Ms. HamdenNAME:

The Crucible—Personal Grievances

In Act I, tensions exist between the set of characters listed below. Discuss what those tensions or grievances are. Why does the first character hate or resent the second? What arguments erupt between the two in Act I?

Abigail Williams v. Goody Proctor

Abigail thinks that Goody Proctor is bitter, mean, and wants her to be a slave.

Abigail hates that John is married to her

Goody Proctor was gossiping that Abigail has a bad reputation “she was blackening Abigail’s name” (p.12)

Abigail tries to kill her by drinking the blood charm

Goody Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse

Both families have major land disputes

The Nurse family prevented Putnam’s brother-in-law from becoming minister

Goody Putnam lost 7 children, while Rebecca Nurse has 11 children and 26 grandchildren

Goody Putnam believes its witchcraft, Rebecca believes it is a silly season “Let us rather blame ourselves.” (p.28)

John Proctorv. Thomas Putnam

Proctor claims that Putnam is trying to take land that doesn’t belong to him

Putnam is trying to throw his weight around (nosy and controlling)

Putnam accuses Proctor of not going to church and being a troublemaker “We vote by name in this society not by acreage” (p.28)

Proctor does not believe they are witches, but Putnam does

John Proctor v. Reverend Parris

Proctor doesn’t like how Parris preaches about hell and damnation “I walk 5 miles and all I hear about is hell and bloody damnation.” (p.28)

Parris expects to be treated with more respect and not questioned “A minister is the lord’s man in a parish.” (p.30)

Parris accuses Proctor of leading the faction against him

Proctor is against Parris owning the parish house and preaching about deeds and mortgages (p.30)

Reverend Parris v.His parishioners

Parris is using his parishioners for his own gain (he wants more money)

Parris hardly mentions God, no one wants to take their children

Has only been in Salem for 3 years and still hasn’t earn their respect and trust

He is a strict father and instills that in his church group and doesn’t want any disobedience

He has a lot of arrogance (Went to Harvard College)

Thomas Putman and others v. Giles Corey

Giles blamed Proctor for burning the roof off his house

Putnam, Proctor, and Giles are disputing land

Giles tends to blame others and sue due to his old age and hearing (6 times in court)

“Wherefore is everybody suing everybody else…It’s a deep thing, and dark as a pit.” (p.31)