The Contact Centre Management Group invites you to:


(Johannesburg – June, Cape Town – September, Durban – November)

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 28February 2018

Notification:28March 2018

Reviewers:CCMG Advisory Board members

Send abstracts to:


The Contact Centre Management Group is the Professional Body of the Contact Centre industry in South Africa and constitutes a group of like-minded professionals and organisations that are committed to developing Contact Centre services.

The CCMG promotes and contributes to the professional growth of businesses and professionals within the Contact Centre industry, providing a forum for knowledge sharing and networking to empower and transform its members, while building on service excellence and continuous improvement within the industry.

CCMG represents over 2,006 Contact Centres with22,000 top and middle managers and 10,000 agent level individuals. Members have access to vast Contact Centre knowledge, high quality workshops, the latest tools, technologies and tactics, exposure to top thinkers and the opportunity to interact with Contact Centre peers nationwide,as Qui-Gon Jinn tells Anakin “Your focus determines your reality”.

Find out more about our Galaxy at:


CCMG organizes the most prestigious conferences in South Africa for those professionals who would like to elevate the service they provide to their customers, improve performance and operations while managing people and resources in an optimal way using the latest technology.

With the increased importance of customer satisfaction, loyalty, retention, profitability and the constant (r)evolution of Contact Centres, the CCMG Conferences are vital in providing information and knowledge to succeed in today`s demanding environments.

Our theme for the 2018 national conference is Star Wars: the wisdom, the teachings, the learning, the competition to survive, alliances and the Force – a power that’s all around us, but ultimately in ourselves.

Success in this industry requires life-long learning, keeping up – no, keeping AHEAD of the global Contact Centre space. We have seen the fall of many “Death Stars” during our time: companies that we thought were invincible and indestructible, yet they did not stand the test of time. What did we learn from these experiences?

  • The significance of flexibility, latest technology and the importance of providing exceptional customer service?
  • Did we come to understand that poor management techniques and inadequate team performance can bring an organisation to its knees?
  • Did we learn that like in Star Wars, each and every planet/player in our environment has a different interest and drive and we must acknowledgetheir existence and their will to survive and prosper?
  • Have we noticed the benefit of strategic alliances?

There is just so much to learn, indeed!

The CCMG is interested in showcasing your unique experience, knowledge and expertise to better the skills of its members and welcomes your contribution as a speaker to this exciting national conference in 2018 which will be held in the following venues:

  • Johannesburg, June
  • Cape Town, September
  • Durban, November



People, management and strategy

  • Social media integration
  • Workforce development: motivation, training, retention, job satisfaction, stress management
  • GenerationX and Y within the Contact Centre
  • Leadership, productivity
  • Customer behaviour and trends
  • Customer engagement
  • Winning corporate culture
  • Gamification

Technology and operations

  • Metrics, analysis and interpretation
  • Optimization, KPI`s
  • Omni-channel growth
  • Monitoring quality
  • Artificial Intelligence, bots
  • Upsizing, downsizing, outsourcing, insourcing
  • Time and workflow, CRM management etc. software for Contact Centres
  • Cost centre vs. profit centre
  • The customer journey
  • Working in the cloud
  • How to choose the best equipment, software etc. for your company`s needs?

If you are interested in sharing your expertise with the movers and shakers of the South African Contact Centre arena, please complete the speaker form belowin full and email to:

Conference website:


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 28 February 2018

Notification: 28 March 2018

Please complete the form in full and email to:

Some pointers:

  1. We encourage the use of short (approximately 1 minute) video teasers. Once you have been accepted as a Speaker for the Conference, you can record these with a simple mobile phone) that we can use for the promotion of the conference and your presentation. You can upload them to YouTube and send us the link. Alternatively send the video to .
    We are a tech savvy industry, let`s roll with it!
  2. Additional supporting documentation may be submitted along with the form.
  3. Please submit the speaker picture as an attachment as well as embedded in the form.
  4. Make your presentation as practical as possible.
  5. We would appreciate it if you could build your presentation around our main theme for 2018: Star Wars

Which conference would you like to speak at? (Please underline those events where you would like to present. You can choose more venues):

a)Johannesburg, 2018 June

b)Cape Town, 2018 September

c)Durban, 2018 November

Speaker(s) Name
Job Title or field of expertise
Mobile Telephone Number
Email Address
Presentation Title
Company Name
Company physical Address
Presentation Summary (50-80 words)
Presentation Abstract (400-500 words)
What take-away thoughts will your presentation offer (max 5 bullet points)?
Speaker Bio 1
Speaker Bio 2 (If applicable)
Speaker photo (size max 10cmx10cm, min 150 dpi resolution, jpg or png format, not bigger than 2Mb)
Facebook page
YouTube video teaser link:

Please join us on Facebook for Conference updates and information:

Twitter handle for CCMG conferences in 2018: #CCMGconf2018

The CCMG Conferences and the Annual Awards Gala have excellent sponsorship opportunities tailored to your needs and budget. Find out how we can expose your brand to the crème de la crème of the South African Contact Centre Industry:



308 Kent Avenue,
Tel: 011 438 6590,
Fax: 011 781 3886