Day 5 - December 5, 2008
Lecture 1
We will study the 1st Course to restore Canaan and what kind of things Moses went through to bring the people out of Egypt. (d.307)
The Israelites left Egypt with hope, but then when they were faced with difficulty they started to complain, Why did you bring us out here? God said to Moses, Raise you staff! The Red Sea parted and the Israelites could cross and the water came down upon the Egyptians who were coming behind them.
God said he would give them manna and quail. Every day God would give the people just enough for them to eat. Just enough for one day. God led them one day at a time through the wilderness. They were not satisfied with the manna, so God gave them quail. There was no water, and again they complained. God said strike the rock and the water came out.
The Amalekites came after them and the Israelites did not know how to fight them. They were so few in number. Moses raised his hands; when they were up, the army led by Joseph and Caleb would be winning. When the hands went down, the Amalekites seemed to be winning. This symbolized that the saints would defeat the evil world. So Joshua and Caleb’s army did not vanquish evil by themselves, but Aaron and Hur helped hold up Moses’s arms. Like Jesus and the Holy Spirit helping and raising God’s will.
When Christ comes, he will bring the water of life. Jesus will be the savior of life. Christ comes to give life to the people; God’s water of life.
The Providence of Restoration and the Tabernacle (d.308)
Moses goes to Mt. Sinai to receive the two tablets of stone. When Moses led the people out of Egypt he had faith and hope to reach Canaan and guide the people out ot the wilderness. Moses also is a human being. It was possible that he could lose faith. God needed to prepare something that would be unchanging. That is why God gave Moses the tablets of stone; so they would be unchanging.
The two tablets of stone had the ten commandments on them. When Moses went to the mountain for 40 days, the people started to say it was not Moses that led them, but the golden calf! Moses became so angry that he wanted to grind down the golden calf and make the people drink it.
He had to go back to the mountain again, and the people repented.
Man lost the word due to the fall. The foundation of restoration for the word required man to make offerings. The providence of restoration would happen by God being able to give his word again to man.
God set up the tabernacle and trained the people to center their lives on the tabernacle. It was divided into 2 places, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. It was divided by a curtain.
Until this time, the Israelites made tents. Then they made the tabernacle. When the people would camp for the night, they would first build the tabernacle, they would build the tents around it. When they were traveling, the tabernacle led the way. It represented the Messiah.
In the Ark of the Covenant were the two tablets of stone with God’s Word. It symbolized heaven and earth. he ark represented the cosmos and was a smaller representation of the tabernacle. In the Ark was also manna , representing Jesus, in a golden urn, symbolizing the glory of God.
The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place represented Jesus spirit and his body.
WE need to become the people who can restore Spirit World and the physical world. Just as our parent God is great, the children have to resemble the parents.
The Israelites were to go to Canaan, not give up half way. They continued to disbelieve every time there was an obstacle. God gave them so much and guided them. Moses could have also lost faith, so God gave the tabernacle. Even if ONE Person continued to have faith in the tabernacle, God could continue the Providence.
The people set the FF by uniting with Moses. They should have kept the faith all the way to Canaan. Their faith kept on breaking. They had to make the condition to receive the Messiah. The tabernacle is a symbolic messiah. In order to receive the Messiah, there needed to be a FF and FS.
(d.311) Diagram of the FF and the FS Centering on the Tabernacle
No matter how difficult the situation may look, God will guide you if you have FAITH! The condition was to go and find something difficult, and keep the faith. We can only cross the wilderness with the help of God. The people were always blessed after they held faith.
Man should not have a condition that Satan can invade. There is a law of indemnity that we must indemnify our condition if we fail to keep it.
Can you understand why Moses fasted and the meaning of the 40 years in the wilderness? It was to indemnify the foundation that was lost due to faithlessness.
Moses was turning 120 years old and was becoming upset at the continued faithlessness of the people. That is why he struck the rock twice. Even the new generation lost faith many times. God was going to start a providence that the people could be reminded of God’s grace and power. That is why God wanted to give water from the rock.
Moses desire was to go into Canaan and was not allowed to enter . He died in the wilderness. Striking the rock twice was a condition to enable Satan’s invasion . It indicated that Satan may strike Jesus who will come as the rock in substance. (d.313) This became a remote cause of Jesus’ crucifixion.
If the people would have faith in Jesus, he would not have to go the way of the cross. Moses walked Jesus course in image, so the things that Moses did could foreshadow what could happen in Jesus time. Then why could the mistake of striking the rock twice not be restored? Because the rock symbolized the root of the tablets of stone; like striking God. (d. 314)
None of the first generation were able to enter Canaan. All turned faithless except Joshua and Caleb. They stayed faithful to the end. They were able to lead the 2nd generation into Canaan.
Result of striking the rock twice. (d.315)
Moses body died in the wilderness and his spirit entered Canaan. Nobody knew where his body was buried. He body was never found. Just like Jesus. Foreshadowed that Jesus could be crucified but his spirit would live and give salvation to the people.
In Jesus time, he had to start by separating Satan because the conditon was already set for Satan to be able to strike. Jesus overcame Satan with the three temptations. If the people united with him, he would not have had to go the way of the cross.
Moses desperately begged God to allow him to enter the promised land. He died outside the borders.
The Foundation of Substance Centered on Joshua (d.316)
We also have to be faithful. In the 70’s we were sent out witnessing into Satan’s world and went over all Satan’s trials. We had to leave our children with our parents. There were cases where both parents were against us and we would bring our children to our parents and they would not receive them. They said that parents should take care of their own children. They would tie the children’s hands to the house so they would stay with the parents and not look back. The children cried so much. But they had to go to the world to witness.
Sometimes the parents would bring the children somewhere and when the child woke up, both parents were gone. They cried and cried. Now the children are grown up and have received the blessing. Our elders had to go such a difficult path and had to remain faithful no matter how difficult.
Another lesson is that if someone is reaching out for help, you should give them the help they need.
Crossing the Jordan, they determined to die crossing the river to get into Canaan. I used to think that the Jordan was such a huge river, but when I saw it, I was surprised to see that it is just a shallow creek. The people at the time had a fear of water. It was unknown and a challenge for them. They had to muster great determination to cross over it.
We must build an altar in our homes with holy candle, True Parents picture, Cheon Seong Gyeong, Peace Messages, so we can gather and pray. Worship and honor the holy of holies. We must have a place we can protect the holy of holies. By upholding absolute sex, you will fulfill your own portion of responsibility and the responsibility of your family.
When you have difficulty, go in there and the answer will be found in God’s Words; the Peace Messages and the Cheon Seong Gyeong. No matter what the difficulty, keep God as the center of your life always. Never lose faith.
Jacob built a stone altar wherever he went. It was a place to gather and praise God.
The first mission of man is to restore the temple. You offer the temple centering on God’s words. You cannot see God, but you have God’s words. We are living with the substantiation of God’s words, the True Parents. That is why Jesus said, Those who have seen me have seen the Father.
We must follow the True Parents who are the body of God, but sometimes we doubt that. Are they really God” The time to understand this with our head is past. It is not the time to just read the word, but to embody the word. Feel God’s Shimjung from the word. God’s principles are in the word. We have to embody them. This should build our character. That is why our life should be centered on God’s words.
The courses we have studied are the courses all men must walk. The disciples were to gather and honor Jesus as the temple. They didn’t, and the temple was lost.
In the time of Gilgal, God stopped giving manna. The Israelites were then to make a living with their own sweat. We must not always expect God to take care of everything. We have to determine to work hard and take responsibility for ourselves and our families.
We used to live with our parents in a very small house, in a very small room. Two or three families lived in a very small room. There was a time when we lived like this. Some people worry that if we unite with N.Korea, our lives will again become difficult. But we will have to share everything. Live together, share everything. This is what it means to unite. The S. Koreans are a little scared of this.
N. Korea wants to unite centering on Communist laws. We just have to listen to what they have to say, for months if necessary, until they ask us what we center our life on. Then we can tell them what we are centering our lives on. They will feel such a warm heart and beauty. They still have an original nature within them. Their hearts will be moved. Unity of the heart will be established. We need to bless people but we should not just give the blessing but make it a lifestyle. Embody God’s heart within ourselves. We shouldn’t be arrogant, but live our lives wanting to do more good together with God. Then God can be with us. This kind of life, God cannot be with anyone else but those who have his lineage.
What are we bringing to people? How we live our life. Even in difficult situations, don’t complain , but have a heart of repentance first. Instead of asking God to give them more and more, the people should repent, and be grateful for their environment.
We as sons and daughters have been working and toiling, but God will not always keep us there until the end. We are on the way to the destination. True Parents have sacrificed and worked so hard their entire life.
In the story of Job, Satan said there is nobody that is righteous. God said, did you see Job.? Satan said that the only reason he reveres you is because he is blessed. Without the blessings, he will desert you. God said Satan could take away everything, but Job’s life. Satan took away everything and struck Job in every manner of existence. Job was so miserable that he asked God to take his spirit. Job honored and respected God so much, why did his life become like this? Instead of complaining to God, Job said to his wife, don’t worry honey, God is still there. God and Satan were watching Job and his every word. Job said, honey, God gives and God takes; how can I resent God? God won. Satan had no claim. God could bless Job many times more than he had before. God restored his health, his wealth and everything.
True Parents led their life so they could set the standard for mankind to reach God. They set an absolute standard for victory in every situation. So when things get difficult, can we turn our back on God?? True Parents love God in every extreme and difficult situation. They are the example for all humanity to follow. Their heart is what we should follow. Their unchanging heart toward God.
The Conquest of Jericho (d. 318)
We know that by following True Parents we can bring down the barriers in this world. Only those who are prepared can become the owners. The time is now. The time will not be forever.
The Able UN centers on True Parents. When the Abel and Cain UN can unite, then the messiah can unite all the world instantly. Then we can re-unite North and South Korea. There are central nations around the world like Japan, Korea, American, Russia, England, France, Germany . If they uphold the TP will
Lessons (d.319)
We need to have a renewed understanding of the OT Age. It was thought to be merely a record of Moses life and history. But God revealed many secrets about this time. Jesus passed away without making clear the true significance of Moses course. We can come to the conclusion that God exists and has been working throughout history toward the realization of one absolute purpose.
God’s predestined will cannot be achieved through the person entrusted with its fulfillment if he does not complete his portion of responsibility.
The greater the mission, the greater the test one will face.
When God is about to give grace, He puts the person through a test, either before or after the grace, to prevent the accusation of Satan.
Day 5 - Lecture 2
The Foundation for the Messiah
The messiah does not make his own foundation, so Jesus could not be the central figure for the foundation of faith. The central figure was to be John the Baptist. The object for the condition was the word. The period, 400 years.
The nation revered John the Baptist. When the people saw his lifestyle, they would ask Are you the Messiah? The people respected John the Baptist. They received him. The nation could fulfill the Foundation of Substance because they could unite with John.
The First Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan (d.326)
John the Baptist was Elijah of the 2nd coming. The Israelites united with John the Baptist. The Messiah could have come at this time, but John The Baptist did not keep in faith in Jesus. The foundation was lost. Jesus himself had to make a foundation taking on the position of John the Baptist. Jesus had to inherit John’s mission. That is why John had to baptize Jesus in the Jordan River.
At this time John the Baptist saw the revelation for God, a dove descending over Jesus head. Still, he did not unite with Jesus, even after testifying to him. Jesus told his disciples not to say he is the messiah. That is because he first had to take on the mission of John the Baptist.
John the Baptist was sent to make straight the way of the Lord so the people WOULD believe in Jesus. Without that condition of protection, Satan was able to strike Jesus.
Significance of the Three Temptations (d.328)
Satan did not want Jesus to fulfill the 3 Blessings.
In the wilderness Satan meant Jesus to give up the position of the Messiah.
Satan: “Turn these stones into bread.” Jesus :” Man cannot live by bread alone“.