قسم علوم المعلوماتية:
أولاً:بيان المقررات الدراسيةلقسم علوم المعلوماتية:
First Semester (30 Credits) / الفصل الاولCode / Course Title / Type / Credits / Hours
SLCS101 / Introduction to Computers / CS / 4 / 36
SLCS102 / Computing Essentials / CS / 5 / 42
SLMT101 / Introductory Calculus / MATH / 5 / 42
SLMT102 / Introduction to Linear Algebra / MATH / 5 / 42
SLMT103 / Math for Informatics / MATH / 5 / 42
ILIS101 / Islamic Culture / 2 / 21
CLEN101 CLFR101 / Remedial English Or Remedial French / 2 / 50
CLAR101 / Remedial Arabic / 2 / 36
TOTAL / 30
Second Semester (30 Credits) / الفصل الثاني
Code / Course Title / Type / Credits / Hours
SLCS201 / Basic Programming / CS / 4 / 36
SLCS202 / Logic Design / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS203 / Data Base Fundamentals / CS / 4 / 36
SLMT201 / Introduction to Integration & Series / MATH / 5 / 42
SLMT202 / Statistics and Probability / MATH / 5 / 42
SLMT204 / Vector Spaces & Linear Mappings / MATH / 5 / 42
CLEN201 CLFR201 / Remedial English OR Remedial French / 2 / 50
TOTAL / 30
Third Semester (30 Credits) / الفصل الثالث
Code / Course Title / Type / Credits / Hours
SLCS301 / Computer Organization and Microprocessors / CS / 4 / 36
SLCS302 / Web Applications - PHP / CS / 4 / 36
SLCS303 / Database Applications / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS304 / Programming / CS / 4 / 36
SLCS305 / System Analysis and Design / CS / 3 / 30
SLCS306 / Object Oriented Programming / CS / 5 / 42
SLMT303 / Differential Equations (Elective) Or / MATH / 5 / 42
SLMT306 / Complex Analysis (Elective) / MATH
TOTAL / 30
Fourth Semester (30 Credits) / الفصل الرابع
Code / Course Title / Type / Credits / Hours
SLCS401 / Platform Development / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS402 / Data Structures & Algorithms / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS403 / Network Essentials / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS404 / Mobile Computing / 5 / 42
SLMT405 / Statistics (Elective)or / MATH / 5 / 42
SLGD606 / Intellectual Propriety Law(Elective) / GRDE
SLMT406 / Operations Research / MATH / 5 / 42
TOTAL / 30
Fifth Semester (30 Credits) / الفصل الخامس
Code / Course Title / Type / Credits / Hours
SLCS501 / Introduction to compilers / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS502 / Operating Systems / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS503 / Software Engineering / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS504 / Artificial Intelligence / CS / 5 / 42
SLMT305 / Probability (Elective) Or / MATH / 5 / 42
SLAR301 / Photography (Elective) / ARTS
SLMT503 / Numerical Analysis / MATH / 5 / 42
TOTAL / 30
Sixth Semester (30 Credits) / الفصل السادس
Code / Course Title / Type / Credits / Hours
SLCS601 / Computer Security / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS602 / Computer Architecture / CS / 5 / 42
SLCS603 / Graduation Project / CS / 7 / 70
SLCS604 / Advanced Web Applications / CS / 4 / 36
SLMT606 / Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Elective) or / CS / 4 / 36
SLID204 / Rendering and Perspective Techniques (Elective) / ARCH
SLCS605 / Introduction to Computer Graphics / CS / 5 / 42
TOTAL / 30
ثانياً:بيان التوصيف العلمي للمقررات الدراسية في قسم علوم المعلوماتية.
SLCS101 / Introduction to Computers / (4 Cr.)The course aims at making students competent in computer-related skills and provides them with a broad, general introduction to hardware and software fundamentals, productivity software, digital media, database applications, networking, the Internet, and security and privacy issues, as well as hands-on practice on common software applications such as Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet and Email.
SLCS102 / Computing Essentials / (5 Cr.)This course teaches the students the basics of HTML. The students will be able to design basic WEB pages with sound, pictures, videos, etc. It also introduces the students to Java script and cascading style sheets (CSS).
SLMT101 / Introductory Calculus / (5 Cr.)Sequences, limit of a sequence, convergent and divergent sequences, adjacent sequences, functions in one variable, limit of a function, continuity of functions, derivative of a function, differentiable functions, Hospital’s rule, Roll’s theorem, Mean value theorem, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, inverse functions, inverses of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, equivalent functions, finite expansion, finite expansions and limits, Taylor’s formula, Mac-Laurin’s formula.
SLMT102 / Introduction to Linear Algebra / (5 Cr.)Definition of a complex number, algebraic form, set of complex numbers, conjugate and its properties, representation of complex numbers in the plane, affix of a complex number, module and argument, geometrical form, module and argument of the product and the quotient of two complex numbers, DeMoivre's Formula, n-th roots of a complex number and the n-th roots of unity. Definition of a matrix, row matrix, column matrix, upper triangular and lower triangular matrices, diagonal matrix, the zero matrix and the unit matrix. Addition of matrices, multiplication of a matrix by a scalar, product of matrices, transpose of a matrix, invertible matrix. Definition of the leading entry of a row, definition of a matrix in row echelon form, elementary operations, elementary matrices, the inverse of an elementary matrix, change of a matrix to a matrix in row echelon form, change of an invertible matrix to the unit matrix, computation of the inverse of an invertible matrix, using row echelon form. The set of permutations of {1,2,…,n}, representation of a permutation as a matrix in two rows, signature of a permutation, even permutation, odd permutation, definition of the determinant of a square matrix, expansion of a determinant through a row and through a column, determinant of the transpose of a matrix, the determinant of a matrix when : we interchange two rows (resp. columns), we multiply a row (resp. column) by a scalar, we add to a row (resp. column) a linear combination of the others. Determinant of triangular and diagonal matrices, classic adjoint (or cofactor) of a matrix, the inverse of an invertible matrix and the adjoint of this matrix, rank of a matrix. Definition of linear equation, matrix of a system of linear equations, principal determinant, characteristic determinants, conditions for the existence of solutions, computation of solutions when they exist, Cramer's system. Existence and computation of solutions using the row echelon form. Definition of a polynomial, equality of two polynomials, addition, scalar multiplication and multiplication of polynomials, Euclidean division, quotient and remainder, the Euclidean algorithm for the calculation of the quotient and the remainder, roots of a polynomial, degree of a polynomial, derivative and n-th derivative of a polynomial, multiplicity of a root, Taylor's Formula, real and complex polynomials, the fundamental theorem of Algebra.
SLMT103 / Math for Informatics / (5 Cr.)Boolean algebra and logic gates. Boolean expressions, sum-of-product, product-of-sum. Logic gates: OR, AND, NOT. Logic circuits. Minimal expressions, prime implicants, Karnaugh maps, minimal AND-OR circuits. Numbering system: Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, binary coded decimal (BCD), one's complement, two's complement, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Directed graph. Basic definitions: Degrees, paths, connectivity. Digraphs, relations and matrices. Rooted trees, and binary trees.
ILIS101 / Islamic Culture / (2 Cr.)مدخل عام: معنى الثقافة ومفهومها، العلاقة بين الثقافة والحضارة. الأسس الدينية للثقافة الإسلامية: الوحي، النبوة، القرآن والسنة، العقيدة والشريعة. المفاهيم التربوية للثقافة الإسلامية: الإيمان، الإنسان، الأخلاق، العلم. خصائص الثقافة الإسلامية: عالمية الإسلام، ثقافة الحوار في الإسلام، الإسلام والتنوع الثقافي، الإسلام والتفاعل الحضاري.
CLEN101 / Remedial English / (2 Cr.)To get introduced to the language, To speak about oneself and one’s surrounding, To communicate about simple daily tasks, To interact on different topics in a direct and simple way.
CLFR101 / Remedial French / (2 Cr.)Briser la glace avec la langue, Parler de soi et de son entourage quotidien, Communiquer sur des tâches simples et habituelles, Echanger des informations directes et simples sur des sujets variés.
CLAR101 / Remedial Arabic / (2 Cr.)يتوزع مقرر التأهيل في اللغة العربية على الشكل التالي: النص وتكوينه (الجملة، المقطع، النص) والكتابة والتعبير في مجالات التقنيات الأكثر رواجاً (الرسالة، المقالة التقرير والقصة). دراسة آثار كتابية كاملة (ادبية وتواصلية)، التمرّس على التعبير الشفوي (عرض، نقاش، تعليق) والتعبير الكتابي (تحليل، محاكاة، تعبير حر، التذوق الأدبي).
SLCS201 / Basic Programming / (3 Cr.)Getting started with C. The components of a C program, Storing data: Variables and Constants, Statements, Expressions, and Operators. Basic Program Control. Fundamentals of Input and Output. Functions. Using Numeric Arrays. Understanding Pointers, Characters and Strings.
Basic Programming Lab. / (1 Cr.)Students must exercise and practice all materials explained in the course CSCI 121. They should be able to create simple to intermediate programs using: Basic program controls, arrays, function and recursion, pointers and strings.
SLCS202 / Logic Design / (4 Cr.)An introduction to digital logic design with an emphasis on practical design techniques and circuit implementations. Topics include Boolean algebra: theory of logic functions; mapping techniques and function minimization; logic equivalent circuits and symbol transformations; propagation delay and timing analysis; signed number notations and arithmetic; binary addition/subtraction circuits; theory of sequential circuits; timing diagrams; analysis and synthesis of D,JK, and T flip-flop based sequential circuit; clock generation circuits; Mealy and Moore models of sequential circuits; register design; top-down, bottom-up structured system design procedures. Associated Lab Work, CENG 300L. (3 credit hours)
Logic Design Lab. / (1 Cr.)Boolean Algebra, Combinational logic circuits, Sequential logic circuits, Memories, ADC's and DAC's.
SLCS203 / Database Fundamentals / (4 Cr.)Data models and database design. Modeling the real world: structures, constraints, and operations. The entity relationship to data modeling (including network hierarchical and object-oriented), emphasis on the relational model. Use of existing database systems for the implementation of information systems.
SLMT201 / Introduction to Integration & Series / (5 Cr.)Antiderivative, antiderivatives of basic functions, indefinite integrals, integration of rational functions, definite integral, Mean value theorem, improper integrals, first and second kinds of improper integrals, functions of two variables, double integral, partial derivative, double integral with polar coordinates, series, convergent and divergent series, tests of convergence, differential equations of first order : separable, homogeneous and linear equations.
SLMT202 / Statistics and Probability / (5 Cr.)Population, Sample, Characteristics, Frequency distribution of one variable: Graphical representation, Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Frequency distribution of two variables (Bivariable Data): contingency table, Least square method, Correlation, Linear Regression, Probability: Counting, Conditional Probability, Bayes theorem.
SLMT204 / Vector Spaces & Linear Mappings / (5 Cr.)Definition of a vector space and properties of elements, subspace, intersection of two subspaces, sum of two subspaces, direct sum, linear combination, system of generators. Linear dependence, basis of a vector space, canonical basis, dimension of a vector space, substitution method, row echelon form and basis, isomorphism of vector spaces, kernel and image of a linear mapping, theorem of dimension that relates the dimensions of Ker(f) and Im(f), addition of linear mappings, multiplication of a scalar by a linear mapping, linear operator. Matrix of a linear mapping relative to ordered bases, matrix of a linear operator relative to a basis, matrix of the sum of two linear operators, matrix of the multiplication of a scalar by a linear operator, matrix of the composite of two linear operators, matrix of the inverse of an invertible linear operator. Transition matrix from a basis to another and its properties, relation between the matrices of a linear operator relative to two bases, computation of the inverse of a matrix using properties of transition matrix. Characteristic polynomial of a matrix and a linear operator, similar matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization.
CLEN201 / Remedial English / (2 Cr.)To get familiar with the target language, To express and react easily in different situations, To communicate spontaneously, easily, and efficiently, To be fluent in the language in all domains: personal, public, and professional.
CLFR201 / Remedial French / (2 Cr.)Se lancer dans la langue du travail, Exprimer et réagir aisément dans des situations inhabituelles, Communiquer avec assez de spontanéité, d’aisance et d’efficacité, Perfectionner la langue dans le domaine personnel, public et professionnel.
SLCS301 / Computer Organization and Microprocessors / (3 Cr.)Computer structure, functional units, different processors and computers types, data representation, microprocessor internal architecture: Registers, CPU, and memory organization. Assembly language programming, address decoding, macros and subroutines, memory and I/O interfaces, real-time, interrupts. Assignments and a project.
Computer Organization and Microprocessors Lab. / (1 Cr.)The course will cover the assembly language programming and operation of the 8086 Microprocessors. The students will use DOS to edit, assemble, and link 8086 programs. The student will also use Debug in DOS to trace registers and dump contents of memory. Most of the 8086 instructions will be used including, Data Movement Instructions, Arithmetic and Logic Instructions, Program Control Instructions, Modular Programming, DOS and BIOS Functions, Interrupt Handling, Basic Computer Organization and Design, Input-Output Organization.
SLCS302 / Web Applications - PHP / (4 Cr.)After the completion of this course, students will be able to analyze and develop a full featured web-application using PHP, students will study how to create input forms to insert data into MySQL database and therefore retrieve, update and delete data from MYSQL databases.
SLCS303 / Database Applications / (4 Cr.)In this course, you will explore the features of Microsoft SQL Server, including how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2000, create and administer databases, configure security on SQL Server, transfer data between SQL servers.
Database Applications Lab. / (1 Cr.)Students must exercise and practice all materials explained in the course Database Application class. They should be able to use Microsoft access including creation of tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports. Also, Students must learn to use SQL Server including Creation of Database, Tables, Queries, Views, Functions, Procedures, Rules, and Cursors using Wizard and query analyzer. Students must write programs in PL-SQL (variables, if-statements, and Loops). Two projects must be submitted by all students using Microsoft Access and SQL Server.
SLCS304 / Programming / (3 Cr.)Programming II in C language is an advanced topic in C programming. Prerequisite is Programming I in C language. Students taking this course should have knowledge about fundamentals of the C programming language, identifiers, arithmetic operators, loops, arrays, functions, and I/O (keyboard, screen). The goal is to develop a functionally complete knowledge of C programming and the ability to create advanced programs using: Functions and Recursion, Pointers and Arrays, Strings, Structures and Unions, File Handling, Bitwise Operators, Linked list, Stack, and Queue.
Programming Lab. / (1 Cr.)Students must exercise and practice all materials explained in the course CSCI 216. They should be able to create advanced programs using: Arrays, function and recursion, pointers and strings, structures and unions, file handling (sequential and random files), bitwise operators, linked lists, stacks, and queues.
SLCS305 / System Analysis and Design / (3 Cr.)This course introduces information system definition, importance and role; it discusses the information system problems and the necessity to be computerized. It presents the life cycle of the information system and the steps to computerize the information system. This course involves a detailed study of the: Conceptual Data Model, Logical Data Model, and Reverse engineering.
SLCS306 / Object Oriented Programming / (4 Cr.)Oriented object concept, using objects, String, data types, static, final, arithmetic expressions, class libraries and packages, control flow, inheritance, interfaces, abstract methods and classes, polymorphism, overriding-overloading & decomposition of methods, exceptions, sub-classes, arrays, null, IO streams, files management. With 5 research papers that will discuss 5 new or important subjects in java + Final project.
Object Oriented Programming Lab. / (1 Cr.)Students must exercise and practice all materials explained in the course SLCS404. They should be able to create simple to intermediate programs using JAVA.
SLMT303 / Differential Equations / (5 Cr.)Basic properties of differential equations of first order, linear differential equations, Bernoulli’s equation, Recati’s equation, differential equations of second order that can be solved by the methods used to solve those of first order, linear differential equation, Wronskien: differential equations with constant coefficients, Euler’s equation, Legendre’s polygone, Bessel functions, system of linear of differential equations, solvant matrix, Laplace transformation.
SLMT306 / Complex Analysis / (5 Cr.)Analytic functions: continuity, differentiation, elementary functions; complex integral : formula and theorem of Cauchy’s integral, series representation of analytic functions, isolated singular points, residue theorem and its applications.
SLCS401 / Platform Development / (5 Cr.)This course is designed to explore concepts of building software packages using Microsoft's .NET technologies. C#, VB.NET and other technologies will be used to demonstrate a broad range of programming disciplines.
SLCS402 / Data Structures and Algorithms / (5 Cr.)This course teaches the design, implementation and run-time analysis of important data structures and algorithms. The data structures considered include sorted arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees (B-tress , AVL-tress), and heaps. An approach based on abstract data types will be emphasized. The use of recursion for algorithm design. Programming assignments are in C++.
SLCS403 / Network Essentials / (4 Cr.)This course introduces the basic concepts and principles that underlie computer networking. It presents an overview of networking terminology, examines different network topologies and architectures, discusses the physical components of computer networks, and reviews the principles of network connectivity.
Network Essentials Lab. / (1 Cr.)Introducing essential network devices, cabling and connectors. Peer to peer network, installing and configuring network interface card, connecting computers to a hub. Installing and configuring windows server 2003, creating a domain. Server based network, creating and managing user accounts. Share level security and user level security (sharing and managing access to shared resources). Wireless Ad hock network. Wireless infrastructure network. Wireless network security, configuring access point. Installing and removing protocols, TCP/IP protocol configuration. TCP/IP Subnetting.
SLCS404 / Mobile Computing / (5 Cr.)This course is designed to cover the basic concepts of mobile programming over Android Operating System. Through this course the student can use the various GUI, components, store, and retrieve data using SQL life.
This course will teach students the basis of platforms for mobile devices and their application lifecycle. Student would be able to develop simple GUI applications, use built in widgets and components, work with the database to store data locally and much more at the end of this course.
SLMT405 / Statistics / (5 Cr.)Estimation: point estimation, interval estimation, estimation of the mean, the proportion and the variance; Testing : test for the mean, the proportion and the variance; ANOVA : ANOVA with one factor, ANOVA with two factors (without and with repetition).
SLGD606 / Intellectual Propriety Law / (5 Cr.)يهتم هذا المقرر بدراسة الأحكام القانونية للملكية الفكرية ووسائل حماية المبتكرات والاختراعات البشرية بمختلف صورها وأشكالها الفنية أو الأدبية أو العلمية أو التقنية، سواء على الصعيد الوطني أو على المستوى الدولي، وذلك من خلال دراسة الاتفاقات الدولية كاتفاقية منظمة التجارة العالمية (اتفاقية التريبس) والتي أصبح كثير منها مشكلاً لنظم وقواعد قانونية داخلية. كما يشمل دراسة الحقوق الفكرية: حقوق الملكية الصناعية والتجارية, براءات الاختراع والتعريف بها، شروط منح براءات الاختراع، حقوق والتزامات صاحب الاختراع، الحماية القانونية لبراءات الاختراع، تسجيل براءات الاختراع وآثاره، الحماية القانونية للرسوم والنماذج الصناعية، مفهوم العلامات التجارية، عناصر العلامة التجارية، التسجيل، الحقوق الناشئة عن العلامات التجارية، التعريف بالبيانات التجارية وعلامات البضائع، المخالفات المتعلقة بالبيانات التجارية وعلامات البضائع، الأسماء التجارية والحقوق الواردة عليها، وأخيراً دراسة الحقوق الأدبية (حقوق المؤلف).
SLMT406 / Operations Research / (5 Cr.)Operations management often presents complex problems that can be modeled by linear functions. The mathematical technique of linear programming is instrumental in solving a wide range of operations management problems. Some of these techniques are: Graphical method, Simplex method, Duality, transportation method (demand equals supply, demand does not equal supply), PERT, CPM, PERT/COST, Maximal flow, Minimal flow, Minimal spanning tree, and shortest route.
SLCS501 / Introduction to Compilers / (5 Cr.)History of programming Languages. Compiler structure. lexical syntax and semantic analysis. Code generation. Parsing, storage allocation, Optimization techniques.
SLCS502 / Operating Systems / (5 Cr.)Fundamental overview of operating systems. First Quarter: Operating system structures, processes, process synchronization, deadlocks, CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems, secondary storage management. Requires substantial programming projects.
Operating Systems Lab. (Unix) / (1 Cr.)Practice on Windows server: Introduction, Managing user accounts, Security, Active directory, Desktop configuration.
Practice on UNIX: Introduction, Administration, Process management, Text editor, File management, Protection, Utilities, Redirection and pipelines. >, <, >, <, |
SLCS503 / Software Engineering / (5 Cr.)This course describes the basic Software Engineering techniques used to deal with large systems. It describes the process that can be applicable, the way to manage the software team, the planning of the engineering or the reengineering, the risk analysis and management, the project scheduling and tracking, the software quality assurance, the system documentation and the system implementation. The students are expected to complete and implement a simple software project.
SLCS504 / Artificial Intelligence / (5 Cr.)This course explores some of the goals and methods of Artificial Intelligence from its inception to the present day. It provides students with and understanding of the practical applications of Artificial Intelligence, particularly expert systems technology. It emphasizes hands-on experience in both the implementation of expert system shells (e.g. using PROLOG) and the use of systems for information and knowledge engineering (CLIPS) .