively to support improvement in student outcomes.
Teachers’ practice is responsive to students’ needs, including cultural needs.
Maori students are engaged in their learning and are achieving educational success, with pride in their unique identity, language and culture as Maori.( Ka Hikitia document) Whanau are engaged in supporting their children’s learning.
Pasifika students are engaged in their learning and are achieving educational success. Pasifika families are engaged in supporting their children’s learning.
Students with special learning needs are supported in their learning so that they can progress in relation to The New Zealand Curriculum and fully participate in and contribute to the school and their community environment. / All students show progress in achievement in end-of-year overall teacher judgements in relation to National Standards.
The target groups show accelerated progress and met or exceed targets.
The principal and staff continue to implement an effective moderation process across the school for National Standards.
Teachers confidently use the National Standards to make judgements which advance students through appropriate
learning steps.
Quality information is provided to parents in regards to their children’s progress in relation to National Standards. Learning reports in plain language, twice a year.
The reviewed reporting format provided to parents in regards to their children’s progress and achievement in relation to National Standards as per the board’s review schedule. These reports clearly show progress of students by year level, gender and ethnicity with a focus on Maori, Pasifika and students with special learning needs.
Learners with special education needs are supported to come to school, engage in all school activities and achieve against the key competencies and learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum.
The school is demonstrating inclusive practices.
The Board budgets for professional development for staff to make full use of the Interactive Whiteboards.
Assessment for Learning practices continue to be implemented in writing and introduced in Religious Education, Mathematics and Reading.
The school is continuing to implement inclusive practices.
The Board budgets for professional development on curriculum knowledge specifically: grammar.
The Board will apply for a roll increase to ensure that every Catholic will receive a Catholic Education.
The Board will budget for new classroom furniture. / All students who are achieving well below or below in the National Standards show accelerated progress in end-of-year overall teacher judgements.
The national priority groups of Maori and Pasifika students are achieving at the same or better than their non Maori and Pasifika cohorts. Students with special education needs are all meeting their individual learning goals.
Quality information is provided to parents in regards to their children’s progress in relation to National Standards. Learning reports in plain language, twice a year.
Assessment for Learning practices to be implemented in other Learning Areas: Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Social Studies, Science and Technology and Te Reo.
The Board will use the Pasifika Education Plan (2013) to review practices and improve student achievement.
The Board budgets for professional development based on the self-review process.
The Board budgets for professional development on curriculum knowledge specifically: vocabulary.
The Board, in consultation with the staff and community, will ensure that resources will be provided to ensure that student learning is maximised. Eg. Upgrade Adventure Playground. Upgrade ICT resources where needed. / The Board is provided with progress and achievement information in relation to National Standards at least twice a year as per the review schedule.
Assessment for Learning practices to be fully implemented in all Curriculum Areas.
The Board budgets for professional development based on the self-review process.
The Board budgets for professional development on curriculum knowledge specifically: punctuation.
The Board, in consultation with the staff and community, will ensure that resources will be provided to ensure that student learning is maximised. Eg. Upgrade Adventure Playground. Upgrade ICT resources where needed.
Objective / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
All students will have opportunities to develop their own self – valuing self, resilience, confidence and an awareness of gifts. / All students will be given opportunities to develop their self through the development of the concepts presented.
Term 1: Relationship
Term 2: Elements
Term 3: Communication
Term 4: Challenge. / All students will be given opportunities to develop their self through the development of the concepts presented.
Term 1: Environment
Term 2: Time
Term 3: Enterprise
Term 4: Change / All students will be given opportunities to develop their self through the development of the concepts presented.
Term 1: Our Foundations
Term 2: Exploration
Term 3: Imagination
Term 4: Celebration
Objective / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
All students are able to relate and communicate effectively with others. / All students show progress in achievement in communication skills through the New Zealand Curriculum specifically English: speaking, writing, and presenting and through their culture. / The Board will support programmes that ensure student engagement in wider school life. / The Board will support programmes that ensure student engagement in wider school life.
All students will be responsible and be able to have successful respectful relationships. / All students will be given opportunities to develop responsible and respectful relationships in every interaction they have, by being the Good News as modelled by St Paul.
The concept focus will be Relationship.
The Board will ensure students are engaged in learning, Attendance data analysed, monitored and effective strategies put in place to improve attendance. / The concept focus will be Environment
The Board will ensure students are engaged in learning, Attendance data analysed, monitored and effective strategies put in place to improve attendance. / The concept focus will be our Foundations.
The Board will ensure students are engaged in learning, Attendance data analysed, monitored and effective strategies put in place to improve attendance.
Objective / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
All students will develop a sense of belonging and an understanding of the importance of contributing positively to New Zealand Society. / Care of the environment fully integrated into all curriculum areas evidenced in planning. / The Board trialling a rubbish- reduced environment. / The Board will implement a rubbish-free environment.
Objective / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
All students will become independent and responsible for their own learning.
Students set their own learning goals and know what to do to achieve them. / All students given opportunities to be independent and responsible.
Students will set reading, writing and mathematics goals.
Teachers trialling students independently leading their own learning conferences in classrooms, with teachers roving and supporting. / All students given opportunities to be independent and responsible.
Independent student-led learning conferences held by more classroom teachers. / All students given opportunities to be independent and responsible.
Independent student-led learning conferences.

Literacy Action Plan 2013 (Budget: $5000, Reading Recovery: $100)

Team Leaders: Mary Zellman, Judy Pudney, Lisa Bateman, Lorraine Livingstone, Pauline Oliver

and Class Teachers.

Focus: To raise student achievement in literacy
Planned Priorities / Who / How / Expected Outcomes / Actual Outcomes
To raise student achievement in reading
Students below National Standards
Y2: 3
Y3: 1
Y5: 6
will be at The National Standards by the end of the year. Maori and Pasifika students have been identified as part of this group.
Students reading well below National Standards will make progress within the level and some will be either just below National Standards or just below National Standards. This does not include ORRS children. They have their own IEP and will be measured against their goals.
Y2: 6
Y4: 1
Y6: / SMT and all teachers, Teacher Aides
Reading Recovery Teachers. / Teachers using the planning sheets.
Small group guided reading lessons.
Shared reading, reciprocal reading, read and retell as other strategies used to teach.
Targeted Teacher Aide support. (Rainbow Reading, Talk to Learn).
Parent/school reading nights programme.
Modelling books.
In class parent support.
Assessment tools used to achieve an Overall Teacher Judgment will be:
See the Assessment Procedures in the Learning Plan for Overall Teacher Judgment guidelines.
Reading Recovery will be offered to meet student needs.
The Library Skills programme will be used in our School Library / All students to make progress in reading.
Students reading below the expected level at the beginning of the year to be reading at or above National Standards by the end of the year.
Students who are at risk and achieving well below to make progress and be below or at expected National Standards by the end of the year.
Raised achievement by students in the Reading Recovery Programme.
Students’ Library skills will improve and these skills will be transferred to their local library.
To raise student achievement in writing.
Students who are achieving below National Standards:
Y2: 10
Y3: 8
Y4: 8
Y5: 10
Y6: 10,
will be achieving at National Standards by the end of the year.
Students who are well below National Standards:
Y4: 2
Y5: 3
Y6: 6,
Will be making progress within the level or some will be below the National Standards or at the National Standards by the end of the year. / SMT and all teachers and Teacher Aides / Specific Targeted Teaching at all times.
The focus for 2013 will be on teaching correct English grammar.
AFL (Assessment for Learning) capabilities to be integrated into teaching and learning.
Holiday writing projects where necessary.
Y6 students will be given extra support to ensure that they are prepared for Year 7. / Students one stage below National Standards will be at or above by the end of the year.
50% of students two or more stages below will be just below requirements of at and above.
To ensure that all students write neatly and legibly / All teachers / Each teacher to use the St Paul’s Learning Plan to provide a consistent teaching and learning programme to meet students’ handwriting needs.
AFL strategies to be integrated into the teaching and learning programme. Year 6 students will write in pen by the end of the year. / Student ownership of learning.
Students self-assessing their handwriting.
Students proud of their handwriting achievement.
Year 6 students writing in pen in readiness for Year 7 requirements.
To ensure a variety of opportunities are provided to the students to listen and to speak. / All teachers / Teachers will plan a variety of learning opportunities to speak and listen.
Speech Language support given to students with speech difficulties.
Year 3 to 6 students will take part in speech writing and students will be selected to represent the school in the local cluster Speech Competition and possibly the APPA Competition.
Students will be encouraged to speak in full sentences. / Students will develop speaking and listening skills and confidence .
To integrate the Habits of Mind in all aspects of literacy / All teachers / Habits of Mind introduced and in some cases re-introduced: Persistence, Listen, Make it Right, Stop and Think, Create and Innovate, Working Together. / Confident use of the Habits of Mind



Mathematics Action Plan 2013 (Budget: $1000)

Team Leaders: Mary Zellman, Judy Pudney, Lisa Bateman, Lorraine Livingstone, Pauline Oliver

and Class Teachers.

Focus: To raise student achievement in numeracy
Planned Priorities / Who / How / Expected Outcomes / Actual Outcomes
1.  Identify students who are below National Standards:
will achieve National Standards by the end of the year.
Y3: 6
Y4: 7
Y5: 7
Y6: 5
Students who are well below National Standards:
Y2: 1
Y3: 1
Y4: 1 (ORRS)
Y5: 2
Y6: 3
will make progress within the levels Some to be be either achieve just below the National Standards or be at National Standards by the end of the year.
Maori and Pasifika students have been identified as part of these groups. / Mary, Judy, Lisa, Lorraine and Class teachers / Examine data to identify those who are at risk.
Middle and Senior classes (separately) to cross-group for maths. The class with stage 1 to 4 will be fewer members so as to give more individualised tuition.
Mrs Pudney will work with the groups of Year 5/6 students who have been identified as being at risk. Students are confused by different strategies so the focus will be on the algorithm.
Teacher Aides will support Year 2 Mathematics classes.
Teacher Aides to assist in classes, using Cosdbriccs programme which focusses on raised achievement in number knowledge. This will be at Year3/4 level and Year5/6 level.
Teacher to test IKAN Terms 1 and 4 using interactive whiteboards.
Teachers will continue using new maths planning formats. / Targets will be met.
All students will improve their strategy use and number knowledge level by the end of the year.
Teachers are kept up-to-date with current practices.
Teaching of knowledge will meet the students’
Students’ progress will be accurately tracked.
To provide professional development / Senior Management Team,
Classroom teachers / Assessment for Learning will be the vehicle.
Discussions in QLC groups on how to transfer AFL strategies into maths lessons e.g. use of LI and SC.
Team meetings will focus on professional development covering Strand: measurement, geometry and statistics. / Teachers using AFL strategies in all maths lessons.
Some teachers modelling AFL strategies for other teachers.
There will be a more standardised understanding of the other strands in mathematics.
To assess students and analyse data to inform teaching, including IKAN and JAM/Gloss / Senior Management Team,
Classroom teachers / Tests to be used include: JAM/Gloss, Schonell Basic Facts, IKAN.
Teachers will analyse data to restructure maths classes and to identify specific needs.
Mathematics PAT will be used to check understanding of all strands and will be used to triangulate data.
Term 1: JAM/Gloss as needed, IKAN
Term 2: Gloss for all students, IKAN, Schonell
Term 3: Individual testing where necessary.
Term 4: Gloss, IKAN, Schonell
Use OTJ(modelling books, exercise books) as evidence for the ‘Best Fit’ for maths achievement. / By the end of Term Four the expected levels for each year group are as follows:
Y1 Stage 2/3/4
Y2: Stage 4
Y3: Stage 4/5
Y4: Stage 5
Y5: Stage 5/6
Y6: Stage 6
Reports to parents on National Standards achievement in numeracy and, if possible, in all maths strands
Teacher to focus on Number Knowledge.
To provide extension for students working above their expected levels in Year 4/5/6. / Marie and Judy / Students identified, working in R16 with Marie Nelson will be participating in the Otago Maths Problem Solving Competition and some of the focus of the teaching will be on how to solve complicated problems with reasoning and logic.
Selected students will be invited to take part in the Australian Maths Competition.
The ICAS (NSW) Maths competition will be open to all students from Year 4 to 6 achieving above the expected standard.
Identified students will be dual enrolled with The Correspondence School. Enrolment in NCEA Level 1. / Students will extend their knowledge and strategies by participating in there competitions.
Habits of Mind will be encouraged, specifically during these competitions i.e. persistence, Make it Right, and Stop and Think.
Students will achieve success in problem solving, maths assessments.
Providing suitable resources to ensure raised standards / Judy / Purchase replacement resources.
Supply maths Modelling Books for teachers / Maths budget spent, sufficient resources for all.
To cover all Maths Strands during the year, integrated with the Term’s Concept. / SMT and Inquiry Team Leader / Give recommended time allocation to each strand. / Maths planning will reflect coverage.