Corporation of the Township of Lucan Biddulph

Council Minutes

October 3rd, 2016

The Corporation of the

Township of Lucan Biddulph

Council Minutes

Present: Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson, Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel, Councillor

W. Hall, Councillor D. Manders and Councillor A. Westman.

Also Present: R. Reymer-CAO, L. deBoer-Clerk, D. Kester-Manager of Public Works, J.Boyer-Manager of Park & Recreation and K. Smith.

Call To Order

Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Burghardt-Jesson announced that October is breast cancer awareness month and highlighted the fundraising activities and support programs. She declared Thursday, October 6th, 2016 as Paint the Town Pink Day for Lucan Biddulph in support of breast cancer research.

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Nature Thereof


Delegations & Petitions

Granton Park Committee

B. Forran reviewed the recent accomplishments of the Committee and the amount of money that has been fundraised for the park. The Committee is working on grant applications with the Facilities Manager for the skatepark proposal and discussion arose regarding the funds required for the project.

1/ Minutes

Moved by A. VanGeel

Seconded by D. Manders

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph adopt the Regular Council minutes of September 19th, 2016.


Business Arising


Communications Report

Warden’s Banquet

Members were advised to contact the County Clerk if they are interested in attending the Warden’s Banquet.

Ontario West Annual Conference

The Annual MMAH Conference in London is being held on December 2/2016 and Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel, Councillor W. Hall, R. Reymer and L. deBoer would like to attend.

Farm Credit Forum

R. Reymer noted that the Farm Credit Forum in on December 6/2016 and noted that it is a free event and encouraged Council members to attend.

Committee Reports


Members of the CEDC completed a community exchange with Hagersville to gain feedback on first impressions of each community. Reports of the exchange should be available late November. It was noted that the CEDC would like Council to set aside in reserves any remaining amounts in their budget for future new entrance signs.

Parks & Recreation

The meeting minutes were circulated from the inaugural meeting and J. Boyer noted that the next meeting will consist of a tour of the facilities for the members.

New Business

R. Reymer presented his report on wind turbine fees with comments from the Township’s solicitor. It was recommended that staff bring forward an amendment to the Fees By-law for the next meeting.

L. deBoer provided a summary of the attached by-laws for consideration, announced the date for the Mayor’s Breakfast and provided an update on the 2016 Baconfest budget.

K. Smith presented her report on the Development Changes and noted that staff recently met with BM Ross to look at eligible projects under the Development Charges report.

D. Kester submitted his truck tender report and expects delivery around January 2017. Staff recently met with the LDSCB regarding the possible waterline extension out to Nagle Drive/Roman Line and staff explained that the LDCSB was interested in pursuing this extension regardless of their future plans with St. Patricks School

J. Boyer updated Council on the parking lot fencing at Market Street Park and recent grant applications that he has submitted.


Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson brought forward the proposal from the County of Middlesex to have planning services added to County levy. Mayor Burghardt-Jesson explained that the Township would more than likely be paying less this way versus our current agreement for planning services with the County. Staff will contact the County to discuss further to ensure that the current planner would remain with Lucan Biddulph and that there would be no changes to how the services are delivered.

Councillor D. Manders requested a report from the Treasurer on trends in water, sewer and taxes late payments.

Councillor W. Hall inquired about the recent announcement on green energy and how this will affect the Township’s current applications with QPA. R. Reymer noted that he recently met with QPA Solar and will have an update in November.

Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel noted that he recently received an email from a resident regarding the use of engine brakes on Highway 4 at Sainstbury Line requesting additional signage. D. Kester noted that staff will purchase additional signs and install them in Lucan and Granton. Deputy Mayor VanGeel reported on a recent conference he attended in Blyth.


Moved by A. Westman

Seconded by D. Manders

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph directs staff to submit the following proposed projects for OCIF:

·  Water Main Replacement project including water main replacement on Marlene Street, Langford Drive, Elm Street and Fallon Drive.

·  Road Resurfacing of Whalen Line from Hwy 4 to Hwy 23 (subject to participation from Municipality of South Huron for 50% cost sharing)

·  Road Resurfacing of Coursey Line from Cty Road 7 to William St

·  Road Resurfacing of Coursey Line from McGilllivray Drive to Mooresville Drive.



Moved by A. Westman

Seconded by W. Hall

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph directs staff to submit the following proposed project for CWWF:

·  Granton Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades including the installation of a heating and ventilation system and the replacement of the RBC Filters.


4/ AMP – Dillon Consulting

Moved by A. VanGeel

Seconded by D. Manders

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph approves the Asset Management Plan developed by Dillon Consulting and presented on October 3.2016 for water, sewer, roads, bridges and culverts.


5/ By-law - First, Second and Third Reading

Moved by A. Westman

Seconded by W. Hall

Resolved that if no one cares to speak to these By-laws on their First, Second and Third Reading, that they be considered to have been read a First time and Passed, read a Second time and Passed, read a Third time and Passed, that they be numbered:

·  By-law No. 42-2016 Execution of Agreement (OCIF)

·  By-law No. 43-2016 Confirming

·  ZBL 198-2016 Malcolm Luyten

·  ZBL 199-2016 Removal of H Symbol (Ridge Crossing Phase 1B)


6/ Adjournment

Moved by A. VanGeel

Seconded D. Manders

Resolved that the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:09 p.m.