U.S. History 8
Mr. Martin

E-mail: Phone: 512-841-8712

The Course: Students study the history of the United States from the early colonial period through Reconstruction. Historical content focuses on the economic, political, social and environmental events related to the colonial and revolutionary eras, the creation and ratification of the U.S. Constitution, challenges of the early republic, the Age of Jackson, westward expansion, industrialization, reform movements, sectionalism, Civil War, and Reconstruction. Students will prepare for the 8th grade Social Studies STAAR test at the end of the year.

Student Expectations: I expect that students always put forth their best effort. I expect quality work at all times. Students should consistently be on time, bring their materials, and actively participate in class. They should follow all school rulesand complete all tasks and assignments. I expect that if students are having difficulties/concerns with the class or content that they ask me for help. I expect that students use all class time productively. Each activity that we do in class will have designated expectations and guidelines. Minor insubordination and other infractions will be handled using the following steps:

  1. Warning
  2. Conference with student
  3. Parent Contact
  4. Office Referral

Teaching Methods: There will be a fair balance between direct teach, creative processing assignments, technology applications for processing, partner and group work, along with individual and group projects. Students will be expected to follow directions to learn techniques that help them best self-direct and manage their learning.

Procedures: All assignments, homework, objectives, and guiding questions are noted on the whiteboards and projector screen daily. Upon entering class, students should check the boards and screen and follow the directions about materials and activities for that day.

Students will start class with a four-minutewarm-upperiod. Directions for the four minutes will be displayed on the whiteboards/screen. Students are expected to begin the warm-up as soon as the bell rings.

Technology:We will use technology on a regular basis in my class. Because Gorzycki is a Bring Your Own Device campus, students may have (but are not required to bring) their own personal electrionic devices (iPad, smart phone, tablet, etc.) and accessories (headphones). Students are only to use these devices when instructed by certin sounds/cues in the classroom.

Teacher Website: My website will always be updated the day of for assignment instructions/rubrics, due dates, review resources, and ancillary content help.

Grading Rubric and Policies

Tests, Projects, Quizzes = 50%

Classwork, Daily Assignments = 40%

Notebook Checks, Homework = 10%

Parents and students may monitor student progress using Parent Self Serve element of AISD’s TEAMS gradebook program. If you have a question about something that is seen there, talk with the student before contacting the teacher.

Opportunities for extra credit will be given periodically throughout the yearbased on current events and teacher’s discretion.

Late Work: Learning activities and homework are designed to support what is done in class on a daily basis. It is in the student’s best interest to come to class prepared and ready with all work/preparation complete. While late credit will be given, students run the risk of not being prepared for quizzes, tests, class activities, and class discussions.

Gorzycki Late Work Policy:Work turned in late will receive 5 points off per day. After 10 days, the highest grade a student may receive is a 50.

I reserve the right to suspend the late work policy on certain projects and activities when completion is critical by a certain time.I will inform students of this at the time the assignment is given.

***All late work in order to be accepted and graded must have the late work submission form completed and signed by a parent. The late work submission form is present on my website and copies are available in class. ***

Failures:Students will be given the opportunity to improve/re-do failing grades on tests and assignments when they receive a score lower than 70. The maximum score on this redone work is a 70. Students may be required to attend tutoring or complete additional review activities before being allowed to retake a test.Students who fail a six weeks will be assigned required tutoring the following six weeks.

Absent Work: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all information, content and assignments missed during an absence via the absent work basket. This missed information and assignments should be collected on the first day that a student returns to class. Students will be responsible for turning in absent work on the second day they return to class, unless otherwise notified.

If a student misses a test or quiz, they must make arrangements to make it up within three days.


1. 8.5X11 Large Notebook (Due no later than Monday, August 28)

2. Art Supplies such as markers, colored pencils, glue, scissors are optional but recommended (I will provide some in-class art supplies located in the creation station)

Textbooks:Students will not be issued a textbook. A class set of textbooks will available as a resource for students. Students also have access to a digital version of the textbook via the AISD cloud.

Tutoring:Tutoring will take place by request or case by case basis during Tiger Time in EXCEL.

Communication: My school e-mail address is . If you have a questions, email is the best way to contact me.