LGBT and Civil Rights

Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias.Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.

Activism and Civil Rights (US)

  1. GLSEN Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network:
  2. Civil Rights — includes section on LGBT rights
  3. A Look at the State of the Gay Rights Movement – video report by Democracy Now!
  4. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
  5. LGBT Rights - Recent Court Cases, Issues and Articles | American Civil Liberties Union". Retrieved July 28, 2012.
  6. Human Rights Campaign – official website
  7. HRC LGBT Resources Guide
  8. ACT UP - A worldwide experiment in advocacy, translated into 52 languages.
  9. Day of Silence Project - National youth-run effort using silence to protest the actual silencing of LGBT people due to harassment, bias and abuse in schools. History of the project, information on the H.Con.Res. 346 resolution, and organizing manual.
  10. Equality Matters - Virtual march for LGBT equality by changing your Facebook profile picture. Offers 1138 federal rights denied to gay men and lesbians.
  11. Fight OUT Loud - Dedicated to empowering people to fight discrimination and hate. Includes web based services, action alerts, and story of the founder's encounter with discrimination.
  12. History of National Coming Out Day - A look at the international event through the years.
  13. International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia - May 17th event news and photos, with ways to get involved and other initiatives of interest.
  14. No Excuses - Effort to meet with lawmakers face to face facilitated through the Human Rights Campaign.
  15. No H8 Campaign - Celebrity photographer produced effort portraying people with their mouths taped shut.
  16. Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights - Joint project of Soulforce and Atticus Circle to mobilize straight Americans. How to get involved and information by state.
  17. The Power Online - Petition drives to expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that are presented to Congressmen. Includes blog and related videos.
  18. ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Page - Extensive and reliable information on discrimination, hate violence, criminal law, Congress, other issues.
  19. Barbara Findlay - Law office specializing in family law, equality rights, transgender issues, and immigration. Biography, news, links, and legal articles.
  20. Center for Homicide Research - Research project highlighting homicides of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender victims in Minnesota and its border cities.
  21. Charles R. Williams Project on Sexual Orientation Law - Supports legal scholarship, research, policy analysis, and education regarding legal issues that affect LGBT populations.
  22. Chicago Lesbian/Gay Bar Association - Contact information, application, and member list for the nonprofit professional organization of judges, attorneys, law students, and affiliated law workers.
  23. Gay Monitor - Allan Horsfall and Ray Gosling monitor legal injustices against gay men, including the Bolton 7.
  24. GayLawNet - Worldwide listing of attorneys, barristers, and solicitors, as well as sodomy laws and articles.
  25. Hetrick Martin Institute - Provides services which includes counseling and legal assistance to LGBT youth.
  26. Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund - The nation's oldest and largest legal organization working for the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV/AIDS.
  27. Lesbian/Gay Law Notes - Court rulings, legislation, and other lesbian/gay and AIDS legal developments through 2006.
  28. National Center for Lesbian Rights - A legal center with a primary commitment to advancing the rights and safety of lesbians and their families.
  29. National Lesbian and Gay Law Association - A national association of lawyers, judges and other legal professionals, law students and affiliated lesbian and gay legal organizations.
  30. QueerLaw - Mailing list with news, analysis, discussion of issues in sexual orientation and the law.
  31. The National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law - Disseminating information and ideas about law and sexual orientation.
  32. Urban Justice Center - Individual Rights and Social Change: a non-profit agency with a program dedicated to provide legal and advocacy services to LGBT youth.


  1. Worldwide Ages of Consent - Ages of consent guide for sexual intercourse in each country.
  2. Ending the Harm of Religion-based Bigotry Toward LGBT People". Faith in America. Retrieved July 28, 2012.
  3. International Lesbian and Gay Association
  4. Map on LGBTI rights around the world — 2008 version
  5. Amnesty International USA: LGBT legal status around the world — interactive map
  6. GayLawNet: Laws — information by country
  7. International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and Resource links — for researching legal information
  8. International Commission of Jurists, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Justice - A Comparative Law Casebook
  9. United NationsHuman Rights Council, Discriminatory laws and practices and acts of violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity, an annual report
  10. Sharlet, Jeff (September 2010). "Straight Man's Burden: The American roots of Uganda's anti-gay persecutions". Harper's (Harper's Magazine Foundation) 321 (1,924): 36–48.
  11. Morality plays and money matters: toward a situated understanding of the politics of homosexuality in Uganda - academic analysis of the politics of homosexuality in Uganda and support for the Anti-Homosexuality bill, by Joanna Sadgrove, Robert Vanderbeck, Gill Valentine, Johan Andersson, and Kevin Ward at the University of Leeds.
  12. LGBT Human Rights Project GayRussia.Ru (en)(ru)
  13. Russian National Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual Website (ru)
  14. Is HOMO what OMON sees in the mirror? – The eXile (en)
  15. LGBT History: Russia (en)
  16. State Duma rejected "sexual hatred" to be the reason for criminal prosecution 14.02.2004 (en)
  17. Bashkortostan Parliament's deputy proposes legitimating homosexual marriages 22.05.2004 (en)

Gay Rights Organizations

  1. Amnesty International - International network with activists in over twenty countries that organize to protect the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
  2. Equality Federation - Network of US state and territory organizations committed to working with each other and with national and local groups to strengthen statewide advocacy organizing and secure full civil rights. Includes an action center and media archives.
  3. Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation - Promotes fair and accurate representation of gay people in the media. Includes news and topics, outlines of projects and publications, and events calendar.
  4. Gay and Lesbian Arabic Society - Networking group based in the United States with chapters worldwide. Related news, chat room, and articles.
  5. International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission - An organization filling the gap between the international human rights movement and the gay rights movement.
  6. International Lesbian and Gay Association - World wide network of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered groups working together for the human rights of LGBT people. Current activities, campaigns, and news.
  7. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force - Promotes civil rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. Includes federal and state organizing news, issue backgrounders, and analysis from the NGLTF Policy Institute, a progressive think tank.
  8. ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives - An independent, not-for-profit California educational institution which houses the world's largest research library on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered heritage and concerns.
  9. StoneWall Society - For worldwide GLBT equality however focus is on ending the discrimination, prejudice, and separatism which exist within the GLBT community.
  10. True Colors, Inc. - A non-profit organization providing support, education and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth, adults and families.
  11. Truth Wins Out - A non-profit organization that counters antigay propaganda, exposes the “ex-gay” myth and educates the public about gay life.

Matthew Shepherd Act

  1. - Hate Crimes and LLEHCPA - Related press releases, articles, and resources.
  2. H.R. 1592, the House bill
  3. S. 1105, the Senate bill
  4. South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint's speech. Flash video on YouTube. 16 July 2009. 12 minutes.
  5. Text of floor speeches by Senators Kennedy, Bayh, and Schumer introducing the bill in the Senate on April 12, 2007
  6. Final form of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act

SCOTUS United States v. Windsor, 2013

  1. Windsor v. United States – Complaint in District Court
  2. Windsor v. United States – District Court Decision
  3. Windsor v. United States – United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit Decision
  4. DOJ's Petition for Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court
  5. Windsor's Petition for Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court
  6. Merit and amicus briefs in the case
  7. Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement (2009 documentary film)
  8. NYU Alumni Magazine, Fall 2011

Homophobia and Hate Crimes

  1. Homophobia: the Analysis of a - American Psychoanalytic Foundation presentation from Forum with full text of reports given by authorities: Paul Lynch, Peter Gomes, Barney Frank, Nancy Chodorow, Barney Frank, and Alan Hevesi.
  2. Sexual Orientation: Science, Education, and Policy - Explanations of scientific research on homophobia and hate crimes, HIV/AIDS stigma, and other related topics.
  3. Sexual Prejudice - An introduction to scientific research on sexual prejudice, the phenomenon that is often labeled homophobia or heterosexism.
  4. Statistics about Homophobia - The National Organization for Women's facts on openly gay students missing school for fear of safety.
  5. The Public Forum - American Psychoanalytic Association explores reasons for this permissible. Includes reports by Leon Hoffman, Alan G. Hevesi, and Paul E. Lynch.
  6. Assault on Gay America - Information and resources based on the PBS Frontline episode on anti-gay hate and the murder of Billy Jack Gaither.
  7. Community United Against Violence - Multicultural organization working to end violence against LGBTQ communities. Overview of services offered and how the organization responds to issues.
  8. Sexual Orientation Hate Crimes and Discrimination - Features over of cases, facts, articles and related hate crime resources.
  9. Gay Bashings In Schools- A survey released in 2006 shows that gay teens still experience homophobic attacks in their schools
  10. State-sponsored Homophobia — 2008 edition of worldwide survey of homosexuality laws
  11. State-sponsored Homophobia — 2009 edition of worldwide survey of homosexuality laws

EBSCO and JSTOR articles:

How to open articles. Click on the BLUE link under the citation information. A list of all appropriate articles will appear. Articles are already in MLA format. Then enter the username and password for the article database

Search terms: homosexual, gay, bullying, LGBT rights

EBSCO advancedsearchresultson gay or homosexual bullying:

EBSCO advancedsearchresultson LGBT rights 2005-2013:


  1. "We are God's Children, Y'All:" Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Lesbian- and Gay-Affirming Congregations
  2. (When) Are Rights Wrong? Rights Discourses and Indeterminacy in Gay and Lesbian Parents' Custody Cases
  3. Advancing the Freedom to Marry in America
  4. Beyond Backlash: Assessing the Impact of Judicial Decisions on LGBT Rights
  5. Beyond Gay Marriage
  6. Changing Families and Communities: An LGBT Contribution to an Alternative Development Path
  7. Diversity and Inclusivity at University: A Survey of the Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Students in the UK
  8. Equal in Word of Law: The Rights of Lesbian and Gay People in South Africa
  9. Gay Marriage as a Religious Right: Reframing the Legal Debate over Gay Marriage in the United States
  10. Global Recognition of Human Rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People
  11. Intersectionality in California's Same-Sex Marriage Battles: A Complex Proposition
  12. Interstate Recognition of LGBT Families
  13. Marriage and the Shifting Priorities of a New Generation of Lesbians and Gays
  14. Proclaiming Liberation: The Historical Roots of LGBT Religious Organizing, 1946–1976
  15. Serving LGBT Students: Examining the Spiritual, Religious, and Social Justice Implications for an African American School Administrator
  16. Sexual Rights and State Governance
  17. Social Equity in the New 21st-Century America: A Case for Transgender Competence Within Public Affairs Graduate Programs
  18. The Political Foundations of Support for Same-Sex Marriage in Canada
  19. The Rejection of Human Rights Framings: The Case of LGBT Advocacy in the US
  20. The Supreme Court's Sexual Counter-Revolution
  21. Thoughts on LGBTI Activism, Race, and Gender in a Kenyan Context

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