Locum Services as Prison Resettlement Worker
Hourly Rate will be in accordance with Depaul UK’s current Locum Services hourly rate of pay. June 2011 - £10.78 per hour (OLW)
Whilst providing a Locum Service the worker will work under the direction and guidance of the Project Manager, Senior Project Staff and the Offender Services Manager.
Your are required to work in London and South East Region current projects are in HMYOI Rochester, HMP/YOI Isis and anyothers that may be acquired in the future.
An Enhanced CRB disclosure is required for any person providing Locum Services, as any shifts covered on an ad-hoc basis, will be directly working with young vulnerable adults.
Your role is to provide cover for permanent members of our Outside Link projects in HMYOI Rochester and HMP/YOI Isis which provides housing advice, assistance and advocacy to young/adult offenders in prison in order to ensure that they have somewhere to stay on release from custody. Alongside permanent members of staff you work with young people to identify long-term resettlement plans and support so that independence in the community is sustained and the likelihood of re-offending is reduced.
- Main tasks
1.1To be a temporary member of the housing advice team andto process referrals in line with policies and working procedures.
1.2To deliver housing and resettlement advice and information to the prison population at HMYOI Rochester or HMP YOI Isis.
1.3To work in partnership with young/adult people to assess needs, agree action plans and review progress.
1.4To act as a liaison between those involved in the prison and accommodation providers in the community
1.5To work with Local Authority Housing Departments, Housing Associations, statutory services and other accommodation providers to source and access accommodation for prison leavers.
1.6To work within the Prison Service policies and procedures and to support the relevant programmes being run.
1.7To provide links into the local community to ensure the clientreceives the most appropriate support and advice in and outside of prison.
1.8To advocate for the client to Offender Management Units, Social Services and other agencies in order to ensure the client receives the appropriate support.
1.9To liaise with any family member who may be able to help provide support or accommodation.
1.10To identify particular issues and concerns arising out of work with individual young people and share all relevant information with colleagues and your line manager as appropriate.
1.11To contribute and help ensure that targets are met.
2.1To prepare and maintain accurate and timely records of work.
2.2To use Depaul UK’s database system to record details of work oneach shift and other systems as may be required by the prison.
2.3 To ensure that information systems are used – e.g. resource library, database, client records etc.
3.Internal and External Liaison
3.1To ensure open and professional communication between the Outside Link project and other projects within Depaul UK as well as with external agencies and with all departments and individuals within HMP YOI Isis.
3.2To liaise with relevant bodies within the prison, such as Offender Management team or other reducing re-offending pathway leads.
4.General Responsibilities
4.1If required, to attend training days, conferences and any other meetings as may be arranged by the Project Manager.
4.2To be involved with the project team in the collation and preparation of reports, statistics on computer, and other papers, which may be required by the Sector or RegionalManager.
4.3To receive and show visitors round the project.
4.4To adhere to all Depaul’s policies, particularly those relating to Health and Safety, child protection and protection of vulnerable adults and Confidentiality; to contribute to the effective implementation of Depaul’s Diversity and Equality Policy as it affectsboth Depaul UK and its work with the residents.
4.5To deal with any other tasks commensurate with the needs of the project.
Locum Worker Services
Depaul UK will have no obligation to offer any work whatsoever and Locum Workers are under no obligation to accept work if it is offered. There is no requirement thatDepaul UK offer, or that a Locum Worker accepts, a fixed or reasonable amount of work within any period.
Depaul UK aims to promote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential. Depaul UK welcomes applications from diverse candidates. Criminal records will be taken into account for requirement purposes only when the conviction is relevant.
As Depaul UK meets the requirements in respect of exempted questions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, all applicants who are offered employment will be subject to a criminal record check from the Criminal Records Bureau before the appointment is confirmed. This will include details of cautions, reprimands or final warnings, as well as convictions.
This person specification sets out the various criteria by which we will assess your application. When completing your application form please address all the areas below. Try to provide clear examples in your supporting statement that clarifies how and when you gained the experience or knowledge as well as your level of capability in each of the competencies.
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1.1In-depth experience of working with young people, advice work and/or related housing and resettlement work.
1.2Experience of working with the benefit system and other funding streams for young people.
1.3Experience of working with offenders and/or the criminal justice system
2.1A good understanding of the needs of homeless young offenders
2.2Knowledge of the legislation affecting young offenders including the Housing Act, Children’s Act and community care legislation.
2.3Knowledge of Health and Safety, safe working practices, prison policies and procedures and anti discriminatory working practices, and the implications of both within the working environment.
3.1Team Working: Committed and reliable member of team understanding impact of the role on others.
3.2Personal Effectiveness: Motivated, adaptable, perseverant and accurate.
3.3Problem Solving and Decision Making: Ability to use logical processes for solving problems and decision making.
3.4Communication: Written and verbal communication is precise and accurate.
3.5Maintaining / Using Systems: Uses and contributes to organisation systems accurately and effectively.
3.6Creativity: Able to source and develop new ideas to solve problems and bring about improvements to services
3.7Commitment & Integrity: Ability to maintain social, organisations and ethical values in all actions and work in a manner that respects the values and ethos of Depaul and its founding partners.
3.8Equity Diversity & Rights: Promotes equity and diversity, upholding the rights of clients, staff and volunteers
3.9Needs Led Services: Focussed on views and needs of clients and effective quality driven services and Client Participation
4.1Ability to under take lone working in then community.
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