The Consumer Council of Zimbabwe (CCZ)

The Consumer Council of Zimbabwe (CCZ) is a registered non-profit making organisation. It is the only consumer watchdog in the country and has a mandate to ensure that consumers are protected and educated on their rights and other consumer issues affecting them. The Consumer Council of Zimbabwe is funded through a government grant awarded to it annually by the government through the Ministry of Industry and International Trade.

Objectives of CCZ

·  To protect consumers

·  To protect manufacturing standards

·  To improve consumer awareness through education

·  To settle disputes between consumers and supplier

·  To make sure that consumer rights are honoured


Function of CCZ

Entail educating the consumers to understand their rights so that they have a degree of self protection and are in a position to influence government policy and law makers to make policy and laws that protect them, monitoring prices and standards of products and providing research service and information among other duties.


As Consumer Council of Zimbabwe we shall strive for a fair deal for our consumers within the marketplace

Mission statement

Consumer Council of Zimbabwe strives to become a visible and highly effective consumer empowerment and protection organisation that unconditionally upholds the interests of all its stakeholders. CCZ shall achieve its mission through the establishment and management of effective networks with fellow consumer organisations worldwide, and through the management of competent and well-motivated staff.

Core values

·  Integrity

·  Transparency and accountability

·  Responsibility and discipline

·  Innovation

·  Assertiveness and commitment

·  Efficiency

Consumer Rights & Responsibilities

Consumers have eight universally accepted rights and it is the job of any consumer organisation to make sure that these rights are honoured

Consumer Rights

1. The right to basic needs
This refers to the right to basic goods and services such as adequate food, health care, sanitation, clothing and health. The right to basic food is synonymous to the right to survive. Consumers of all age groups from infants to the aged should be guaranteed of these basic necessities.
2. The right to Safety
The right to safety calls for protection against marketing of products, production processes and services which are hazardous to health or life.
3. The right to Healthy environment
Consumers also have the right to live in an environment which is neither threatening nor dangerous and which permits a life of dignity and well being.
4. The right to information
The right to be protected against dishonest and misleading advertisements or labelling.
5. The right to choose.
The right to be given the facts and information needed to make informative choices. The right to choose products and services at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfaction in quality.
6. The right to be heard
The right to be heard involves the right to be represented so that consumer's interests receive full and sympathetic consideration in the formulation and execution of social and economic polices.
7.The right to redress
The right to redress entails the right to be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods and unsatisfactory services.
8. The right to consumer education
The right to consumer education entails the right to acquire knowledge and so as to be an informed consumer in life.
Consumer Responsibilities
For a member of the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe to fully serve himself/herself and the community, he/she has to accept the accompanying responsibilities in establishing a conducive environment to fair trade. Consumers have responsibilities to meet and these are :
1. Critical Awareness
This refers to the responsibility of being inquisitive and questioning about the availability, price and quality of goods and services we use. Consumption decisions should not be self centred, but rational and sensible.
2. Action
The responsibility to assert ourselves act to ensure that we get a fair deal in the market place. As long as we remain passive consumers, we will continue to be exploited.
3. Environmental Awareness
This refers to the responsibility to understand the environmental consequences of our consumption and actions. We should recognise our individual and social responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect the earth for future generations.
4. Social Concern
This is the responsibility to be aware of the impact of our consumption on other citizens, especially disadvantaged and powerless groups whether in local , regional, international.
5. Solidarity
This means the responsibility of the consumer to organise themselves into powerful groups and develop the strength and influence to protect and promote their interests.

Laws lobbing for consumers in Zimbabwe:

·  Small Claims Court Act, 1992 - mostly accessible to low income and middle income groups who can not afford legal representation.

·  Consumer Contract Act, 1994 - which protects consumers against unfair contracts.

·  Patients Charter- which seeks to create an environment of mutual understanding, participation and humane treatment of patients.

·  Competition Act, 1996 - encourages and promotes fair competition in all sectors of the economy.

·  Class Action Act, Chapter 8:17 -which makes provision for consumers to jointly seek legal redress.

The Council conducts surveys on various products and services, thus providing research based information and also unearthing business malpractices. In its efforts to watch the price trends, the CCZ also conduct monthly shopping baskets which are made available to our members.