Items Year 1-December 2015 - June 2016 / Responsible Person / Target Completion Date / Actual Completion Date / Progress Notes, Evidence of Completion
Overall Program
Action Item / Person / Date / Complete / Comments
1 / Identify courses where there is not consistency of implementation of content across instructors and target courses where consistency can be achieved. / Ann and Teneil / 9-Oct-15 / 9-Oct-15 / Needs Assessment
2 / Develop scope and sequence of courses where transition information could be infused into the program. / Ann, Teneil and faculty / 15-Dec-15 / Revised program and coursework.
3 / Develop Snapshot of how the program currently meets competencies as a form of baseline data before grant work begins. / Ann and Teneil / 30-Nov-15 / 15-Dec-15 / Snapshot
4 / Develop a Focus Plan to determine what competencies revisions would potentially address. / Ann and Teneil / 30-Nov-15 / 15-Dec-15 / Focus Plan submitted
5 / Continue to seek out and explore additional resources for coursework adoption / Ann + Keene State partners / Ongoing / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
6 / Meet with instructors to determine possible course revisions and inclusion of transition content and to determine implementation start date. / Ann / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
7 / Development of survey instrument to assess student knowledge and skills in transition based on transition competencies, / Ann and Teneil / Feb, May, and ongoing / Survey developed
8 / Implement survey to SE program students and assess candidate data / Ann and Teneil / Feb, May, and ongoing / Survey data
Proposed Course Revisions
Action Item / Person / Date / Complete / Comments
Course: Educational Testing ED 5190
1 / Meet with Christina to review course requirements and determine if potential revisions. / Ann and Christina / Mid-February / Material reviewed.
2 / Evaluate if Assessment toolkit could be reviewed with teachers so that they have an overall understanding of the types of assessments that are helpful in the transition process. Age appropriate transition assessment toolkit. / Ann and Christina / Mid-April / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
3 / Evaluate if Next Steps website information on how to utilize student interests hobbies, interest surveys and National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center: One possible artifact could be a completed interest survey with a student age 14 and older. / Ann and Christina / Mid-April / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
4 / Determine which assessments are needed for us to purchase and infuse in Ed Testing course to make standardized assessment yield a learning profile that is strengths-based and person centered and gear the standard achievement test and CBM’s transition goal planning. / Ann, Christina and Sarah / Mid-April / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Special Education Law SE 5300
5 / Need for consistency across instructors / Ann, Kelly and Lou / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
6 / Meet with Kelly to discuss the federal law requirements around transition and where that is in the Sped Law course. / Ann, Kelly and Lou / Mid-June / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
7 / Evaluate if Whose future is it anyway?? From OU and resources on transition planning. might be good resources for students to investigate. / Ann, Kelly and Lou / Mid-June / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
8 / Evaluate if a case study on a student and transition issues could be an artifact. / Ann, Kelly and Lou / Mid-June / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Classroom Interventions SE 5400
9 / Need for consistency across instructors / Ann, Kelly and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
10 / Talk with Kelly and Esther about introductory activities around transition. Could be the IRIS module on transition
Challenge questions:
1.) What is secondary transition and why is it important for students with disabilities?
2.) What can school personnel do to help these students in the transition planning process? Next Steps will provide a guide sheet with questions for teachers to answer and then a follow up in-class activity.
or Transition Coalition: Located at the University of Kansas, Center for Research on Learning, the Transition Coalition maximizes professional development focusing on secondary school reform and transition at the national, state, and local levels / Ann, Kelly and Esther / Mid-June / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
11 / Discuss if providing information on EL)'s work-based learning and community-based learning could be added to course so teachers know how to think in terms of adding these options. Next Steps website / Ann, Kelly and Esther / Mid-June / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Technology for Diverse Learners SE 5581
12 / Meet with Ethel and talk with her on the technology aspects of her course and the ties to the transition process and meaningful participation in the school and community environment, as well as supports for independent living. Strengthen these aspects related to transition that are already in place. / Ann and Ethel / Mid-March / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Language and Learning Disabilities SE 5600
13 / Need for consistency across instructors / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
14 / Meet with Esther and discuss how she is working in the area of transition so that some consistency in her class and mine can be obtained. / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
15 / Consider requiring some transition artifacts: Working through the Opening Doors - Self-determination Handbook with a student 14 or older. / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
16 / The IRIS module on Transition for general overview and background and Require the Challenge questions :2.) What can school personnel do to help these students in the transition planning process? And/or using Guide from Keene State with questions and in-class activity follow up. / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Collaboration, Consultation, and Leadership SE 5760
17 / Meet with Marcel. This course currently involves a MAPS assessment with a student and a reflection on that process. Can there be a reflection to tie together Plans Goals and Activities that come from the MAPS process and how it informs the IEP? These could be written into the present level of performance and could be integrated with student's IEP goals / Ann, Marcel and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
18 / Meet with Marcel and Esther to discuss the Next Steps Toolkit of Interagency Collaboration, Candidates. Could teachers complete the page in Life After High School that speaks specifically to collaboration with outside agencies and build a resource list after contacting some of the agencies in their area for additional collaboration for students who might need their services during and after the transition into the community. / Ann, Marcel and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Behavior Disorders SE 5770
19 / Meet with Marcel to get fuller picture of behavior support plan and how this ties into the topic of transition or if these areas could be built on more specifically related to transition. / Ann and Marcel / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Internship SE 5960
20 / Need for consistency across instructors / Ann and Marcel / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
21 / Explore with Marcel how the competencies in transition are currently being addressed and how this area could be strengthened in the Internship. / Ann and Marcel / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Curriculum Development SE 6040
22 / Need for consistency across instructors / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
23 / Meet with Esther and explore how she is currently working with students in the way of writing transition goals into the IEP and having those goals meet indicator 13. / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
24 / Discuss the inclusion of a case study that includes documents (for a student 14 or older) for a HS student in this course and we could build IEP goals related to person-centered planning and transition that meet Indicator 13. / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
Course: Working With Families SE 5765
25 / Need for consistency across instructors / Ann and Esther / Mid-February / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
26 / There are several case studies that highlight transition in this course. One possible current activity would be to expand reflecting on the case study and the need for additional transition coordination and goals to include more of the resources in" Life After High School". How might they use this resource? What actions would they take to ensure better transition planning and outcomes. How would they advocate for the student with the family and HS staff? / Ann and Esther / Mid-June / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
PSU Next Steps Transition Action Plan for Program Improvement
Items Year 2 - June 2016 - June 2017 / Responsible Person / Target Completion Date / Actual Completion Date / Progress Notes, Evidence of Completion
27 / Build an 8th page Transition for the CEC Standards-based Portfolio that includes: (a) IRIS Module on Transition Reflection (b) Assessment for student interests leading to carrier planning and community involvement © Completed Self-determination Handbook for a student 14 or older, (d) Transition Goal writing that meet Indicator 13 (e) ELO resource list and inter-agency services list (f) Family involvement in the transition process case study. Most of these artifacts will be completed in the course of the program but can be collected here has a cohesive unit. The candidate will also write a reflection on their understanding of transition activities and the importance of early person-centered planning. / Ann / Mid-March 2017
PSU Next Steps Transition Action Plan for Program Improvement
Items Year 3 –June 2017 - June 2018 / Responsible Person / Target Completion Date / Actual Completion Date / Progress Notes, Evidence of Completion
When PSU moves to a 2 term system we will have additional time in the Internship (+ 4 weeks). At this point we could build in some requirements specific to transition and have candidates work with a student, building a meaningful transition plan: MAPS, interest survey, self-determination toolkit, working with family, building goals working with GE and SE, meeting indicator 13, developing ELO's in the school and community and building agency partnerships. / Ann and Marcel / 1-Jun-17 / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
OR a January course on transition that both Fall and Spring Interns would take / Ann and Marcel / 1-Jun-17 / Revised syllabi and activities infused into coursework.
The contents of these materials were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, H323A120003. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Corinne Weidenthal.