
Course Syllabus

Fall 2011

I. Faculty Information:

Instructor:Andrea Schaben

Phone:712-755-3101 HCHS office

e-mail Address:

Free Period: 2nd hourAlso we can meet by appointment

Morning office hours will be once per week 7:00-8:00 am


II. Course Information:

Course NumberCourse NameCredits

MAT 157 – 01Statistics 4

Course Description:

Statistics introduces descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include the binomial, normal, student-t, and chi-square distributions, descriptive measures, probability, hypothesis testing, estimation, and linear regression.

Prerequisite: Minimum of grade “C” or better inAlgebra II and Math Placement

Course Meeting Times Course Location

MTWRF Room 112

Required Textbook:MyMathLab Student Access Code. These may be purchased from Iowa Western bookstore. Note: the textbook is optional.

Materials and Supplies to be Furnished by Student

  • Engineering problem paper or loose leaf paper
  • Scientific or Graphing calculator
  • Notebook

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of Statistics, the student should be able to:

  1. Perform descriptive statistics including collecting, organizing, summarizing and displaying data.
  2. Use statistical software programs such as EXCEL and TI-83, to perform descriptive statistics on large data sets.
  3. Use experimental or theoretical probability to represent and solve problems.
  4. Perform inferential statistics by using sample data to draw conclusions about a population.
  5. Make inferences using correlation between two variables.

Course Practices:

  1. Attendance Requirements
  • Attendance is required, recorded, and necessary for success.
  1. Standards for written work
  • Students are to take and keep daily class notes in a notebook.
  • All homework problems will be done on-line.
  • Name must be on the top line on the left side of the paper.
  • Section number must be on the top line – right side.
  • Box all answers to test questions.
  • Credit will not be given for “answers only”. This means zero (0) points for the problem. If you did the problem on the calculator, write the buttons you pushed or explain the steps you went through.
  • If you used logic for a problem, explain in words the logic you used. This is as good (or better) than writing out process steps. You need to be complete in your explanation.
  1. Late papers and assignments
  • Late homework will be accepted up to the exam date over the material.
  • Once the exam on the material has been given, no late homework will be accepted.
  1. Missed exams
  • The student will have one week to make up any missed exams.
  • Failure to take the final results in failure for the course. NO make-up finals will be given.
  1. Extra Credit
  • There will be a 5-point bonus question on most exams and some projects. This will be your only opportunity for extra credit.
  1. Participation
  • We will begin most class periods with a review problem from the previous day. Then you may ask to see any homework problem worked out on the board.
  1. Classroom Management and Behavior
  • Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, etc. when you enter class.
  • Please be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings.

8. Administrative Policy on Personal Electronic Devices

  • To provide an environment conducive to learning, IowaWesternCommunity College requires that cellular phones, pagers, and other personal electronic devices be turned off or set to vibrate when entering classrooms, computer labs, library, offices, auditoriums, or arena areas. Cellular phones with picture taking capabilities are not allowed in bathrooms, locker rooms or other areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
  • Faculty members do have the right to prohibit the use of any electronic device in their classroom.

Classroom Assessment Techniques

At any time during instruction, if you become lost or confused, please ask a question!! Also, if you feel thatI amgoing too fast at any time or you wish to see another example, all you have to do is ask!!!!!!!! The more vocal you are about your needs, the easier it is to adapt instruction. I can only tell so much by expression.

Quarter grades calculated from:Homework/Quizzes/Projects: 25%Tests: 75%

Semester grades calculated on: Quarter 1: 40%Quarter 2: 40%Semester Test: 20%

Grading---Methods of Evaluation of Student Progress

1. Exams/Tests

  • There will be 6 tests and a cumulative final (tentatively).
  • Failure to take the final results in failure for the course.
  • Cell phones may NOT be used during any testing!
  • PBITS will be an important part of the course. The problems will involve a communication and mathematical connections component as per the Iowa Core. PBIT scores will combine to constitute a test grade.

2. Quizzes

  • Quizzes will be given with and without prior notice, and quizzes will check for student understanding. If missed, the quiz must be made up within two school days.

3. Attendance

  • Attendance will be taken daily.
  • If you are not in attendance, it is your responsibility to contact the instructor to get the missed assignments.

4. Homework

  • Homework will be collected and graded along with an assessment.
  • Your homework/quiz grade can be computed two ways. You can turn in homework and average your homework score with your quiz score. Or you can choose to not turn in homework and your quiz score will constitute that section’s quiz/homework grade.

5. Group vs. Individual Assignments

  • Homework can be a “team” task. You are encouraged to work on homework assignments with other students and create/utilize study groups to help you learn the concepts and processes associated with this class.
  • Most quizzes and all tests are individual assessments. I need to learn what you know.
  • PBITs are both group and individual endeavors. For most PBITs, you will want to discuss possible solution methods with other group members, but your final product and explanations need to be your own work and in your own words.

Letter Grades – Grading Scale by percents

Grades will be calculated on a 90/80/70/60 scale (posted in the room)

I – indicates that course requirements have not been completed.

W – indicates the student formally withdrew from the course before the deadline.

The justification for awarding a grade of incomplete is one in which:

  • Significant health issues (individual or family member) have interfered with the student’s ability to complete assigned work within the semester that the course is scheduled.
  • Significant personal crisis within an individual‘s life that has seriously disrupted the student’s ability to complete coursework.
  • A student should have completed a minimum of 75% of the assignments with an overall grade of “C” or better.

Other Course Information

A. Important Dates: For a complete list see: SOS Academic Calendar

  • 9/5Holiday – Labor Day
  • 10/14End of first quarter
  • 10/17No classes – Faculty work day
  • 10/25&27Parent teacher conferences
  • 11/24&25Holiday – College closed
  • 12/22End of 1st semester

B. Semester Exam Schedule:

TBA but most likely will be 12/20 and 12/21

Problem Resolution

If you have a conflict with me, concerns about my teaching and/or the course material, please discuss this first with me. If we cannot resolve the difficulty, contact

John Connell, High School Principal, 712-755-3101

Notice of Class Cancellation

1. Emergency closing of entire campus such as for weather – Students will be notified through KNOD.

Course Topical Outline and Schedule

Week TopicReadings

1, 2, 3Intro to Stats and GraphingChapter 1-2

4 and 5Descriptive StatisticsChapter 3

6 and 7ProbabilityChapter 4

7 and 8Prob and Probability DistributionsChapter 4/5

9, 10, 11Normal Probability DistributionsChapter 6

12 and 13Estimates and Sample SizeChapter 7

14 and 15Hypothesis TestingChapter 8

16 and 17Correlation and RegressionChapter 10


Honor Code – Academic Honesty

Upon enrolling at IowaWesternCommunity College, each student assumes an obligation to conduct her/his academic affairs in a manner compatible with the standards of academic honesty established by the College and its faculty. If this obligation is neglected or ignored by the student, disciplinary action will be taken.

Diversity Statement

IowaWesternCommunity College values diversity and supports learning experiences that promote intellectual growth and human enrichment.

American with Disabilities Act Statement

If you are an individual with a disability who requires an accommodation to fully participate in academic programs or campus activities, please email or call 712-325-3299. Accommodations are arranged through the Student Success Office, located in the StudentCenter (2nd floor). Please allow for adequate time to implement your accommodations.


Student rights concerning access to educational records are spelled out in Federal Public Law 98-380 as amended by Public Law 93-568 and in regulations published by the Department of Education. Student records and class schedules will be released only to students showing proper identification.

Cyber-Library and Academic Support

Students can access books, magazines, journals, newspapers, films and audio books 24/7 through the IWCC Cyber-Library by clicking on the “Resources” tab in any SAIL course and choosing OneSearch. For questions about finding information at your campus or center, email or call 712-325-3478 for the Council Bluffs Campus or 712-542-5117 for the Clarinda Campus. FREE tutoring and academic assistance are available through the AcademicSupportCenter, located on the second floor of the StudentCenter on the Council Bluffs campus, in a variety of core, general requirement classes. One-on-one assistance is available on a walk-in basis or by appointment for certain subjects. Group tutoring is available, but must be scheduled in advance. For more information about tutoring services or help in your classes, email or call 712-325-3494.

Personal Electronic Devices

To provide an environment conducive to learning, IowaWesternCommunity College requires that cellular phones, pagers, and other personal electronic devices be turned off or set to vibrate when entering classrooms, computer labs, library, offices, auditoriums, or arena areas. Cellular phones with picture taking capabilities are not allowed in bathrooms, locker rooms or other areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. Faculty members do have the right to prohibit the use of any electronic device in their classroom.

Please Note: This syllabus is your guide to the course. Please keep it for reference. All items are subject to change at the instructor's discretion.

Statistics Homework List will be posted on my website::

Our course can be found on our class is Statistics, Schaben, Fall 2011. Course ID is: