The Crossings ChurchGospel of Mark Discussion Questions

Life of ChristFall 2015


Discussion Questions



  1. How does Mark introduce his gospel (verse 1)?
  1. How does Mark’s introduction differ from Matthew?
  1. What passage is quoted in verse 2?
  1. What was John the Baptist’s baptism for?
  1. What did people do before they were baptized?
  1. What will the One coming after John baptized with?
  1. How does Mark describe what happened immediately when Jesus was baptized?
  1. Who attended Jesus in the wilderness?
  1. What did Jesus proclaim (verse 14)?
  1. What did His message consist of (verse 15)?
  1. Who were the first two disciples called to follow Jesus?
  1. What would He make them into?
  1. Who were the second two disciples called?
  1. Why were the people amazed at Jesus’ teaching?
  1. Who did the demon say Jesus was?
  1. What did Jesus tell the demon to do?
  1. Whose mother-in-law did Jesus heal?
  1. Who gathered at the door to see Jesus?
  1. Why didn’t Jesus let the demons speak?
  1. What happened very early in the morning?
  1. How did Jesus heal the man with leprosy (i.e. what did He do in healing him)?
  1. What did Jesus command the man after He healed him?
  1. What did the man do?
  1. What was the result?


  1. What town did Jesus go to?
  1. Where did the crowd gather?
  1. Who was brought to him, and how?
  1. What controversial thing did Jesus say?
  1. How did the teachers of the Law react?
  1. What did Jesus say to them in response?
  1. What did Jesus do, and how did the crowd react?
  1. Who did Jesus eat with at Levi’s house?
  1. What did the teachers of the Law and Pharisees say?
  1. What was Jesus’ statement in response?
  1. Who was fasting?
  1. Why didn’t Jesus’ disciples fast?
  1. What did the disciples do on the Sabbath?
  1. Who was the Sabbath made for?


  1. Why were some watching Jesus closely?
  1. What prompted the Pharisees and Herodians to begin plotting?
  1. What did they want to do?
  1. What did demons do when they saw Jesus?
  1. How does the Bible describe those who Jesus called to himself (verse 13)?
  1. What did Jesus’ family think of Him?
  1. What did the teachers of the Law who came down from Jerusalem say?
  1. What can be forgiven?
  1. What cannot be forgiven?
  1. Who is Jesus’ brother, sister, mother?


  1. Why did Jesus get in a boat?
  1. Who should hear?
  1. Why does Jesus speak in parables?
  1. What does the farmer sow?
  1. What does Jesus say about hearing?
  1. What will “whoever has” be given?
  1. What will “whoever does not have” have done to them?
  1. What does the man scatter?
  1. How does the man understand the growth?
  1. What is like a mustard seed?
  1. What does it do?
  1. What frightened the disciples?
  1. What was Jesus doing?
  1. How did He respond to the situation and the disciples?
  1. How did the disciples feel?


  1. Where did Jesus go?
  1. How many were demon possessed?
  1. Where did the man come from?
  1. What happened to the chains and irons?
  1. How often did he cry out and cut himself?
  1. What was the demon’s name? Why?
  1. What two things did the demons ask Jesus not to do (verses 7 and 10)?
  1. Where did the demons ask to go?
  1. How did the townspeople feel after seeing the man healed?
  1. What did they ask Jesus to do?
  1. What did the man who’d been possessed ask to do?
  1. What did Jesus tell him to do instead?
  1. How does Mark’s account compare to Matthew (Mt. 8:28-34)?
  1. Whose daughter was dying?
  1. What was ailing the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak?
  1. What happened that caused the people to tell Jairus to leave Jesus alone?
  1. What did Jesus give orders about after he healed the girl?


  1. Where did Jesus go?
  1. Who accompanied Him?
  1. What did the townspeople ask?
  1. Besides being initially amazed, how did people feel about Jesus?
  1. Could Jesus perform miracles? Why?
  1. How did Jesus send the Twelve out?
  1. What did they have authority over?
  1. How did people say John the Baptist was?
  1. Why did Herod get upset with John?
  1. Who danced and pleased the king?
  1. What did her mother urge her to ask the king for?
  1. What did the apostles do after returning to Jesus?
  1. What did Jesus instruct?
  1. Where did they go?
  1. Why did Jesus have compassion on the crowd?
  1. What did Jesus do before breaking the loaves?
  1. How many men were present?
  1. What did Jesus do immediately after dismissing the crowd?
  1. What happened while the disciples were in the boat?
  1. What does Matthew include about Jesus’ walking on water that Mark does not (see Mt. 14:22-33)?
  1. Why hadn’t the disciples understood about the loaves?
  1. What happened wherever Jesus went?



  1. Where had the Pharisees and teachers of the Law present come from?
  1. What were they upset about in verse 2?
  1. What was being violated?
  1. What scripture did Jesus quote in response?
  1. Whose commands had they let go of? Whose were they holding on to?
  1. What does evil come out of?
  1. What ethnicity was the woman who came to see Jesus about her daughter?
  1. What challenging thing did Jesus say to her and how did she respond?
  1. How did Jesus heal the deaf mute?
  1. What did Jesus command them not to do, and what did they do instead?


  1. How many were fed?
  1. What did the Pharisees ask for?
  1. What did Jesus say would not be given?
  1. What were the disciples to watch out for?
  1. What did they think it meant at first?
  1. How did Jesus heal the blind man?
  1. How many times did he touch him?
  1. Who did people in general say Jesus was?
  1. Who did Peter say Jesus was?
  1. What title is applied to Jesus in verse 31?
  1. What did Peter do to upset Jesus?
  1. How did Jesus respond?
  1. What must be denied to follow Jesus?
  1. What should those who want to save their lives do?
  1. All the wealth is the world is worthless compared to what?
  1. How will Jesus treat those who are ashamed of Him in this world?


  1. Who accompanied Jesus on the mountain?
  1. How is what happened next similar to Exodus 34:29-35?
  1. How is it similar to 1 Kings 19:8-14?
  1. What did Peter say? What comment follows in verse 6?
  1. When did Jesus say they would be allowed to speak about what they saw on the mountain?
  1. What couldn’t the disciples do for the boy?
  1. How did Jesus say when He heard about it?
  1. Who is everything possible for?
  1. Why couldn’t the disciples do it?
  1. Why didn’t Jesus want anyone to know where He was?
  1. Why didn’t the disciples ask Him about His teaching about the future?
  1. What had the disciples been arguing about?
  1. Who will be first?
  1. What did Jesus say about the man driving out demons who wasn’t among the disciples?
  1. What should you do if your hand causes you to sin?
  1. How long will the fire last in hell?
  1. What is done with salt that loses its saltiness?


  1. What did Moses permit? Why?
  1. Who were people bringing to Jesus?
  1. What did the disciples do?
  1. What does Jesus ask the rich man (verse 18)?
  1. What did he need to do to truly follow Jesus?
  1. What did he do instead?
  1. Who has a hard time entering the kingdom of God?
  1. What will those receive who sacrifice for Jesus in this world?
  1. Who will condemn Jesus to death?
  1. Who came to Jesus with a question, and what was it?
  1. How could they become great?
  1. What title did the blind man apply to Jesus?
  1. What question did Jesus have for him?
  1. What does Jesus say healed him?


  1. What animal were the two disciples to find?
  1. What did the people do as Jesus entered Jerusalem?
  1. Where did Jesus go after entering Jerusalem?
  1. What was on the tree?
  1. What did Jesus do at the Temple?
  1. What did the chief priests and teachers of the Law begin to do?
  1. What was wrong with the tree the next day?
  1. How will our prayers be answered?
  1. What must we do for others that’s related to our prayers being answered?
  1. What question did the Chief priests, teachers of the Law and elders ask Jesus?
  1. Why did Jesus response pose a problem for them?


  1. In the parable who planted the vineyard?
  1. What were the farmers hired to do?
  1. What did they do instead?
  1. What would the vineyard owner do in response?
  1. Who had this parable been spoken against and how did they respond after hearing it?
  1. How did the Pharisees and Herodians attempt to use flattery on Jesus?
  1. What was their question and Jesus’ response?
  1. What did the Sadducees not believe in?
  1. Will marriage exist in heaven?
  1. What is the most important command?
  1. What is the second?
  1. What was the teacher of the law who agreed with Jesus not far from?
  1. What does Jesus say about false teachers?
  1. How many coins did the poor widow contribute?
  1. Why does Jesus say she gave more than the others?



  1. What did Jesus say would happen to the large stones the buildings were made out of?
  1. What question did Peter, James, and John asked?
  1. Will a few, or many, come in Jesus name? Will a few, or many, be deceived?
  1. What kinds of things will happen in society?
  1. What kinds of things will happen to the apostles?
  1. How will they know what to say?
  1. Who will it be terrible for in those days?
  1. What kind of people will appear to deceive?
  1. What will pass away, and what will never pass away?
  1. Who knows about that day and hour?
  1. What does Jesus tell Peter, James, and John to do in the meantime (verse 35-37)?


  1. Whose house were they at in Bethany?
  1. Where did the woman pour the perfume?
  1. What did some protest?
  1. Who did Jesus say they would always have with them?
  1. What did Jesus say the woman had done for Him?
  1. What did Judas then do, and what was he promised?
  1. What was it customary to do on the first day of the Festival?
  1. What were the disciples to say to the man carrying the jar?
  1. What time of day was it when they gathered for the meal?
  1. How did the disciples feel when Jesus say one would betray Him?
  1. What did Jesus say the bread was? The cup?
  1. When would He drink it next?
  1. What did Jesus predict about the disciples in general?
  1. What did Peter declare?
  1. What did Jesus predict about Peter specifically, and what time of day would it happen?
  1. Where did Jesus go to pray?
  1. How did He describe His feelings?
  1. What was His prayer?
  1. What had the disciples done as Jesus prayed, and how did Jesus react?
  1. What did Judas do to signal the armed men?
  1. What happened to the servant of the high priest?
  1. What did the disciples do when Jesus was arrested?
  1. What happened to the young man following Jesus?
  1. Who followed at a distance, and who did he sit with by the fire?
  1. Who was looking for evidence against Jesus, and what could they find?
  1. How many testified falsely against Him? What was the problem with their testimonies?
  1. How did Jesus defend Himself?
  1. What question did the high priest ask Jesus, and how did Jesus answer?
  1. What was the charge that led to Jesus’ execution?
  1. What did they do to Jesus after spitting on and blindfolding Him?
  1. Where was Peter while this was going on, and who approached him?
  1. What was said to Peter, and how did he respond?
  1. How did Peter react when he heard the rooster?


  1. What time of day was it when Jesus was led away to Pilate?
  1. What question did Pilate ask Jesus, and what was Jesus’ answer?
  1. How did Jesus defend Himself against the accusations of the chief priests?
  1. What was customary at the festival regarding prisoners?
  1. What crime had Barabbas committed?
  1. What did Pilate know about the motives of the chief priests?
  1. Who stirred up the crowd, and what prisoner was released as a result?
  1. What did the crowd shout in response to Pilate?
  1. What question did Pilate ask in response, and how did the crowd react?
  1. Who was released and why?
  1. What happened to Jesus?
  1. Who led Jesus into the Praetorium?
  1. How many soldiers were called together?
  1. What did they put on Jesus’ body and what did they put on Jesus’ head?
  1. What did they say?
  1. What did they hit Him with and where?
  1. How did they mock Him?
  1. Who was forced to carry the cross?
  1. What was the name of the place of crucifixion and what did the name mean?
  1. What did they offer Jesus that He refused?
  1. What did they do to divide His clothes?
  1. What time was it when Jesus was crucified?
  1. What was written on a sign above Him?
  1. Who was crucified with Jesus?
  1. What did those who passed by do?
  1. What did the chief priests and teachers of the law do?
  1. What did those crucified with Him do?
  1. What time was it when darkness came over the land?
  1. What time was it when Jesus cried out?
  1. What did Jesus say when He cried out?
  1. What Psalm is that a quote from?

Go and read that entire Psalm looking for how Jesus identified with it while on the cross. You are not required to write your observations down but you can if you want to.

  1. What was offered to Jesus at that moment? Did He take it?
  1. What did Jesus do before He breathed His last?
  1. What happened in the temple?
  1. How did the centurion react?
  1. Who was watching from a distance?
  1. Who went to Pilate to ask for Jesus’ body and provided the tomb? What was he a member of?


  1. Who went to the tomb?
  1. What were they concerned about before they arrived?
  1. What did they notice after they arrived?
  1. Who was in the tomb and what did he tell them?
  1. How did the women feel as they left, and who did they tell the news to?
  1. Most Bibles have a note (or footnote) in them regarding verses 9-20 – what does yours say?
  1. Who did Jesus appear first to, and what did she do afterward?
  1. How did those who heard the news react?
  1. Who did Jesus appear to next? Who did they tell and what was the response?
  1. Who did Jesus appear to next and what did He rebuke them for?
  1. What was His command in verse 15 and 16?
  1. Who will be saved?
  1. Who will be condemned?
  1. What are the signs that will accompany believers?
  1. What happened after Jesus said these things?
  1. What did the disciples do?