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The Constitution of theschool of Health and Rehabilitation SciencesStudent Council
Article I – Name
Section 1: Identification
A)This student body shall be known as The Student Council of The School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The Ohio State University.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1: Principle
A)The Student Council shall plan, promote, and maintain programs compatible with the academic, social, and needs of the premajor, undergraduate, and graduate students enrolled in the school. The council shall be an elected body and represent all students of SHRS. In addition, the council will promote the growth toward establishing interpersonal and interdisciplinary relationships.
Article III – Powers
Section 1: Powers of SHRS Student Council
A)Presentation of student activity events and student recommendations to the faculty and administration through:
- Representation at Executive committee meetings. Either the President or the Vice-President shall attend the Division Director’s meetings when invited and with approval of the Director of the school of these meetings.
- The President, Vice-President, or an appointed representative should be present at all Alumni Society meetings.
- Student Representatives shall be appointed as deemed necessary to appropriate SHRS committees (student services, curriculum committee, honors and research committee) within the school.
B)The council shall be responsible for the planning of the SHRS Precommencement (Graduation) Ceremony to be held at the end of spring term and shall work in conjunction with the faculty and administration of the school in doing so.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1: Introduction to Leaders
A)The SHRS Student Council shall consist of four executive officers and four chairpersons: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Social Chair, Community Service Chair, and Elections/Public Relations Chair.
B)Any officer/chairperson may form a subcommittee when deemed appropriate to aid in events.
C)Representatives are invited to apply from each division, as nominated by division directors. No person can be both a division representative and executive officer/chairperson at the same time.
D)An alternative representative from each division shall have one voice without vote. If the primary representative of the division is absent, the alternate shall have voting privileges.
Section 2: Participation Rights
A)All premajor, undergraduate, and graduate students that are enrolled in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences are eligible to be members of the SHRS Student Council and are encouraged to attend the semester’s meetings/events.
B)If a member conducts himself or herself in such a manner deemed detrimental to advancing the purpose of this organization or is in violation of the OSU Student Code of Conduct, they can be removed through a majority vote of the officers, with the consultation of the advisor. In the event of a tie amongst the 8 board members the decision lies with the president in consultation of the advisor.
Section 3: Non-Discrimination Pledge
A)No student shall be denied membership in this organization because of his or her race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, political views, sexual orientation, or handicap.
Article V – Duties
Section 1 – Executive Officers and Chairpersons:
A)President – The President shall call and preside over all executive and council meetings; direct the group on its activities and in carrying out its objectives; represent the council, when necessary, in all affairs affecting the council; and in general, act as Chief Executive Officer of the council. During autumn term, the President will be responsible for registering Student Council as an organization with the University Student Activities Office and update the constitution.
B)Vice President – The Vice President shall act as the President in his/her absence and shall assume specific committee activity assignments during the school year. The Vice President will serve as the chair of the Student Council SHRS Pre-Commencement Ceremony.
C)Secretary – The Secretary shall answer, report, and keep a file on all correspondence to and from the council; post meeting agendas; record attendance; and record, report and post meeting minutes.
D)Treasurer – The Treasurer shall maintain current financial records of all funds allocated to the council, generated by council projects, and financial disbursements made on behalf of the council. He/she will arrange, when appropriate and/or required, an audit of financial records. The Treasurer will provide the University Student Activities Office with an accurate report of all financial matters related to the student council. Also, the treasurer will apply for, if appropriate, during spring term, student allocation fund disbursement to SHRS Student Council for the following academic year.
E)Fundraising Chair – The Fundraising Chair shall be responsible for organizing, coordinating, and implementing a minimum of two projects per semester to help meet the financial needs of the Student Council. He/she shall coordinate with local businesses and organizations to help raise this support.
F)Social Chair – The Social Chair shall be in charge of providing activities that promote socialization and interdisciplinary/interpersonal relationships through the planning of functions for the students. He/she shall plan at least two communal events per semester and will be allocated a budgeted fund for these events. These events can range from on-campus to local Columbus socials that provide an outlet for students to connect to one another.
G)Community Service Chair – The Community Service chair oversees and plans a minimum of two humanitarian service projects for the community per semester. He/she shall work to involve the school and members of the council in at least two community service activities per semester that shall be on/near campus. These service activities should pertain to the health care field or other aspects that will better the community.
H)Elections/Public Relations Chair – The Elections/Public Relations chair shall be responsible for election planning in the late fall/early spring, as well as helping with publicity throughout the year. This chairperson’s duties involve, but are not limited to, making posters, flyers, and any other means of publicizing events, fundraisers, and activities of the council.The Elections/PR chair will also maintain a monthly calendar on the student council’s bulletin board/web site and social media sites displaying the events and activities of the SHRS Student Council.
Section 2 – Member Duties
A)All active members of SHRS Student Council are encouraged to attend routine meetings, as well as fundraising, social, and community service events each term. Seeking further involvement is strongly advised, as well as seeking a future position as an executive officer or chairperson.
Section 4 – Division Representatives
A)The division representatives will present proposals from his/her division/program to the Student Council, and report meeting events and announcements to his/her division classmates and faculty members. The representatives shall attend all Student Council meetings or send an alternate. If neither representative can attend, then the primary representative must contact the president prior to the next meeting. The council will contact divisions consistently unrepresented. Following this course of action, a new alternate representative will promptly be chosen by a process deemed appropriate by the division director.
A) Division representatives as well as all active members may submit proposals from his/her division, program, or organization to student council, as well as report meeting events and announcements to his/her division and faculty. The representative is the voting member for his/her division/program.
Article VI – Elections
Section 1 – Elections
A)The Elections/Public Relations chair will be responsible for Student Council elections.
B)Elections are held for the Executive Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and Chairs (Fundraising, Social, Community Service, and Elections/PR).
C)Elections will be held and Board members for the following year will be selected by the end of February.
Section 2 – Eligibility
A)Executive Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) and Chairpersons (Fundraising, Social, Community Service, and Elections/PR)
- Must be a full time major student enrolled in an undergraduate/graduate division/program in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.
- Submission of a “Letter of Intent”. This letter should include a brief statement summarizing personal qualities, past experiences and applicable skills that enable the candidate to competently fulfill the executive position of interest.
- Maintain an academic standing of at least a 2.2 (3.0 if a graduate student) overall GPA, as required by The School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences to remain in good standing.
- All Executive Officers and Chairpersons shall sign a Statement of Responsibility to promote participation and foster accountability among the leaders of Student Council (See Statement of Responsibility)
B)Divisional Representatives
- Full time students in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.
- Currently enrolled in the division in which he/she will be representing.
- Must maintain an academic standing of at least a 2.2 (3.0 if graduate student) overall GPA.
- Specific nomination, attendance, and responsibility policies will not be mandated by Student Council, but rather made by the individual divisions/programs by the start of fall term.
Section 3 – Election Process of Executive Officers and Chairs
A)Upon the reception of the candidate’s letter of intent, the Elections/Public Relations Chair will create a candidate ballot that will become available to all accepted SHRS students to allow the students to be knowledgeable about each candidate. Candidates will attend and speak at a designated election meeting (all SHRS students and board members are invited to this meeting, which function to avail students and board members to each candidate). Ballots shall be made available to all students following the election meeting for a designated amount of hours/days decided by the Elections / PR Chairperson.
Section 4 – Announcement of Results
A)The Elections/Public Relations Chairperson shall announce election results. The results should be presented to the divisional directors by memorandum and to the student, faculty, and staff of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences via e-mails, student council website and student council announcement board.
Article VII – Removal and Resignation
Section 1- Removal from Office
A)If an officer or chairperson should fail to perform his or her duties and/or if a member conducts himself or herself in such a manner deemed detrimental to advancing the purpose of this organization or is in violation of the OSU Student Code of Conduct they may be removed from their position. Removal requires a unanimous vote of the remaining board members under consultation of the advisor. Removal from office is the last resort and should only be used after both a verbal warning and written notification from the advisor.
B)The responsibilities of the dismissed board member will fall upon the remaining board members for the remainder of the year.
Section 2: Letter of Resignation
A)If for any reason an executive officer or chairperson feels he/she is unable to serve on the board and has given it significant thought, he/she may submit a letter of resignation to the advisor to formally resign from his/her position.
B) Appointing a new officer/chairperson shall be done immediately following resignation. The process shall be voted on by the current executive officers and chairpersons to fit the need of the situation. The officers and chairpersons shall vote the new board member into office for a more expeditious transition.
Article VIII – Advisor
Section 1: Advisor Responsibilities
A)The advisor to this organization shall be on the staff of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and will be selected by the Student Committee of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.
Article IX – Meetings
Section 1: Attendees
A)Meetings of the SHRS Student Council shall be open to any premajor, undergraduate and graduate student or faculty affiliated with the school or guests of members who are not directly affiliated with the school.
Section 2: Meeting Times
A)No less than one board and general meeting shall be held each semester. Any Executive Officer, Chairperson, or a two-thirds majority of the members may call additional/special meetings.
Article X – Amendment
Section 1: Making an Amendment
A)Amendments to the SHRS Student Council Constitution must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the SHRS Student Council voting representatives. Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing to the SHRS Student Council, and will be available for voting at the next general meeting. Upon approval, the amendment(s) shall go into effect directly thereafter unless otherwise stated.
Article XI – Dissolution
Section 1: Dissolution Process
A)This organization may be dissolved after dissolution is approved by the officers and by a two-thirds majority vote of its voting representatives, provided that notice of a vote on dissolution is furnished to the members at least sixty days prior to the vote.
Section 2: Asset Dispersal
A)Upon voting for dissolution, the voting representatives will vote on the allocation of any assets to any charitable organization of the council’s choice.
B)Article XII
Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order
A)The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order should be used to govern the meetings of SAMP Student Council.
Spring 2017Revision
Fall 2017 Revision
Revised By:
Fall 2017
Jensen LeJeune
Zach Schroeder
Alexa Magner
Ayrin Mason
Meghan Linz
Elizabeth Beattey
Lisa Terek, Advisor
Respiratory Therapy, Health Sciences, Athletic Training
Fall 2017