September 16, 2004

What’s New?

What’s New? is a bi-weekly, electronic newsletter produced and distributed free of charge to the members and constituents of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For a complete listing of ANSI news and events, please visit our website, ANSI Online. >>>


A summary of this issue’s top stories…

Department of Justice Requires Additional Documentation from SDOs Filing Under HR 1086
September 20, 2004 Filing Deadline Approaches (September 9, 2004)

In a follow-up to a communication issued to ANSI-Accredited Standards Developers on August 30, 2004, members of the standardization community are being notified of an additional document that is required by the U.S. Department of Justice for all filings under HR 1086, The Standards Developing Organizations Advancement Act of 2004.


Reminder: Nominations for 2005 ANSI Board of Directors and Institute Policy Committees Due September 24, 2004 (September 13, 2004)

ANSI members are reminded that all nominations of qualified candidates for the Institute’s Board of Directors and voting membership on the Institute’s Policy Committees must be received by ANSI no later than Friday, September 24, 2004. Important note: all nominations must include a biographical statement and letter of corporate support, including those submitted via the Survey Bank.


On Eve of 9-11 Anniversary, More Details Emerge on Structural and Fire Elements of WTC Disaster (September 10, 2004)

In its ongoing building and fire safety investigation into the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster of Sept. 11, 2001, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently reported on results from testing to determine the fire resistance of the floor systems typical of those used in the WTC towers.


ANSI to Host Leadership Conference on ISO/IEC Technical Committees (September 16, 2004)

ANSI will host a specialized conference to facilitate collaboration among U.S. leaders and activists in ISC and IEC committees. A Conference on U.S. Leadership in ISO and IEC Technical Committees will provide a forum where leaders can discuss key international standardization issues and related U.S. strategies and tactics.


USNC and Electrotechnical Industry to Mark Centennial and “IEC Day” in St. Louis, MO (September 15, 2004)

September marks the 100th anniversary of a meeting that drew more than 1,000 of the world’s leading scientists and pioneer industrialists to St. Louis for the International Electrical Congress, on September 15, 1904.



President Bush to Nominate Bement as Science Foundation Director

USNC Council Initiates Plans for Future IEC General Meeting in the U.S.

CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton to Address October ANSI Caucus

Launch of National Preparedness Month Precedes Third Anniversary of 9-11

ANSI-Accredited Standards Developers Will Greet 2005 with a Normalized Annual Fee Structure

Expression of Sympathy: Former ANSI President Donald Peyton Dies at 79


Federal Register notices of potential interest …

Standards and Conformity Assessment Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, August 26 - September 10, 2004

National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993 Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, August 26 - September 10, 2004


For detailed schedule/program information, please see the events section of ANSI Online.

IEC Centennial Celebration

September 22, 2004 – St. Louis, MO

ANSI Nanotechnology Standards Panel (ANSI-NSP) Meeting on Nomenclature and Terminology

September 29-30, 2004

World Standards Week 2004

October 11-15, 2004 – Washington, DC

ANSI Annual Conference – East Meets West: Facing Challenges and Making Connections

October 13, 2004 – Washington, DC


It’s always a good time to learn more…

For a complete list of ANSI’s upcoming Education and Training Courses, please see the

2004 Schedule of Upcoming Open Sessions


Take advantage of more great information…

Spring/Summer 2004 ANSI Reporter

The Institute’s quarterly newsmagazine is published for a diverse audience comprised of corporate, organizational, government and consumer interests in the United States and around the globe.

Standards Action – September 17, 2004
The latest issue of ANSI’s key public review vehicle.

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American National Standards Institute • 25 W. 43rd St. • Fourth Floor • New York, NY • 10036